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melmo112083 Wrote:
Turkey Face Wrote:It's not free on itunes

really? b/c i've been getting my podcast from them for about 2 years now and haven't been charged once...gee, i wonder why...maybe they don't know who i that couldn't be it, i needed to put all my info in when i registered...maybe they don't have any of my fianancial, i've bought music and used my bank card so that's not it...i wonder what it could possibly be? o wait. i know. IT'S EFFING FREE!!!!!

i dunno what you're paying for, but that sucks dude.

I know the guys really like MyTown, but the reason you're getting the problems you are is that MyTown is using kind of an amateur hour method for the podcasting. This is basically what they're doing:

Every (day? week? month?) different RSS feed links are created for the podcast.

When you subscribe they give you one of the most recently created links depending on whether you bought a month or a year.

A month later, they delete the "Monthly Subscription" link. Or they don't, which means even though you only paid for a month, you get to keep downloading the podcast until they delete it. A YEAR later, they delete the yearly one.

But what happens if they THINK they deleted/deactivated a link, but didn't. Like let's say they check the box that says, "Yeah we deactivated that one," but they never did. Well I'll tell you what happens. You get to keep using it until the end of time, which is I think what you're doing. The thing is, podcasting does have a cost associated with it. If you're really a big fan of the show, why not go throw them another $30 anyway?

There are a couple of better models that they really should be using. One would be making a "premium membership" type model, where the FBHW site has a login and password. You pay $30 for the yearly membership. They host the podcasts, and when you go to download them it requires the same ID/PW you use for the site. It would require some work to set up... but all the software it would take is free and their revenue would increase because they would eliminate mooching.

I could send my current FBHW link to 300 people right now and they could immediately begin podcasting for free and nobody would know the difference. If it was a user ID & password instead, I'm not going to do that because they can detect the same user downloading it a hundred times to put the kibosh on it.

I know FBHW don't need to turn into Metallica and demand money for every single thing... but an annual podcast subscription works out to less than three cents an hour for all the content you get and it helps the guys pay for Joe stunts etc.

Again I know the guys are big MyTown fans but they are definitely paying too much for the website and the podcasting service (even if they're paying almost nothing).

Anyway sorry for writing a novel. Thanks to the folks who set this site up, it's great to interact with other fans of the show.
ummm, no. i never had a link and i never got charged. it's through itunes, not their website, that i have my podcast subscription. you obviously didn't read the whole thread that this has been going through or you would have known and saved yourself the trouble of writing a tome on the subject.

again: never charged, didn't go through my town, went through itunes
are we clear yet?

and another thing, i'm loyal as hell, i've been listening since they took over for dumb and stupid morning show on 97.5 (started as 94.5) the hawk in new jersey and i was crushed when they left. i hate the station and the morning show i have to listen to now (the guy is a pompous douche nozzle). i was elated when i got my ipod the year before last and immediately began my subscription through itunes since that was where i looked first. should that subscription ever have a charge, i will gladly pay it. so stuff that in your peace pipe and smoke it.

the obliviousness of some people really blows my mind and they usually seem to be the people who "know everything" and feel the need to share it.

bleh Tongue
The problem with the iTunes subscription is that it looks like it is a user that submitted his link to iTunes. You are basically using someone else's link that they paid for; someone by the name of J. Deglopper.

It doesn't matter if you went through iTunes or not. The point is that the podcast is a paid subscription. Even if you got it through iTunes you are still stealing it.
I get mine every day, no problems. But I pay for it by the year, dunno if it makes a difference.
Chris Wrote:The problem with the iTunes subscription is that it looks like it is a user that submitted his link to iTunes. You are basically using someone else's link that they paid for; someone by the name of J. Deglopper.

It doesn't matter if you went through iTunes or not. The point is that the podcast is a paid subscription. Even if you got it through iTunes you are still stealing it.


i knew they had a podcast from them mentioning it shortly before they went off the air here. i was freebeer and hotwings deprived for about a year, got my ipod for christmas, registered it on itunes, and while looking through the store, found the podcast. maybe they have a deal worked out and apple pays them (sponsor much?) to carry their podcasts for itunes members (ever think they may have bought that subscription and had to use a first and last name to do it because the my town setup is so screwy that it won't accept a single name?). or maybe it's just a vast conspiracy started by bob & tom along with their league of outdone morning show host zombies to put the guys out of business by slowly sapping them of their podcasting funds. who the hell knows?

all i can say is that all you uptight, self-righteous prigs need to remove your heads from your anal orafices and realize that just because someone isn't doing something the same way you are doesn't mean that what they're doing is wrong. as i've said before, if they start charging me on itunes i will be more than glad to pay for it, but until then i have to assume that everything's kosher and go about my business as i have been for the last year and half and tough titty to those of you it bothers.
Tongue thppppp!

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