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What have you emailed in that they didn't use?
Obviously they can't use everything we send in because of time, or content, but what have you sent in to them that didn't make it on the air? News stories, videos, websites...

Post your link with a description.
Well this Idea will probably never get used because theres never any 15 second fights. But I sent in an idea b4 there ever was a fight, that if Freebeer and Hotwings couldnt agree on a winner it would be decided by "1 inch punch in the face" with gloves on. lol
Copy and pasted straigh from Hotmail. ;D

Quote:I hope you guys haven't seen these before....

They are two really funny videos of cops absolutely butchering the National Anthem. I thought they might be good for the show since you don't really have to see them for them to be funny.

I just saw them today, so I hope they're not old news... The second one is probably the funnier of the two...

Anyways, love the show guys! I listen every morning!

I sent that one randomly one day when my roomate found them. I never heard them on air or anything. Then, coincidentally, like a week later, they did a segment where they were making fun of people messing up the national anthem, and I still didin't hear them.... Sad

Quote:"Not Necessarily Gay" Ideas

First, the two guys could be playing a game of Twister, by themsleves, of course. For extra comedic effect, they could be in their jammies, implying a "sleep over" of some sort.

Second, maybe for December, you could get a picture of the guys making a big snowman together.

And, finally, a wide shot of a sauna, vacant, aside from the guys, who are sitting right next to each other, rather than as far away from each other as possible, like two straight men would.

I know they probably got thousands of suggestions for this, but I thought the twister one was pretty damn funny... It never got mentioned on air.

Quote:Hey guys, love the show!

I only recently got a job that requires me to be up early enough to catch your show, but since, I've been an avid listener. One of the things I haven't figured out in my month-and-a-half listening span is how you come up with your "Idiot of the Day" victims. I'm not sure if you find them yourself, or if you take e-mail requests or whatever, but I had to send you guys this link in case you haven't seen it yet......

It's a YouTube vid. This poor girl fulfils every dumb blonde/pageant girl stereotype you can imagine. Even if she doesn't make the Idiot of the Day segment, I figured you guys could have a laugh at her.

Again, I love the show. Keep it up! Smile

This is the first one I ever sent them, and it was devastating for me because I discovered that they had already done several segments on Miss South Carolina the day before I sent this, and I felt like a total dick when I found out. I actually have a theory that my email addy may have been banned for being such a stupid ass when I sent this, lol...

Anyways, I can only listen to about an hour of the show everyday, so they very well could have mentioned/played some of those things, and I missed it.
This is one i sent in the other day:

I was in tears when i read it because the mental image of the whole scenario was so hilarious
Oh Lord, where to begin? I've tried to cut back on my obsessive emailing, but sometimes I just can't help myself. Thankfully this forum will deflect a lot of the random comments I'd normally send them, and I'm sure they're grateful.

I once sent a video of a jackass I found on YouTube who thought it would be funny to set his clothes on fire, and when the fire got out of control and he got REALLY burned, I couldn't help but laugh at his stupidity.
I emailed a logo I drew for Arie Zane Sex Agent
martysjr Wrote:I emailed a logo I drew for Arie Zane Sex Agent

Where did the name "Ari" come from anyway?
When they try to stick a needle in you with the H1N1 flu vaccine this as fast as you can the other way!
providencecrow Wrote:This is one i sent in the other day:

I was in tears when i read it because the mental image of the whole scenario was so hilarious


I just sent them a video my supervisor sent me. This guy is in the interogation room and apparently the cops didn't pat him down because after he gets a drink of water, he pulls out a gun and kills himself... crazy. I thought at least Joe would watch it. He watches all those weird videos. Although it's usually the perverted porn stuff...
deuchebag Wrote:
providencecrow Wrote:This is one i sent in the other day:

I was in tears when i read it because the mental image of the whole scenario was so hilarious


I just sent them a video my supervisor sent me. This guy is in the interogation room and apparently the cops didn't pat him down because after he gets a drink of water, he pulls out a gun and kills himself... crazy. I thought at least Joe would watch it. He watches all those weird videos. Although it's usually the perverted porn stuff...

i just saw that the other day. it is rediculous.
I don't remember if they covered it but that video of that old homeless looking guy that got pulled over for a DUI and while he was being talked to by the officer he was moving his feet around and asking them to scratch his nuts cause they itched! I nearly passed out from laughing so hard!

I'm sure a hundred people sent this one in.
Quote of the Day:
"I'm here working for the people. I'm causing dissent, stirring the pot, getting people to question the whole rotten system." - George Costanza
They were talking about Bob Ross once, who was my Uncle (seriously, lol) so I emailed them to talk about it.
[Image: BobRossTheJoyofPaintingEveningsPeace_thumb2.png]
bluehawaiisurfer Wrote:They were talking about Bob Ross once, who was my Uncle (seriously, lol) ssTso I emailed them to talk about it.

Bob's your uncle.
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
Was, he's not with us anymore.
I made a couple name that tune lists.

They ignored them, I stopped making them. Wink

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