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9/11 Truth!
Fistor Wrote:
hotsauce Wrote:I would like everyone to know that they did find WMD's in Iraq. so Bush did not lie.

Uranium is not a WMD.


This material was found 15 years ago by UN inspectors and is now being shipped out because they finally got a buyer - Canada.

Here's an interesting article addressing those who would claim that the "discovery" of already-known non-weapons grade uranium means Bush was right about the existence of WMD in Iraq:;jsessio...aryId=6791

You laugh at me saying i get news from rush, while you are reading open left? I mine as well post up some rush articles on here as evidence. Expect me to disregard that article and everything said unless you can find something from a less biased source.
shaggytheclown17 Wrote:
Fistor Wrote:Curious, how old are you? How did you first come to have these beliefs regarding 9/11?

Eh, I'm 18 but nevermind, I'm tierd of dealing with pro Bush people, they can join the army and die with all the rest of those buttholes.

By calling the military "buttholes" you officially deserve to be disregarded and ignored on any political thread. You obviously don't care about this country and are anti-american.
kaboobie92 Wrote:
Fistor Wrote:Uranium is not a WMD.


This material was found 15 years ago by UN inspectors and is now being shipped out because they finally got a buyer - Canada.

Here's an interesting article addressing those who would claim that the "discovery" of already-known non-weapons grade uranium means Bush was right about the existence of WMD in Iraq:;jsessio...aryId=6791

You laugh at me saying i get news from rush, while you are reading open left? I mine as well post up some rush articles on here as evidence. Expect me to disregard that article and everything said unless you can find something from a less biased source.

I just thought the article was funny. I didn't post it to use as evidence of anything.

Do I really need to point you to an article to prove that uranium is not a WMD?
Fistor Wrote:
kaboobie92 Wrote:fistor,
You laugh at me saying i get news from rush, while you are reading open left? I mine as well post up some rush articles on here as evidence. Expect me to disregard that article and everything said unless you can find something from a less biased source.

I just thought the article was funny. I didn't post it to use as evidence of anything.

Do I really need to point you to an article to prove that uranium is not a WMD?

Yes, you do (for him not me)
Wiener Poopie 2.0! Now fatter and less credible!

You all should check this film out. It is about wives of some victims of 9/11 searching for an answer. They didn't go into it looking for conspiracy and they didn't have a political bias. They just wanted a bit of closure. What they found shocked the s out of me.

I'm not saying I believe there were bombs in the buildings, but the information they discovered chilling. That information includes the "9/11 Commission", in which the people on that board (which G-Dub appointed) don't believe the all information in that publication, not too mention the strange occurrences that surround the investigation.

Check it out.
wienerpoopie Wrote:
Fistor Wrote:I just thought the article was funny. I didn't post it to use as evidence of anything.

Do I really need to point you to an article to prove that uranium is not a WMD?

Yes, you do (for him not me)

To quote from the same article that was posted as "evidence" of the finding of WMDs in Iraq:

Quote:While yellowcake alone is not considered potent enough for a so-called "dirty bomb" - a conventional explosive that disperses radioactive material - it could stir widespread panic if incorporated in a blast. Yellowcake also can be enriched for use in reactors and, at higher levels, nuclear weapons using sophisticated equipment.
Nice Hatchet Head, stick it to them crazies!
Wiener Poopie 2.0! Now fatter and less credible!
ratrad Wrote:

You all should check this film out. It is about wives of some victims of 9/11 searching for an answer. They didn't go into it looking for conspiracy and they didn't have a political bias. They just wanted a bit of closure. What they found shocked the s out of me.

I'm not saying I believe there were bombs in the buildings, but the information they discovered chilling. That information includes the "9/11 Commission", in which the people on that board (which G-Dub appointed) don't believe the all information in that publication, not too mention the strange occurrences that surround the investigation.

Check it out.

I will, when I renew my Netflix subscription. I'm guessing they uncovered the fact that there was plently of evidence of an impending attack, and we sat on our hands. Am I close?
shaggytheclown17 Wrote:Just want to let everyone know that I'm pretty serious about the 9/11 truth movement n I'm gonna let you guys discuss it.

heres a good 9/11 truth website for anyone who deosn't know what it is-


Hey why don't you watch South Park Episode 1009. It's called the mystery of the urinal duce. they will tell you the real truth on 911 you weird Mother effer!

Pretty much a bunch of pissed off muslims were responsible for 911

WTC 7 bulding collapse mystery solved.

Eat it it with a bag of dicks.
Still believing a 9/11 conspiracy theory? That's lame. If you know anything about top secret information, you would know that one of the most important aspects is limiting the number of people with access to a particular piece of information. How exactly do you plan something like 9-11 that is so complex and keep all but a small number of people out of the loop?
On explosions, When did they put these precision munitions in the WTC? Do you realize the rediculous amount of planning and time needed to perform such a task? Or the number of people needed to work on the project? They are all keeping quiet? Just think about it rationally. If you are objective you will realize how bogus and lacking the conspiracy theories are.
flyersfantn Wrote:UPDATE:

WTC 7 bulding collapse mystery solved.

Eat it it with a bag of dicks.

The first word of this article is "federal". That is all these idiots need to dismiss the all the words after that come after the first one. To them, any information that comes from the government is "disinformation" (when it doesn't support their point, of course).

Fortunately, though, belief in this ridiculous conspiracy theory seems to be dying down so that only the true lunatics remain (see Shaggy). Unfortunately these mouth-breathers believed in this garbage long enough to make douchebags like Dylan Avery and Alex Jones rich for inventing lies about the deaths of thousands of innocent Americans.
Im don
Wiener Poopie 2.0! Now fatter and less credible!
[quote="wienerpoopie"]Im don
[quote="wienerpoopie"]Im don
Wiener Poopie 2.0! Now fatter and less credible!
wienerpoopie Wrote:[Image: chill-pill.jpg]

Sorry, I wasn't trying to insult you. I thought you were looking for some evidence against the "facts" presented by the video.
Fistor Wrote:
wienerpoopie Wrote:[Image: chill-pill.jpg]

Sorry, I wasn't trying to insult you. I thought you were looking for some evidence against the "facts" presented by the video.

I was and you did a great job, as I read it did seem disdainful but that was probably just how I read it.
Wiener Poopie 2.0! Now fatter and less credible!
wienerpoopie Wrote:I was and you did a great job, as I read it did seem disdainful but that was probably just how I read it.

It was disdainful, but only toward the makers of the video. I believe there is a special place in hell for these pricks.

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