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Do you Believe in God
Queenie Wrote:
speedbump Wrote:That's a fine story, but what about the thousands of kids who get hit by a car in that situation and do die? Do you think of them too? One freak occurrence is peanuts compared to accidents that happen like we expect them too.

Have you also thought of "you reap what you sow." Oh and hold off on the innocent children. Those innocent children may have had something worse in store for them and God spared them. IMO no matter how you look at it, you are much better spared from this world.

I disagree, i love this world and all it has to offer. I'd rather not be spared thanks.
Jiggy Wrote:
dingdongyo Wrote:the story says there was nothing wrong with her but bruises.
my reason for asking is, if god had a hand in saving her, why chuck the poor kid into the ditch? why not lift her out of the way and gently set her back down?
You can't be satisfied with getting hit by a car and only having bruises. Would you have been more impressed if I said a chorus of angels descended from heaven following Jesus on a chariot of fire who gently swooped the girl in the air. Then after they laughed about it over hot cocoa and cookies Jesus gave her the cure for cancer and aids. It would have been a better story but in my experience God remains a mystery.
i can't be satisfied with not having the answer. i won't commit my beliefs to a "mystery." i don't understand why this "miracle" was half-assed, and as mentioned in between these statements, why others aren't carried out at all.
are you seriously implying that wanting the explanation is the stupid way to think?

Queenie Wrote:
speedbump Wrote:That's a fine story, but what about the thousands of kids who get hit by a car in that situation and do die? Do you think of them too? One freak occurrence is peanuts compared to accidents that happen like we expect them too.

Have you also thought of "you reap what you sow." Oh and hold off on the innocent children. Those innocent children may have had something worse in store for them and God spared them. IMO no matter how you look at it, you are much better spared from this world.
this seems like making excuses to me. it's just as easy to look at it completely the other way, as i tend to do, and believe in the random and chaos. and it seems to me that god carries the burden of proof, which it doesn't fulfill.

we'll all believe what we want, and find reasons to do so. even if those reasons come from the exact same event.
When I was going through my divorce I went back to church, I suppose, as a way to show God I was serious about wanting my family to stay intact. I prayed with all my mite and with every thing my soul could muster. But it wasn't to be. Even though the bible says God hates divorce, He allowed mine to happen anyway. Why? Should I even ask this question?
"Sir, You need to get out of your car, there is a train comming."
"Why ummm... uhhh did you ummm... feel the need to errrrr, god why can't I type!!"
Assuming God exists, If you feel as if God has singled you out from birth for destruction, (God says he exults whom he exults and he lays low whom he lays low) Why should you hang around and continue to attempt to be faithful, even if being faithful is contrary to normal human nature?
"Sir, You need to get out of your car, there is a train comming."
"Why ummm... uhhh did you ummm... feel the need to errrrr, god why can't I type!!"
Mad Dog Wrote:Assuming God exists, If you feel as if God has singled you out from birth for destruction, (God says he exults whom he exults and he lays low whom he lays low) Why should you hang around and continue to attempt to be faithful, even if being faithful is contrary to normal human nature?

If by being faithful you mean believing in god I would say that it is the exact opposite. Practically everywhere in the world in recorded history has had some type of religion. Human nature is to find some way to explain the unexplainable...(religion).

However, if you were using the term faithful in the sense of how a husband would stay faithful to his wife, then disregard my entire statement.
I think what we are forgetting (if in fact you at least somewhat believe) is that people get too caught up in, "what about all the innocent children, etc." I'm going to say this once, NOBODY IS INNOCENT. This forum is the last place I wanted to get preachy but here goes. Romans 3:23 - for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God! I know this is going to mean nothing to those of you who don't believe but oh well. Innocence was lost with the fall of man. Don't forget you were created. Once you start questioning and demanding answers as to why God does what he does you are treading on thin ice. I believe He loves us and wants us to be with Him but we have the choice to make that happen, not him. We shouldn't even be allowed to be in His presence but because he sent his Son to die and carry our sins for us we are given the opportunity to be with Him. For the record I never get preachy like this. I let people think and live the way they want. Seeing as how the subject was already brought up, however, I took the liberty of speaking my thoughts.
Well, I guess that we all learned a lesson today. That it's what's inside a person that counts. And that on the inside, midgets are thieving little bastards.
Jiggy Wrote:My history professor in college came in class one day late almost in tears. He told us he had just got off the phone with one of his really good friends. I guess earlier that morning his friends 6 year old daughter was playing out in the front yard. He looked away just for a second but when he did she ran out in the road. She ran out behind a parked car on the side of the road so the car that was coming didn't even have time to brake. She was hit so hard she was thrown about 10 feet into the ditch. She was still alive though. When the paramedics got there and took her to the hospital they found nothing wrong wiith her except a few scrapes. The only "bruises" she had were two marks on either side of her hips. The doctor said it looked like someone had picked her up suddenly and threw her in the ditch. I remember after he told us this story he asked if it was alright with everyone if he took a moment to pray to God and thank him. No one cared. It was a very moving experience. If I ever have doubts about my faith I always think about this story.

