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Great...Nail Polish.
Putting on nail polish at work, what a great thing to do.... Okay, I made a 60 year old woman that has "princess syndrome" mad at me today. She decided to put on nail polish right next to me at work at the cubicle. I asked her nicely to stop, telling her I am very allergic to strong perfume smells. She comes back with, "I'm only touching up my nails." I get mad and go to a supervisor about it. The supervisor tells her, "Just like on Tuesday, when we advised you that you couldn't spray on perfume on the floor, this is the same thing."

When she did the Tuesday thing, I couldn't breathe and our supervisor had a coughing spell. I took out my Epi-Pen and explained to her how serious it is. So today, the disregard to the fact that I asked her nicely to put it up. I actually did what was mandated. For 30 minutes before I could find someone with some kind of aspirin to make the inflammation go down, I had to sit at my desk in pain. It took an hour before the stuff to work. I'm just glad that I didn't have to use the Epi-Pen.....

"Princess Syndrome" woman got mad at me and told me that I was a mean person, and I wasn't her friend anymore....Ah, an interesting day...
You seem to have a lot of office politics where you're at. It all seems kind of childish.
Well, I guess that we all learned a lesson today. That it's what's inside a person that counts. And that on the inside, midgets are thieving little bastards.
Take her stapler and see what happens
Wowie Groovie !
Titan ! Wrote:Take her stapler and see what happens
Nah, I couldn't take what she doesn't have. I'm afraid to touch any of her stuff...She has almost a medicine cabinet on her desk. So glad that her desk is moving this weekend away from mine....If I hear one more of her stories, they are going to have to pry me off of the Batman building while shooting at poofy haired shopaholics.....

Wondering if anyone else has any stories about co-workers that are self absorbed?
Lokizalla, I'm 100% serious in this. GET YOUR HR team involved ASAP. If they don't respond, go to your supervisor and then your supervisors supervisor until you get a reasonable response. You were smart enought to get your epi pen out, let's hope you never have to use it. I would seriously document the two issues formally with your company and possibly copy to an attorney.

If your serious enough to get the pen out, your serious enough to die on the job. Don't let that happen.
I'm so goth, I shit bats.
FUSTERCLUCK Wrote:Lokizalla, I'm 100% serious in this. GET YOUR HR team involved ASAP. If they don't respond, go to your supervisor and then your supervisors supervisor until you get a reasonable response. You were smart enought to get your epi pen out, let's hope you never have to use it. I would seriously document the two issues formally with your company and possibly copy to an attorney.

If your serious enough to get the pen out, your serious enough to die on the job. Don't let that happen.

I've gone to HR twice in regards to this. Their reaction is to say that it's not a big deal and they can't control what a person wears on the floor. Two years ago, it was so bad, that I ended up in the doctors office before I had an Epi-Pen. That was after my old supervisor pulled me off the floor and had me sit outside in the fresh air. At least now I have a supervisor that has allergies and backs me up. She acted swiftly.

But on the positive side, I don't have to hear "princess syndrome" spill her troubles on me. Until I met her, I had never met someone that had 15 maxed out credit cards, behind in their mortgage, owed 4 or 5 check cashing places, buys from Avon every week, and shops online, while whining her husband doesn't make enough money....

Needless to say, I podcast and put an earbud in my ear to have something to lift up my day. I have been working there for 4 years and my husband has been listening to FB & HW since they came on in Nashville. Ever since he got me to listen in May of 2008, my work has been much happier...
I'd have an attorney look at the situation. You're going to end up in the hospital with a KILLER lawsuit.
I'm so goth, I shit bats.
lokizilla Wrote:
FUSTERCLUCK Wrote:Lokizalla, I'm 100% serious in this. GET YOUR HR team involved ASAP. If they don't respond, go to your supervisor and then your supervisors supervisor until you get a reasonable response. You were smart enought to get your epi pen out, let's hope you never have to use it. I would seriously document the two issues formally with your company and possibly copy to an attorney.

If your serious enough to get the pen out, your serious enough to die on the job. Don't let that happen.

I've gone to HR twice in regards to this. Their reaction is to say that it's not a big deal and they can't control what a person wears on the floor. Two years ago, it was so bad, that I ended up in the doctors office before I had an Epi-Pen. That was after my old supervisor pulled me off the floor and had me sit outside in the fresh air. At least now I have a supervisor that has allergies and backs me up. She acted swiftly.

But on the positive side, I don't have to hear "princess syndrome" spill her troubles on me. Until I met her, I had never met someone that had 15 maxed out credit cards, behind in their mortgage, owed 4 or 5 check cashing places, buys from Avon every week, and shops online, while whining her husband doesn't make enough money....

Needless to say, I podcast and put an earbud in my ear to have something to lift up my day. I have been working there for 4 years and my husband has been listening to FB & HW since they came on in Nashville. Ever since he got me to listen in May of 2008, my work has been much happier...
FreeBeer and HotWings save the day again. Thanks guys! 8-)
Well, I guess that we all learned a lesson today. That it's what's inside a person that counts. And that on the inside, midgets are thieving little bastards.
Titan ! Wrote:Take her stapler and see what happens

FUSTERCLUCK Wrote:I'd have an attorney look at the situation. You're going to end up in the hospital with a KILLER lawsuit.
There's precedence.

DETROIT -- A city of Detroit planner can proceed with her lawsuit alleging a co-worker's perfume made it difficult for her to breathe and impossible to do her job, a federal judge has ruled.....
Quote of the Day:
"I'm here working for the people. I'm causing dissent, stirring the pot, getting people to question the whole rotten system." - George Costanza
Thanks Dino, you are so wonderful.
Loki, when she uses that stuff, light a match. She'll catch on fire due to all of the chemicals she puts on herself. Problem solved.
Everyday you reinvent yourself into a bigger cock-shite than ever. It's incredible. I don't know how you do it. I admire you.

I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part.
Mimi will go up in flames!!
Well, I guess that we all learned a lesson today. That it's what's inside a person that counts. And that on the inside, midgets are thieving little bastards.
Jiggy Wrote:Mimi will go up in flames!!


When I read the story, that is exactly who I pictured!!
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
Can you just have your desk moved?
Technically, fire is always in motion.
Everyday you reinvent yourself into a bigger cock-shite than ever. It's incredible. I don't know how you do it. I admire you.

I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part.
Big Grin @ the Mimi comment. I exalted you (my first!)

Hell, I don't have reactions to anything and the smell of nail polish makes me ill (not literally). What does she think this is, the 50s where secretaries just sat around and filed their nails?

Over the summer I was asked to stop wearing my patchouli oil because one woman was having a reaction to it. It bummed me out, but I stopped wearing it.
The White Zone is for loading and unloading only. If you have to load or unload, go to the White Zone. You'll love it. It's a way of life.
Actually she does remind me of Mimi.... I just don't want to smell the polyester/rayon clothes go up.

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