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what chaps my ass
Me putting on my blues +Vsangel= Iowa floods
Quote:Me putting on my blues +Vsangel= Iowa floods

Queenie Wrote:
vsangelchick Wrote:OMG!! Big Grin Crazy how those work huh. Tongue Queenie, you're sweet in my book....

Awwww . . . right back at ya angel!! 8-)

You two are going to make out arent you ?
Wowie Groovie !
NO, 'cause you'd like that WAY too much titan.
Do what's right....even when no one is looking.
vsangelchick Wrote:NO, 'cause you'd like that WAY too much titan.

just like prom night Undecided
Wowie Groovie !
OH...that's bad...
Do what's right....even when no one is looking.
Titan ! Wrote:
vsangelchick Wrote:NO, 'cause you'd like that WAY too much titan.

just like prom night Undecided

Were you there hiding in the corner :o
Wiener Poopie 2.0! Now fatter and less credible!
creepy creepy creepy

Must go back to picturing military men......ahhh.....better....
Do what's right....even when no one is looking.
put on your whore makeup and go back to whore island you dirty whore just kiddin ur actually good lookin
At least Queenie could keep me company there...
Do what's right....even when no one is looking.
vsangelchick Wrote:At least Queenie could keep me company there...

Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
To all of those that have served in the Armed Forces and have done so much to protect my daughter and our way of life, I salute you and thank you from the bottom of my heart. I don't know how to tell you how much you are appreciated for the sacrifice you have all made. It is people like you that make me proud to be an American and to know that we have the greatest country in the world.
kevininnashville Wrote:So i was a marine, yes i recently returned from Iraq for the second time, When you find this out dont let the first question you ask be if I have killed anyone. It makes you a douche in my eyes. Happened twice today. just venting.

Thanks to all of the men and women that have and are serving, I know it can't be easy. People are dumb, too. So, thanks for protecting our stupid asses!
What chaps my giant pimply ass ? Internet message board moderators with a god complex.
Wowie Groovie !
Titan ! Wrote:What chaps my giant pimply ass ? Internet message board moderators with a god complex.

Oh titan. Silly, silly titan. :Smile
hotzester Wrote:
Quote:Me putting on my blues +Vsangel= Iowa floods


heeyyy that's not why IA flooded... IA flooded because my bf Shaun had to wear his dress whites for inspection on T week once Tongue
Lol....nice peachs...but it's me seeing my fiance in any of his uniforms....
Do what's right....even when no one is looking.
Titan ! Wrote:What chaps my giant pimply ass ? Internet message board moderators with a god complex.

You really wanna know what chaps my ass! YOU! >Sad You and some of the effing dumba$$ comments that you leave on here. Why don't you just shut your trap Like this :-X

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