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Emailing Links when you're not to look at them?
I've been trying to think of a reason for freebeer to send links to videos if he doesn't want the hotwings, zane or joe to watch them and so far I can't come up with a reasonable explanation. If you don't want them to watch the link then don't send it. If you want to explain a segment then simply say "we're going to watch a cool video in during the 7 am hour" and not provide the link.

I've got Hotwings back on this one. If you don't want them to watch the link then don't send it!
Quote of the Day:
"I'm here working for the people. I'm causing dissent, stirring the pot, getting people to question the whole rotten system." - George Costanza
Maybe he sent it to them so that if they're doing their own searching, they don't watch the same story to see if it's viable for the show. He could accomplish this with just the story and not the link, but laziness prevails and instead of sending one email to Hot Wings and Zane as a warning and one to Joe with the link, he killed two birds with one stone.
i blame Joe. krautface is always behind show failures.
While I do think FB is a moron for sending a link and saying don't look at this... who actually looks at links before reading the rest of the email? I submit 2 girls one cup. If someone sent me an email and said check out this disgusting link. I would not click on it. HW's argument is not valid since FB sent it to Joe, Zane, and HW. They do a radio show together and are in the communication business so, you'd think HW would pay attention to the message.

Now, if you want to talk about the merits of the video, that is another point. It was not that great. There are many more videos out there that are much funnier/exciting/etc., than watching an electrical short.

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