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No I Will Not Sell My Land Rover
It is only worth $7000, why would I want to lose that much money?? Idiots!
Fine thats your decision to make but when push comes to shove and you need that income don't be ignorant and refuse to use it.
yea selling it would be a short term solution. lets say she did get 7K for it, that money is going to run out, then she wont have a car. if she sold it for 7K and got a new car for say 2K, I dont think its worth it.
Personally, if I were in your shoes I'd dump the Rover and get something less expensive to drive. I wouldn't care if I could only get $7000, with the way gas prices are going, I wouldn't be able to get even that much later on.
I could see it if she had a payment, but its paid off
The emailer said it best - public assistance should be a last resort. Once you've exhausted all of your avenues yourself, then you can rely on everyone else to support you.
How about the thousands of people that I have supported with my job? I'm due.....
What about them? I support them as well, but I don't feel I'm owed anything. You can do anything you want in this country. Go do it. Need more money? Get another job or provide a good/service. No one is OWED anything.
I was on your side until you claimed that you were "due".
people need to stop living outside of their income. If you cant afford it, dont buy it/own it. Sell the fricken land rover b/c for one you shouldnt be able to afford gas, and someone on government aid shouldnt own a land rover. My tax dollars are paying you so you can keep your suv? what a ripoff
Sorry... you are correct. I am not 'due' anything. However, if my family needs a little help until my husband gets another job, I don't see a problem with that. WIC provides formula, juice and peanut butter, milk and eggs. That's it. Not lobster and steak. Not Coke or Pepsi. Really we would like insurance, but are quite happy to just get some help with formula.
How many jobs are you working, Katie? How many hours is your husband picking up at McDonalds to assist in some of the bill paying while he looks for a new job?
if its necessity for short-term i think its ok, when people mooch off of the government long term when they have no immediate need i.e. lexus lady with fur coat? thats what pisses me off
I agree that short term, when all other avenues have been explored, it should be available. But not just because it's easier or more convenient than making some sacrifices.
yeah, what angers me is that nobody has any respect for hard work anymore. I for one would rather start out with nothing and work my A off to make my self something, some of these people would rather spawn off the government just to survive? disgusting
Kaboobie - it's no different than when you go to the store and there's a cheerleading squad outside asking for handouts. Kids are being bred to believe that when you need money, someone will step up to give it to you.

I will donate to just about any charity or group if they're doing a car wash, having a bake sale, etc....but to stand there with your open palm asking for help is disgusting.

Almost EVERYONE will be qualified for a paper route.
i totally agree with you, people would rather ask for money than work for it. So many lazy people. If you cant afford to live, get another job. I hate that my tax dollars are going to help people that live in their parents basements and expect the government to give them money. STUPID
im only 18, and ive had a job since i was 15. Granted my parents are business owners and I have college paid for.. But im working hard so i can pay for myself and become independent. People have become way too dependent on the government, thats why we need a die hard conservative to cut programs like this. If you need money get a job, or two. I dont care if its a disgusting job picking fruit.
Just to let you know again, I at one time thought it was horrible, people taking advantage of the state, etc... so I see where some of you are coming from. But again, the car is paid off and it fits the family and all the things we travel with. We are on WIC which is very specific on what we can buy and it is ONLY baby formula, baby cereal and baby juice. I was so scared when we realized that we wouldn't have money coming in, but was so grateful when someone told me about WIC. We had applied for other programs, but they do look at everything you own and assets/savings/ etc that you have so we didn't qualify for anything else. I only want help for these babies - there is no insurance right now either, and that is scary. We do have savings but a hospital stay for someone could wipe that out. Is that what some of you want? For us to deplete our savings and then we would 'really' deserve it? My husband and I have worked too so we have 'paid for other people' as some of you put it. It costs $400 a week for twin daycare. Again, until you are in this situation, please try not to be so harsh. We HAVE downsized and sold some things, we are not stupid. I know I have to do what is best for my family.
This is the problem with this discussion. As soon as you explain to someone why they've got other options, it turns into an emotional debate about why we hate your children.

