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They were talking about it on the flashback this morning and I wanted to see what you guys say because you've picked them up from the show.
For my friends and I, we're always quoting things from the drops they use.
Off the top of my head I can think of "Awww gay!" and "Joe Six-payyck". A lot of my friends say "effin" now because you can say it in public without feeling like a jerk. I said it last night while our waitress was standing right there and she laughed.
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My ex girlfriend (who I still spend a lot of time with) picked something up from the show. She uses the "GAY" drop that Zane will play along with the beat of the song during Name That Tune. It makes me laugh my ASS off when she starts saying it to a song that I like and am listening to.
Gay. Gay. Gay.
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I end up quoting drops without even knowing it. I also use the terms minger, ghoulish, greasy, etc.
The guys have totally corrupted me
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I'm listening to the Podcast and just heard the Cincinnati Bengal line..."Great uniform, ugly helmet" when referring to a girl and although I love the idea, I don't agree with that specific example. I think the Bengals have great helmets and hideous uniforms.
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Kris!? Wrote:I end up quoting drops without even knowing it. I also use the terms minger, ghoulish, greasy, etc.
The guys have totally corrupted me 
Yeah I think that the drops are definitely the things that I've picked up the most. I hate it because none of my friends listen to FBHW, so I'm always on my own when I start laughing at drops that I make.
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I recently changed my diet and use the term "hot zester" frequently. I use "eff" all the time as well, along with "WOW", "GOOD MORNING", "gay. gay. gay" (usually when soft rock song plays) and minger. fbhw have definitely expanded my vocabulary over the last few years.
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The biggest thing I've picked up on is the abbreviated swearing (like F and S), but I would do anything to have Zane's sound board next to me at all times.
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I'm going to smite you just for your name. Nothing personal.
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how many times is this topic going to be on the message board?
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patfromportland Wrote:how many times is this topic going to be on the message board?
Topics being made more than once mean more and more people are joining the message board and listening to the show which is good for the show itself, which means you'll still be able to listen. So quit being a crybaby and just deal with it.
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More than anything I've picked up, "Whatever you do..." It works like a charm. People get incredibly offended and feel like total a-holes when you bust that line out.
I am the irrepressible dark horse.
Film it. Listen to it. Live it. Love it.
All the best,
The Mayor of Awesometown
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i've picked up zane's daaamit and the abb. swearing
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jsmacker Wrote:i've picked up zane's daaamit and the abb. swearing
It's funny, most everybody picks up on the abbreviated swearing, including me. But the first thing I picked up on was Zane's DAMMIT!! I say it all the time.
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
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patfromportland Wrote:how many times is this topic going to be on the message board?
How many times is it going to take the annoy the piss out of you? Because we'll take that number and add 2.
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
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some reason since i started listening, i am starting to talk about poo flinging.....have no idea where it came from
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My husband says I've gotten way more thats a bad thing.......I've started screaming DAMNIT!!!! and REALLY?!?! He loves it.
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I got a little shock when I heard this segment on the podcast I was listening to... suddenly I heard myself! I had forgotten that I got through when they took calls to share stuff.
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potthole Wrote:I got a little shock when I heard this segment on the podcast I was listening to... suddenly I heard myself! I had forgotten that I got through when they took calls to share stuff.
I heard you too!! But is was a while back. You and Becky hadn't gotten married yet because you said, "My fiance gets upset when we are watching figure skating and I spout out GAY GAY GAY." I was laughing my ass off!!!
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
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Yup! I still get smacked when I do that. I remember being really surprised that they didn't rip me apart when I mentioned the figure skating thing.
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I like calling people stupid jerks a lot more now.
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Another one I've picked up is, "Tell us more about (whatever.)" The more I nod and ask people to keep talking the more pissed they get.
I am the irrepressible dark horse.
Film it. Listen to it. Live it. Love it.
All the best,
The Mayor of Awesometown
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mayorofawesometown Wrote:Another one I've picked up is, "Tell us more about (whatever.)" The more I nod and ask people to keep talking the more pissed they get.
That reminds me of "What ever you do don't do blank".
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i picked up zane's way of saying "awesome" when he's excited. kind of like "AHHSOME!"
...i don't know, you can't really type sound.
