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FBHW-ism's That You Say On A Daily Basis

I just wanted to throw this topic out there for all the loyal listeners of the show. I know since listening to the show when they arrived in GR 4 years ago, I have now described any awful thing as being "devestating" or letting out a "damnit" in anger. Even when I see the word "knave" or "nieve", I hear the HW's tribute song. So the floor is open and let's see if we can get this topic rolling.
I call my cat a "dumb slut" every time I walk in the door. Big Grin
When my GF makes me watch BRAVO I always say -"Ya sound like a gay"

Then when we fight about watching BRAVO I say - "I DON'T KNOW WHAT WE'RE YELLING
I have ALOT of Zane moments.. for example, i'll get frustrated and yell "F! Mother F-er, or A-hole!" or some sore of Zane type non swear lol. "Assey" is a good word too. I use that quite frequently. I also quote random drops. I can't think of any off hand, because there are just so many, and they are so damn funny! Plus I haven't had enough coffee yet Smile
I've started yelling Zane's "son of a bitch!" whenever something effs up or I make a mistake.
HotWings "that's unfortunate"
I've picked up the "whatever you do's", trunkated curse words, "devastating", "fantastic", and "everyone's talking about that."
Another one.. I actually said to my friend the other day "It's fun to do bad things" and I then said I wanted to do "hood rat" things with my friends. LOL oh and the "Whaa I'm sad about stuff" whenever someone whines and complains. Gotta bust that one out! It's coming back to me Smile
My boyfriend and I say the Chris Farley drop "BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH" when we find something boring, and I've come to use Zane's "Mothereffer!" even more than the actual swear word.
"Mothereffer" tends to come out a lot!
Plus, Lisa's in Maine, so I'm sure "bonging up" and "potting down" are quite common topics of discussion for her.
I regularly call people mingers, point out snaggle-teeth, and use truncated swear words like F and S.
I say minger a lot and everytime my wife does something stupid I give her a big "DUH-DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"
Lots of mfers, DAMMITS, and the like. My husband and I have picked up the "what ever you do" line and of course, look at my user name . . . LOL!!
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
Also, a few weeks ago we adopted "WOW!" and "Good morning!"
Has to be "It's not my favorite thing" without a doubt.
Having kids make it that much more fun.
Mothereffer, and dumb slut tend to come out alot. My wife doesnt appreciate the latter though.
I used to swear all the time, now I always say "ef" "es" and I think it is funnier than saying the whole word. And "I like drinking" and "I like turtles".
I used to HATE when Freebeer would say "That's for sure"
Now I say it on a daily basis. Dammit. It's just so useful for conversation.
The other day there was a pause in the conversation, so I said "Take a break. This ISSSS the Free Beer and Hot Wings Show."
Oh yeah. Sometimes when people are talking and I disagree or they say something inappropriate or stupid, I'll say "Nope" while they are talking.
I say "Balls" a lot too
I say "Balls" way too much. In any 5 minutes of conversation with me you'll hear it.
Windowlicker. Dumb slut. Minger. A-hole. I know it's from a while back but Arnold's "Stop whining." Plenty more that only listeners can enjoy.
That's what she said.
Well since I started to listen to the show over 2 years ago. While it's not persay a Free-Beerism though I have word scrambled because of him several times.

It would be "Whatever you do, keep doing that" Whatever the thing that person is doing is.
I have a bad habit of quoting bits, like, "gay gay gay gay gay gay gay!" and A-hole is in my daily vocabulary now. OH and I do occasionally say "Balls."
HAHA Word scrambles - I was out playing with one of our dogs once, and I was showing my wife how overzealously he was jumping to catch the ball as I threw it.

Anyway, suffice it to say, "Look what happens when I kick the foot with my ball" actually came out of my mouth.
At work when I get in trouble I say
Wiener Poopie 2.0! Now fatter and less credible!
for some reason, ez's f-you wallet has been adapted into the catchphrase for me and my husband... we frequently tell each other "f you and your wallet." we keep the abbreviation of course, because any longtime listener to the show can only say bitch, slut, ass, and hell. everything else comes out as m-er f-er, gd, bs, "c, rhymes with runt/sock"...
I call a lady down the street from me "ugly bitch", cause trust me she is ugly and quite the bitch.
I tell my co worker to "go back to his home on whore island" and to "put his whore makeup on you whore"

Plus whenever someone is crying or something like that my first thought it "wahhh I 'm sad about stuff"
I say MerFer at times. There are many more I know. How sad lol.
Occasionally, I find myself greeting others with kabooby. And I use a lot of dumb sluts when I am pissed at objects.
I have been saying HOLY COW alot..And i reference alot of drops..i saw a bumper sticker the other day the said "Have you hugged a nurse today?" and we all know what drop I was thinking of.
My wife watches the show Intervention on tv, and always gets teary-eyed during it. When I see that her eyes are all watery I spout off a :'("Whaaaaa, I'm sad about stuff" :'(

She's also a fan of FB&HW
im CONSTANTLY quoting drops.... "hey guys, how are you" is a fav...and "gay gay gay gay".....i've also found myself cutting all my swearing down to letters and trunkated words cuz thats what they say....god i love this show haha
I use Free Beer's replacement phrase all the time - e.g. "That was enjoyable and interesting, except replace enjoyable with painful and interesting with boring"
Calling women "Squish" - and boy does my wife hate it!!
Because of Zane, I started using truncated swear words to keep from swearing in front of my 2-year-olds.
Window lickers and mouth breathers are used often
I just caught myself earlier today greeting my co-workers with a "how's it goin' everybody!"

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