Katie, no one wishes ill will on your family. We just believe that you and your husband, as capable individuals with a vested interest in your children's health and happiness, can probably provide much more than the government will ever provide. Once you realize that, you'll see how much more you'll be able to accomplish.

Life is tough. But when I get slapped in the nuts with say, a vehicle repair or a house issue, I don't turn to the taxpayers for help. I nut up and either find a way to reduce my expenses or increase my income. Relying on everyone else is never an option for me.
and i will not sell my explorer
Wiener Poopie 2.0! Now fatter and less credible!
IMO, if you have two cars, a house, internet, and other material things... you don't need government help. You do what you need to do to get by, and there isn't any excuse to go on WIC if you own shit like that. I'm sorry, there just isn't any way around the truth.
I heard someone say once, "If I've gotta be poor, I want to be poor in the United States." I thought it was rather profound.
That's because "poor" in the US is hardly poor compared to a large portion of the world. Don't get me wrong, it still sucks, but it sucks way less.
Pretty much my point.
hotzester Wrote:I heard someone say once, "If I've gotta be poor, I want to be poor in the United States." I thought it was rather profound.

if your poor in Michigan you can get food stamps for as long as you need them.
Wiener Poopie 2.0! Now fatter and less credible!
thats the problem. People get food and assistance from the government and have no motive to actually work for themselves
I think programs like WIC and the Food stamp program are needed, but they should be monitored somehow. It seriously makes me mad when people take advantage of an otherwise good program. Do some work for God's sake.
They should be, as Zane said, privatized. As soon as the government gets involved, it gets overcomplicated and wasteful.
mermantiger Wrote:I think programs like WIC and the Food stamp program are needed, but they should be monitored somehow. It seriously makes me mad when people take advantage of an otherwise good program. Do some work for God's sake.

Yeah like the new thing were they buy soda with food stamps, empty them, and return them for the deposit. Then spend the money on cigs and beer.
Wiener Poopie 2.0! Now fatter and less credible!
That's the worst math, ever. You'd have to return WAY too many bottles to get enough cash for cigarettes and beer. There's no way that public assistance allows you to get THAT MUCH soda.
My roommate is pretty much an anarchist, and he always jokes about applying for food stamps and using them to buy a $317 block of cheese at Meijer (yes, they do have a $317 bloc of cheese.)
hotzester Wrote:That's the worst math, ever. You'd have to return WAY too many bottles to get enough cash for cigarettes and beer. There's no way that public assistance allows you to get THAT MUCH soda.

its 10 cents in michigan
Wiener Poopie 2.0! Now fatter and less credible!
So your roommate is an anarchist, but an anarchist who wants to go on a government program.

Methinks maybe he should buy a dictionary before committing to anything else.
That's why it's a joke. See the part where I said "he always jokes"?
What's funnier is spending $317 for a cheese at a SUPERMARKET!

And weinerpoopie - ten cents or not, say you spend ten bucks for cheap beer, you need 100 bottles of soda to pay for your beer, not including deposit or tax. There's no way you can buy 100 sodas with food stamps.
hotzester Wrote:What's funnier is spending $317 for a cheese at a SUPERMARKET!

And weinerpoopie - ten cents or not, say you spend ten bucks for cheap beer, you need 100 bottles of soda to pay for your beer, not including deposit or tax. There's no way you can buy 100 sodas with food stamps.

you buy a 12pak that is $1.20 a 40oz of crap beer is like $1 plus deposit, thats what they do.
Wiener Poopie 2.0! Now fatter and less credible!
Oh yeah, I never even thought about a 40...shows where I'm coming from. lol
hotzester Wrote:What's funnier is spending $317 for a cheese at a SUPERMARKET!
Definitely. It would be way funnier if it was at Wal*Mart, but they don't have anything worth more than $3.17 in value, so that would be difficult.
I like a good cheese, don't get me wrong, but unless it washes the boat or walks the dog, I'm probably not going to spend $317 on it.

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