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Dumb stuff freebeer says like,"Its all true"
Every time you segway from story to story you say this, i don't think you even notice that you do it. Just one of those thngs that once you know you do it, it will screw with you.
The one that makes my ears hot every time he does it is when he says, for example, "Would've you gone there yourself?"

It's not WOULD HAVE YOU GONE, it's WOULD YOU HAVE GONE....aaaaaah it drives me crazy.
It's been proven that Free Beer can't talk.
hotzester Wrote:The one that makes my ears hot every time he does it is when he says, for example, "Would've you gone there yourself?"

It's not WOULD HAVE YOU GONE, it's WOULD YOU HAVE GONE....aaaaaah it drives me crazy.

Ahaha! That annoys the crap out of me too. Big Grin
OMG... Free Beer is the KING of "Verbal Crutches"!! "So on and so forth" gets me everytime... but what KILLS me happens often - especially when they are doing live commercials, or even recording commercials, he often begins a thought with "Like we said..." when it's not previously "been said" - I hate it!
I think usually when Free Beer says, "It's all true" he is responding to a sarcastic comment one of the other guys has made, and he's attempting to make it obvious for all of the dolts that believed them when they said Will Smith was dead.

I know he messes up speaking a lot...who wouldn't with that much recorded evidence? I love it when he Fs up. It's hilarious when they replay it over and over.
sluttynurse Wrote:I think usually when Free Beer says, "It's all true" he is responding to a sarcastic comment one of the other guys has made, and he's attempting to make it obvious for all of the dolts that believed them when they said Will Smith was dead.

I know he messes up speaking a lot...who wouldn't with that much recorded evidence? I love it when he Fs up. It's hilarious when they replay it over and over.

Speaking of Will Smith being dead, one of the best listeners ever called in. Was absolutely hilarious
to transition to another story, you almost always hear free beer say, "no kidding."
He also usually says something like, during a pause..."there ya go"...
sluttynurse Wrote:he's attempting to make it obvious for all of the dolts that believed them when they said Will Smith was dead.

DUH, Will Smith IS dead. Stop trying to confuse the soft minded!
dingdongyo Wrote:"ambidextrious"?

I noticed the "Ambidextrious" slip too.
Quote of the Day:
"I'm here working for the people. I'm causing dissent, stirring the pot, getting people to question the whole rotten system." - George Costanza
Have you noticed how when listeners call in and say the usual social small-talk-ish things like... "How's it going?", or "What's up?", Freebeer OFTEN (I'm not saying ALWAYS) replies with an answer that does not fit the question...

For example:
Listener: "Hey, how's it going?"

Freebeer: "Not much."


Listener: "Hey, what's up?"

Freebeer: "Not bad."

I've thought about taking my podcasts and making a collection of the hundreds of times this has happened, but have not had the time or the motivation to do it...
kzootube Wrote:Have you noticed how when listeners call in and say the usual social small-talk-ish things like... "How's it going?", or "What's up?", Freebeer OFTEN (I'm not saying ALWAYS) replies with an answer that does not fit the question...

For example:
Listener: "Hey, how's it going?"

Freebeer: "Not much."


Listener: "Hey, what's up?"

Freebeer: "Not bad."

I've thought about taking my podcasts and making a collection of the hundreds of times this has happened, but have not had the time or the motivation to do it...

ha ha ha, i have noticed that, now that you mention it
kzootube Wrote:Have you noticed how when listeners call in and say the usual social small-talk-ish things like... "How's it going?", or "What's up?", Freebeer OFTEN (I'm not saying ALWAYS) replies with an answer that does not fit the question...

For example:
Listener: "Hey, how's it going?"

Freebeer: "Not much."


Listener: "Hey, what's up?"

Freebeer: "Not bad."

I've thought about taking my podcasts and making a collection of the hundreds of times this has happened, but have not had the time or the motivation to do it...

i've noticed this as well. he will sometimes catch himself and correct it in mid sentence.
Freebeer is the only one that makes sence at what he say's
After hearing Zane & Hot wings bust FB on "So on and so forth" I was in such great joy..."how would you feel if we started a file a year agoSmile"

but I realized that he doesn't actually say "So on and so forth" he just says "So on so forth".... what an idiot
I love "It's all true"!!!! I think it's hilarious.

You guys are brutal, haha....
I can't believe no one posted "pretty ridiculous" or "That's for sure." FB says those two ALL THE TIME!
It's all freebeertastic!
Who dwells on every word FB says? I think you guys are in love with him. I'd bet nones of people would tune in to hear you clever bastards talk for 5.5 hrs. a day.
who the hell says in heinze sight??? that is said way too much
It is hind sight dumbass!
"Devastating" is the most annoying one for me. He says it so much that it's lost all meaning.
I am the irrepressible dark horse.
Film it. Listen to it. Live it. Love it.

All the best,
The Mayor of Awesometown
when Freebeer talks about food and says the word "delicious" drives me nuts
It's called a "segue". Every broadcast professional does this otherwise it would sound ridiculous.
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
Hey, today's Front Page Yahoo features a woman who can MAKE A SLAM DUNK. I wonder what the guys will think now?
Kate Wrote:Hey, today's Front Page Yahoo features a woman who can MAKE A SLAM DUNK. I wonder what the guys will think now?

Tennis and Golf are the only woman sports i follow :-X
Wiener Poopie 2.0! Now fatter and less credible!
I just thought it was funny that the front page actually says 'check out this woman who can make a slam dunk'
This whole thread is "ludicrous". Free Beer rules. His verbal mannerisms is why I like him. Makes him seem human and not all snooty like "Smarm King" Hotwings. wondering if anyone gets the "ludicrous" thing.
Kate Wrote:I just thought it was funny that the front page actually says 'check out this woman who can make a slam dunk'

What was it like the second time ever? I would think the 7' Russians would dunk all day.
Wiener Poopie 2.0! Now fatter and less credible!
That's another thing. There have been HUGE Zane mispeaks and no one EVER calls him out on it. Bet no one reading can tell me a time they gave Zane the type of crap they give Free Beer about mispeaks.

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