now that choked me up a bit
life savers candy only really work if you have diabetes
imatoolhed46n2//imatoolhed dudeguy
TOYKO!! R.I.P. the alien gus
Mad Dog Wrote:When I was going through my divorce I went back to church, I suppose, as a way to show God I was serious about wanting my family to stay intact. I prayed with all my mite and with every thing my soul could muster. But it wasn't to be. Even though the bible says God hates divorce, He allowed mine to happen anyway. Why? Should I even ask this question?

God does hate divorce, but not for the reason you might think. He hates it because it hurts His children. However, sometimes you have to look beyond vows and focus on the entire picture. It probably wasn't just you and your wife that was part of the situation. There were probably children involved as well. Sometimes it is better that divorce does happen so that a couple's children do not think that is the way marriage is supposed to be (with fighting, dishonesty, adultery, etc.). If both parties are not willing to commit to a marriage that includes God and the Bible, then it quite possibly might not work out.

Been there, done that, broke the mug and burned the t-shirt. Now I have moved on. But no marriage will work without the total commitment of both parties involved, along with honesty and above all, a relationship above the children involved (i.e., no running and talking about a spouse behind the back of another spouse, this causes the child(ren) to think and be biased towards one or another parent). A marriage without God involved will work I guess, but it works a heck of a lot better with God in it.
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
Queenie Wrote:
Mad Dog Wrote:When I was going through my divorce I went back to church, I suppose, as a way to show God I was serious about wanting my family to stay intact. I prayed with all my mite and with every thing my soul could muster. But it wasn't to be. Even though the bible says God hates divorce, He allowed mine to happen anyway. Why? Should I even ask this question?

God does hate divorce, but not for the reason you might think. He hates it because it hurts His children. However, sometimes you have to look beyond vows and focus on the entire picture. It probably wasn't just you and your wife that was part of the situation. There were probably children involved as well. Sometimes it is better that divorce does happen so that a couple's children do not think that is the way marriage is supposed to be (with fighting, dishonesty, adultery, etc.). If both parties are not willing to commit to a marriage that includes God and the Bible, then it quite possibly might not work out.

Been there, done that, broke the mug and burned the t-shirt. Now I have moved on. But no marriage will work without the total commitment of both parties involved, along with honesty and above all, a relationship above the children involved (i.e., no running and talking about a spouse behind the back of another spouse, this causes the child(ren) to think and be biased towards one or another parent). A marriage without God involved will work I guess, but it works a heck of a lot better with God in it.
Also there is a silver lining to most clouds if people just keep their eyes open. There are certain chain of events that happen where because of tragedy, divorce or whatever something comes out the other side that is good. I regret not playing football in high school. I know for a fact I would have been really good assuming I didn't get injured. More than likely I would have gone to a college with a football program. If that path would have been taken I would have never met my wife. My entire life for the last 10 years would have been completely altered by that one decision I would have made in high school. I am not trying to compare not playing football with something like divorce either. Maybe you will go on and meet someone else (assuming you haven't already). Maybe when you do meet that someone there is some in her/his Wink family that, because you were there, for some reason is greatly impacted. You never know.
Well, I guess that we all learned a lesson today. That it's what's inside a person that counts. And that on the inside, midgets are thieving little bastards.
Jiggy Wrote:[quote author=janicem board=politics thread=2648 post=58283 time=1229570958]

Also there is a silver lining to most clouds if people just keep their eyes open. There are certain chain of events that happen where because of tragedy, divorce or whatever something comes out the other side that is good. I regret not playing football in high school. I know for a fact I would have been really good assuming I didn't get injured. More than likely I would have gone to a college with a football program. If that path would have been taken I would have never met my wife. My entire life for the last 10 years would have been completely altered by that one decision I would have made in high school. I am not trying to compare not playing football with something like divorce either. Maybe you will go on and meet someone else (assuming you haven't already). Maybe when you do meet that someone there is some in her/his Wink family that, because you were there, for some reason is greatly impacted. You never know.