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Well I heard them talking about COUGARS so much I sat on the street corner and waited to be hunted. Didn't take long. NOW I AM MARRIED TO A COUGAR. I like it cause she's a freak, there is no "young woman drama", she knows what she wants and gets it. Plus she did 6 years in marysville ohio womens pen. Therefore she likes other women too. Its great! Everyone should have a cougar!
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I picked up Hot wing's "u huh"and "hmm-mm" when ever someone is wasting away minutes of my life jabbering on and on about how they talk like Eric Zane more and more now. They usually pick up on it and get the hint they are rambling on, get to the EFFIN POINT!
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I used the "Of all the idiots, in all the idiot villages" drop on my wife. I didn't realize I was doing it untill half way through the drop. Because of that drop she's starting to listen to the show. I've integrated drops into my vocab, but I spout them out at all the wrong times. Causes some really great awkward moments because my family and some friends don't listen to the show.
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I always say "In my mind" prior to a thought now....Thanks Freebeer.
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abbreviated swear words and have lately been using the word Dick a lot.
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Definitely Len's smooth "GOOD MORNING!" I imitate the voice when greeting people at work...they give me strange looks when I laugh a little after saying it. Oh well, at least I crack myself up...
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dingdongyo Wrote:i picked up zane's way of saying "awesome" when he's excited. kind of like "AHHSOME!"
...i don't know, you can't really type sound.
Yup... I use it too!! It is important to make it really nasally when you say it so the listener "gets" the idea!!
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Admin Wrote:patfromportland Wrote:how many times is this topic going to be on the message board?
How many times is it going to take the annoy the piss out of you? Because we'll take that number and add 2.
Wow! It's thanksgiving and I can already see I will be using THIS phrase alot!!
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One thing I've started to do recently is while working out with my boyfriend. We go to the gym together and I spot for him if he needs it and when he's struggling to lift heavy weights I yell at him to [drop]Stop being such a pussy![/drop]. Arnold is one of his heroes so it's inspirational.
That's what she said.
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Allyson Wrote:One thing I've started to do recently is while working out with my boyfriend. We go to the gym together and I spot for him if he needs it and when he's struggling to lift heavy weights I yell at him to [drop]Stop being such a pussy![/drop]. Arnold is one of his heroes so it's inspirational.
I thought you were about to go with something from Joe's challenge where he had to talk about how much of a man he was and stuff. That would be pretty funny too!
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fetusfacedwindbag Wrote:Allyson Wrote:One thing I've started to do recently is while working out with my boyfriend. We go to the gym together and I spot for him if he needs it and when he's struggling to lift heavy weights I yell at him to [drop]Stop being such a pussy![/drop]. Arnold is one of his heroes so it's inspirational.
I thought you were about to go with something from Joe's challenge where he had to talk about how much of a man he was and stuff. That would be pretty funny too!
Well he likes to admire his muscles in the mirror, and when I catch him doing it I start talking like that roidhead that inspired the Joe stunt.
That's what she said.
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Allyson Wrote:fetusfacedwindbag Wrote:I thought you were about to go with something from Joe's challenge where he had to talk about how much of a man he was and stuff. That would be pretty funny too!
Well he likes to admire his muscles in the mirror, and when I catch him doing it I start talking like that roidhead that inspired the Joe stunt.
I think I just wet myself....sigh....
"Sir, You need to get out of your car, there is a train comming."
"Why ummm... uhhh did you ummm... feel the need to errrrr, god why can't I type!!"
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When people are talking figuratively i'll begin with "really" and end with " you say". Example:
"Dude, there was like a million people there."
"Really, a million people you say!"
Well, I guess that we all learned a lesson today. That it's what's inside a person that counts. And that on the inside, midgets are thieving little bastards.
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My husband and I always reference each other as "pulling a zane." can be inserted with FB and HW as well. I am a bad word stumbler and often have FB moments (hit him in the cup with a face).
we also use a lot of the drops and people look at us like we are crazy.
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picked up that family guy drop they play
waaah i have feelings i feel sad about stuff waaah
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"Shout your answer out!" and "Yay, I've gotta tell you, that was the perfect answer!" are my main two. "Shout your answer out!" is number one by far. But "Waaah, I'm sad about stuff!" and "Good morning!" are in my mind though I never say them.