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16 Year Old Slammed Into Wall In Kalamazoo, MI
This story is everywhere and what do you think about it?

Here is a video if you haven't seen it already.
Unfortunate it happened. Agree that it is excessive force with smaller teenager, but would it have happened if he didn't fight back or was belligerent? At what point do you start to hold him accountable?
it definitely would not have happened if he didn't TRY TO RUN AWAY FROM THE OFFICER! Kid hasnt taken any responsibility for his actions, and he will continue to not take responsibility because they are throwing out his 20 f'ing charges IN THE LAST 2 YEARS because of this public outcry...BS
that wouldn't have happened to him if he wasn't resisting.the officer probably did use a little too much force but chances are the kid deserved it.
you dont get Effed up when your and not breaking the law!!!!!
tommy1150 Wrote:think its BS that his charges are getting dropped and just like everyone said, if he hadn't been acting up or IN JAIL in the first place this wouldn't have happened. As far as the officer goes, I think he just needs to learn the "dead zones" for the camera system at his jail a lil better

I agree, that happens in all jails, just not with teenagers. if that would have happened with a 40 year old rapist male, nothing would have happened. 40 year old female rapist, same kind of outcry. Our public media is messed up.
The cop was alone and the kid tried to break away. There's no telling what he was trying to do. The cop subdued the kid (which was necessary) without using anything near deadly force. I don't have a problem with it.
I heard on WWMT News that Al Sharton is getting involved...

[Image: thereverendalsharpton.gif]
Mike Double U Wrote:I heard on WWMT News that Al Sharton is getting involved...

[Image: thereverendalsharpton.gif]

This punk kid already had over 20 charges against him by the age of 16, you know he's never going to contribute anything positive to society. I feel for cops in this day and age, every move they make is scrutinized

Does Sharpron or Jessy Jackson for that matter truly believe that all blacks are wrongfully charged for crimes and just targeted be cause they are black?
No one deserves to be slammed into a wall except pedophiles and rapists. That said, I have no problem with someone resisting being manhandled and I think that was the intent of the cop in this video.

If I was the cop, however, I would have let him go and tazed the ess out of him.
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
I think if you try to flee from a police officer that officer can take the means necessary to subdue and control the suspect. Putting someone into the wall is a very good way to take control of a situation. It's not like he took the kids head and smashed it into the wall trying to break teeth out. It was collateral damage the way I see it.

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