Great thought. I always think that way.
i'm divorced and re-married. and totally feel and know in my heart that this is one. the one that was meant to be. my soul mate.

like i said my wifes family is very religious. but mot pushy or too judgemental. just strong believers. which is why i kinda started this thread. because i started going to church every now and then. i dig it, its alright. i've just always felt "Gods house" was outside, the world. what better place to worship, think, pray or whatever one might do. but where you can see all his glory imo better....but, thats not what church is about is how my wife said it. what church means is... ahhh, i can't remember how my wife said it (i'm sure someone else knows). but it made sense.

anyways back to the divorce thing. i don't believe that God don't like divorce. maybe some old religious people. but God himself, i don't think so. i think he just wants you to be a good person and be happy. and believe.
so, if i didn't get divorced i wouldn't have met my wife now. have a awesome boy. who makes me actually feel blessed everyday. a new home. great jobs... blah, blah, blah. don't wanna sound like i'm bragging. i'm not. its that i feel blessed about it very much. and that i believe has to do with God.
life savers candy only really work if you have diabetes
imatoolhed46n2//imatoolhed dudeguy
TOYKO!! R.I.P. the alien gus
i had a response to this typed up all pretty, then realized that i completely lost interest. the reason i had responded to begin with is because i had read all this "god is awesome" talk as indirectly insisting that what i believe in is wrong without challenging yourselves enough. whether or not that's true, i just don't care anymore. probably never should have.
Queenie Wrote:Oh and hold off on the innocent children. Those innocent children may have had something worse in store for them and God spared them.

God has favorites?
Jo Wrote:
Queenie Wrote:Oh and hold off on the innocent children. Those innocent children may have had something worse in store for them and God spared them.

God has favorites?

I don't think that statement points to "favorites." All of His children are His favorite. He is an awesome God!
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
well you said he spared them. why them? why not the girl who gets raped and killed or the guy who puts a pistol in his mouth when he's lost it all?
Unfortunately, the devil is alive and roaming this earth. Until more people block him out, he will remain here and continue to affect our lives. The incidents you mentioned are the work of the devil, not God. Is it fair that a woman is raped and/or killed? Absolutely not. I'm not saying the devil got to the woman, but it did get to her rapist. God doesn't put more on you than you can handle. I'm not saying the woman deserves to go through that. Nobody deserves to go through that. All i'm saying is that if a woman has this happen to her, she can get through it with God's help, and could possibly help others in teaching them how to avoid such. There are great scholars and teachers in this world, but the best teaching aid is experience. I have been through a ton of stuff in my life, and God uses me to help others. Some of the stuff I've been through could be interpreted by some as horrific, but I have always used it for the good of myself and others. I don't think I deserved what I got, but I sure don't blame God for it. I could wake up every morning and have a pity party, but I choose to be positive. Your life is what you make it. Make it good.
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
dingdongyo Wrote:i had a response to this typed up all pretty, then realized that i completely lost interest. the reason i had responded to begin with is because i had read all this "god is awesome" talk as indirectly insisting that what i believe in is wrong without challenging yourselves enough. whether or not that's true, i just don't care anymore. probably never should have.
If I believe in God why would I hold the option open that you could be right. Atheists don't grant us that option. No, in fact, if we even try to go out into the "real" world with this we are labeled intolerant. I am never going to tell someone how they should live their life or whom to believe in, but if my opinion is asked i'm not going to sit blindly by and keep quiet.

Also saying I don't challenge myself enough? I've challenged my faith plenty and have come out on top of this thing believing much more than I ever have. How do you even know how much i've challenged myself anyway. Do you have cameras in my house? ???
Well, I guess that we all learned a lesson today. That it's what's inside a person that counts. And that on the inside, midgets are thieving little bastards.
related but kind of unrelated, from one of my favorite sites:
"Is hell exothermic or endothermic? Support your answer with proof."

