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Stupid Hippie Chicks Deserve Punishment.
Are you employed visigoth56? I would hope so being 28 years old.

Anyhoo, so your employer tells you to stand outside the door to his office and not, under any circumstances, to let anybody in. What are you going to do? I tell you what you are going to do, everything in your power to stop anybody from getting by you. Just because you are not armed with a baton and mace doesn't mean you won't resort to another kind of damaging defensive measures.

Police officers are employees of the local, county or state government. They are told to do something and they do everything in their power to carry out those orders. However, they have to do so while surrounded by criminals and while being disrespected by scum like you. I work for a law firm that defends police officers and municipalities and used to work for a firm that represented the Department of Corrections. These officers, wardens and guards get sued for the stupidest shit. "Oh my gosh, I got hit by a speeding police car on a chase at 2 in the morning because my stupid ass was wandering drunk in the street. I'm suing them for umpteen million dollars." Christ, who are those idiots. I'd ponder a guess and say they are probably related to you.

I don't understand what is so effin complicated about it.
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
visigoth56 Wrote:
Bo Nerdasuck Wrote:[quote author=potthole board=general thread=1676 post=33689 time=1220563468]

I was reading every post and I'm stopping at this one because you're leaning the direction I am on this one.

Listen, the ass bag martyr that started this thread doesn't realize that cops are put into bad situations all the time. Just because flower lady doesn't look like she's about to do something to them doesn't mean she COULDN'T HAVE.

You're on the FB&HW forum, the same guys who said "if you don't want to be shot by the cops, then don't be running around with guns at 2am!" (paraphrased)

You PUT yourself in those stupid ass situations then YES, something will happen to you. I have yet to be peppered sprayed because I understand some simple principals of life.

Doesn't matter what you're waiving...just don't do it.

Otherwise I suppose robbers should just walk around with flowers...

I see.

I don't think there's really much sense discussing the point. Because, ya know, you're pussies.

If you ever decide to, like, stop being pussies, let me know.

Because a pussy gives up freedom for security, and tells me the wisdom of sacrificing my rights because if I don't the police will punish me. They'll tell me the police have a right to punish me. Not for actually breaking any laws, or even doing anything wrong... but effectively because the police felt like it.

Pussies who tip toe around the angry step parent becauseif they don't stay out of his way they'll get a beating they presumably deserve because... well.. the angry step parent says they do.


There's really no arguing with that kind of weakness.

But really, I suppose it's a benefit.

A much wiser man than I said that it is better to have a weak man as an enemy than as a friend.

And you don't get much weaker than adults who stand up for the rights of the authority to gas teenager girls in the face "so they can feel secure".

This idiot just started his account yesterday and already has -5 Karma...apparently, people don't like what you have to say.

What I don't understand is where you get the idea of "giving up freedom for security." seems to be your MAJOR point.

I simply don't get your view. How do you add 2 and 2 and get 5? What freedom did the flower lady give up? They both have rights, the police (because whether you like it or not they're humans) and the flower girl.

The girl was free to do what she wanted, it just so happens with certain freedoms come certain consequences.

On your premise we have no freedom because we can't just go and kill everyone we see.

Just dumb.

Oh, one last thing, only a true pussy taunts on the internet. Fighting on the internet is like running in the special olympics, even if you win you're still retarded.
I'm done trying to debate with him. It's useless. He can go on thinking that the big bad wolf is going to get him. I'm going to go get a beer and eat some volcano tacos.
potthole Wrote:I'm done trying to debate with him. It's useless. He can go on thinking that the big bad wolf is going to get him. I'm going to go get a beer and eat some volcano tacos.

With you brother. Gonna try those tacos soon. Got to see if my head starts sweating or if Biff is just a big vaj. However, tonight I am going to join you on the beer but, it will be the Bonefish grill for me.

I watched that video right before the chick with the flower...So Im glad she got maced. Smile at the fact it wasnt a baton across her skull.
She should not have been sprayed a second time. After being sprayed once, and continuing her failure to comply, she should have gotten a night stick to the skull. I'll bet she'd have thought about complying then. Stupid Hippie !
tl33 Wrote:She should not have been sprayed a second time. After being sprayed once, and continuing her failure to comply, she should have gotten a night stick to the skull. I'll bet she'd have thought about complying then. Stupid Hippie !

good first post.

was the spraying of the mace reasonable though? was she really a big enough threat to spray her twice? i'm not sure i know of a better way to deal with a protester, but i can't imagine a reasonable person would react that way.
The video made me laugh because I would like to mace some hippies who I work with. However, the storm trooper cops who chose to mace some defenseless hippie just because they were itching for violence should not be in a position of power. I guarantee you that pig got beat up in High School.

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