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Fooled By a Best Of
Has this ever happened to you?

You're listening to the show, and you happen to tune into the middle of a conversation. Immediately, you know you've got the perfect comment to make about the discussion. You quickly grab the phone and dial the show's number. It rings. And rings. And rings. It keeps ringing.

"Hurry," you think to yourself, "The convo is almost over, and my comment will lose all it's thunder! Just answer the damn phone, Joe!" It is then at that moment, you realize you're listening to a 'Best Of' episode. D'oh!
I've always wondered about that! Or what about during the flashback?!
That happens all the time but it's always the live show and Joe still never anwsers the damn phone. ANWSER THE PHONE!
Now, it's important to note that my story isn't from any sort of personal experience, or anything like that... :Smile
I've wanted to call or email in a comment during a flashback once or twice. I went ahead an emailed one in because I just had to. I forgot what it was, but in the flashback some guy called in and was dead wrong about whatever it was, and they never corrected him or took a call that corrected him, at least during the flashback. I'm sure someone finally did but for some reason I just really had to email in.
I once woke up to a "best of" and heard the voice of a guy I had gone out with a few times.....gave me the creeps....and then I realized it wasn't live....I have been caught wanting to call ln and yell at dumb callers from "best of" segments as well. Ahh....those wonderful moments between dead sleep and fully awake.
Do what's right....even when no one is looking.

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