Most of the students wrote proofs of their beliefs using Boyle's Law or some variant. One student, however, wrote the following:

"First, We postulate that if souls exist, then they must have some mass. If they do, then a mole of souls can also have a mass. So, at what rate are souls moving into hell and at what rate are souls leaving? I think we can safely assume that once a soul gets to hell, it will not leave.

Therefore, no souls are leaving. As for souls entering hell, let's look at the different religions that exist in the world today. Some of these religions state that if you are not a member of their religion, then you will go to hell. Since there are more than one of these religions and people do not belong to more than one religion, we can project that all people and souls go to hell. With birth and death rates as they are, we can expect the number of souls in hell to increase exponentially.

Now, we look at the rate of change in volume in hell. Boyle's Law states that in order for the temperature and pressure in hell to stay the same, the ratio of the mass of souls and volume needs to stay constant. Two options exist:

If hell is expanding at a slower rate than the rate at which souls enter hell, then the temperature and pressure in hell will increase until all hell breaks loose.
If hell is expanding at a rate faster than the increase of souls in hell, then the temperature and pressure will drop until hell freezes over.
So which is it? If we accept the quote given to me by Theresa Manyan during Freshman year, "that it will be a cold night in hell before I sleep with you" and take into account the fact that I still have NOT succeeded in having sexual relations with her, then Option 2 cannot be true...Thus, hell is exothermic."

The student, Tim Graham, got the only A.
"Golf requires goofy pants and a fat ass. You should talk to my neighbor the accountant. Probably a great golfer. Huge ass!"
Wow, I've never looked at it like that!!
"Sir, You need to get out of your car, there is a train comming."
"Why ummm... uhhh did you ummm... feel the need to errrrr, god why can't I type!!"
I personally have a strong belief in God and, altho I don't represent the Christian lifestyle the best myself, it sickens me when I see people such as those funeral protesters and crazy tv preachers...that is NOT what Christianity is advice to someone who is searching for answers is to find a true, genuine Christian to talk to about it...Don't go by what you see on tv or what you read in the news.
schwartztimothym Wrote:I personally have a strong belief in God and, altho I don't represent the Christian lifestyle the best myself, it sickens me when I see people such as those funeral protesters and crazy tv preachers...that is NOT what Christianity is advice to someone who is searching for answers is to find a true, genuine Christian to talk to about it...Don't go by what you see on tv or what you read in the news.
Unfortunately this is our version of extreme muslims. They do not represent our beliefs yet they seem to get the most coverage.
Well, I guess that we all learned a lesson today. That it's what's inside a person that counts. And that on the inside, midgets are thieving little bastards.
This is true...and I also can say I know this because I've visited and recently lived for two months in the most muslim populated country in the world (Indonesia). The people there are so extremely open and welcoming to outsiders. We had people opening their homes up to us even when they knew we were christians. It's hard because if you go by what their religion truly states, yes, they are out to get rid of all non-Islamic beliefs...but that is not how they all live. I guess it just makes my point even better...people are judged based on their proclaimed religion instead of their personal beliefs.
Jiggy Wrote:
Queenie Wrote:God does hate divorce, but not for the reason you might think. He hates it because it hurts His children. However, sometimes you have to look beyond vows and focus on the entire picture. It probably wasn't just you and your wife that was part of the situation. There were probably children involved as well. Sometimes it is better that divorce does happen so that a couple's children do not think that is the way marriage is supposed to be (with fighting, dishonesty, adultery, etc.). If both parties are not willing to commit to a marriage that includes God and the Bible, then it quite possibly might not work out.

