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Zane is a Hypocrite
During the flashback and during todays show, Zane was bashing Hot Wings because Hot Wings put Independence Day in his top 5 movies of all time.

I recall Zane saying a few months ago that he wished Independence day had its own channel, that would repeatedly play ID.
Yea, I agree, I love independence day, and they were totally given to HW for giving his opinion.
Sorry kids, Independence Day = teh suck. I hated that movie. Bill Pullman as POTUS? Please. Cousin Eddie was great in the Vacation movies but the movie could have been better if it scrapped the comic relief. ID was nearly as bad as "Twister". And by "nearly" I mean "Please God make it stop".
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
I loved ID4 back in 1996. I saw it about 5 times at the theater. I got it on VHS when it came out and for the next 2 years I probably watched it 50 times. Around 1999, when the new Star Wars movie and The Matrix came out, I moved on.

Then in 2004 or 2005 one, FX showed it on the 4th of July, pretty much the entire day I think. I sat down to watch it and.....uh.........yeah. It's still a nice time waster, and it's certainly not the worst movie ever, but it's basically a high budget B-movie. The special effects are still kind of cool, but man going back and trying to take it seriously is impossible.

I still fall in the floor laughing at the "fact" that you can survive a 15 mile wall of fire by jumping into a utility closet in a tunnel. Or that a computer virus that will take down an entire alien infrastructure can be written in about 4 hours. As Kevin Pollack said, "Who knew the aliens had Windows 95?"

And it wasn't as bad as Twister, another 1996 "classic". I loved the "I can look up into an F-5 tornado part at the end." Yep...too bad your eyeballs probably would have been sucked out.
We should come up with a list of things that one can learn if movies was their only source of education.

1. You can stop an elevator at any time by blindly mashing any random button on the control panel.

2. The only reason to stop an elevator is tough have crazy monkey sex.
1. The only way to successfully kill a thread is to come up with a bad plan and then carry on with it like it wasn't a bad plan.
ahole Wrote:1. The only way to successfully kill a thread is to come up with a bad plan and then carry on with it like it wasn't a bad plan.

If this is directed at me, then I bristle at the suggestion my suggestion was a bad plan. You have no idea how much worse my plans can be.

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