Been there, done that, broke the mug and burned the t-shirt. Now I have moved on. But no marriage will work without the total commitment of both parties involved, along with honesty and above all, a relationship above the children involved (i.e., no running and talking about a spouse behind the back of another spouse, this causes the child(ren) to think and be biased towards one or another parent). A marriage without God involved will work I guess, but it works a heck of a lot better with God in it.
Also there is a silver lining to most clouds if people just keep their eyes open. There are certain chain of events that happen where because of tragedy, divorce or whatever something comes out the other side that is good. I regret not playing football in high school. I know for a fact I would have been really good assuming I didn't get injured. More than likely I would have gone to a college with a football program. If that path would have been taken I would have never met my wife. My entire life for the last 10 years would have been completely altered by that one decision I would have made in high school. I am not trying to compare not playing football with something like divorce either. Maybe you will go on and meet someone else (assuming you haven't already). Maybe when you do meet that someone there is some in her/his Wink family that, because you were there, for some reason is greatly impacted. You never know.

Or, you could have played football, and met someone better than your wife.

Is this really how we're going to look at everything? "Oh well God probably did the best thing here, but we'll never actually know, because his communication skills are sub-par"
Just because there is no certain happiness factor doesn't mean there is no God. It states that He will not give you more than you can handle. I believe this in my heart. I may at this point feel like the world is caving in on me, but I don't blame Him. I want to run to Him and cry. Maybe my time at my job is up, maybe it is His way of saying it's time to move on. If not for the turmoil at my work right now, I wouldn't be looking and filling out scholarship and grant forms. I became too comfortable in my job. I became quiet to my beliefs, and felt not part of myself. I made friends with people that I wouldn't normally, just to not to ruffle feathers. When I started coming out against what I didn't believe in, I ended up in a lot of trouble and mad. I believe it is God's way of saying it is time to change what your doing and do something that was meant for you.
Jo Wrote:i want to believe but a all powerful being that lets innocent people die everyday i can't bring myself to believe in.

my husband has a hard time believing for the same reason
sickbitch Wrote:
Jo Wrote:i want to believe but a all powerful being that lets innocent people die everyday i can't bring myself to believe in.

my husband has a hard time believing for the same reason

The innocent may have fulfilled their mission or duty here. He may have brought them home. Think of all the good things that get started, because of an innocent dying. There are funds, organizations, so many good works...
My simple answer is no.
That's what she said.
My simple answer is I don't know.
"Sir, You need to get out of your car, there is a train comming."
"Why ummm... uhhh did you ummm... feel the need to errrrr, god why can't I type!!"
Mad Dog Wrote:My simple answer is I don't know.

That's a good answer, no sarcasm intended. Better to answer truthfully than to say yes or no.

Edit: when you are in doubt.
My one line answer is "Absolutely!"
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
lokizilla Wrote:
Mad Dog Wrote:My simple answer is I don't know.

That's a good answer, no sarcasm intended. Better to answer truthfully than to say yes or no.

Edit: when you are in doubt.

Better to BS your way through any situation then admit you don't know....
jus' P Wrote:
lokizilla Wrote:That's a good answer, no sarcasm intended. Better to answer truthfully than to say yes or no.

Edit: when you are in doubt.

Better to BS your way through any situation then admit you don't know....

Then you might seem like a flip flopper and might not be able to run for mayor of Nashville one day. LOL
lokizilla Wrote:
jus' P Wrote:Better to BS your way through any situation then admit you don't know....

Then you might seem like a flip flopper and might be able to run for mayor of Nashville one day. LOL

Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
Queenie Wrote:
lokizilla Wrote:Then you might seem like a flip flopper and might be able to run for mayor of Nashville one day. LOL


Point taken....I get where it was fixed. Big Grin
I should restate my previous statement. I'm an agnostic, close to an athiest. My boyfriend is an athiest and so are my sisters. My mom and rest of family believe in god but aren't real religious.
If you were not born into a Christian family, it is really hard to stay born again. Too much crazy, unexplainable, meanness with liberal amount of doubt added in. Add in sex drive with religious guilt concerning sex, and you get a mess.
"Sir, You need to get out of your car, there is a train comming."
"Why ummm... uhhh did you ummm... feel the need to errrrr, god why can't I type!!"
Mad Dog Wrote:If you were not born into a Christian family, it is really hard to stay born again. Too much crazy, unexplainable, meanness with liberal amount of doubt added in. Add in sex drive with religious guilt concerning sex, and you get a mess.

Very good analysis of the situation.
Im not sure what to to me it means Im not the biggest believer........ I dont like the argument that you dont believe because you cant see.....I dont know....kinda find it to be a money grab
pants on the ground! pants on the ground!
I just think of religion as a cult.

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