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Heroes is one of my favourite shows...and actually the only one I follow. :o
Finally, a TV series thread I can go into. I'm caught up on this one!!

Wow, Claire sure was pissed last night, huh? Daddy really pushed her too far this time. Plungee and I were talking about the fact that we can't figure out if he is good or bad, and then on the preview for next week's show, we learn that we might just find out!!
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
Indeed, In the first season I actually HATED Noah, but as more was revealed about him I grew to like him.

And I don't think he's necessarily a bad guy, He's more Neutral or a kind of anti-hero.
Well I understand him doing what he has to in order to protect Claire. But, there are times when you just don't know.
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
I think he's just motivated by Claire's safety to do bad things like you said.

Which is why he's working for Nathan's team this Vol. but I'm sure if there were no threats he would be a full-on "good guy"

i'm sick of the Claire storyline/character, she annoys me to no end.
Sylar will find his dad.
Peters new ability is so lame. he should've got his original power back instead of this touch-feely bullshit.
i was super pissed when they killed off Daphne. i liked her and felt so bad for Matt.

overall, this season sounded good but it's not really going in the direction i thought it would.
Jo Wrote:OMG

i'm sick of the Claire storyline/character, she annoys me to no end.
Sylar will find his dad.
Peters new ability is so lame. he should've got his original power back instead of this touch-feely bullshit.
i was super pissed when they killed off Daphne. i liked her and felt so bad for Matt.

overall, this season sounded good but it's not really going in the direction i thought it would.

I hate watching Peter's character talk. He looks like he talking out of only one side of his mouth.

WRT Daphne, i'm with you. I really like her too, especially after seeing the "real" her.
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
Peter's actor has nerve damage in his face which is why his mouth is like that.

And shouldn't be mad about Daphne Wink
Queenie Wrote:Finally, a TV series thread I can go into. I'm caught up on this one!!

Wow, Claire sure was pissed last night, huh? Daddy really pushed her too far this time. Plungee and I were talking about the fact that we can't figure out if he is good or bad, and then on the preview for next week's show, we learn that we might just find out!!
Damn, looks like me and you have reversed roles with this show and Lost. I am only caught up on the first season.
Well, I guess that we all learned a lesson today. That it's what's inside a person that counts. And that on the inside, midgets are thieving little bastards.
I only saw the first season of LOST. But everything past that seems to be just CRAZY.
Why shouldn't we be pissed about losing Daphne? I really liked her. She was complex and real! I cope they manage to work her back in somehow!!!
I got lost somewhere in about episode 8 or so, and just gotta wait for the DVDs, great show though.
Wowie Groovie !
I think Claire and daddy are getting ready for a showdown. I think he's still a bad dude. Didn't he get the ability to heal himself too? Daphne is gonna make a comeback, I think. Syler and that kid are probably brothers and are gonna go on a killing spree.

Have we heard the last of that Indian chick and her crazy almost husband? That seemed to work out too well.....
Noah doesn't have any powers, Claire's blood merely heals other people.

The rest of the stuff about Daphne and the kid would be spoilers...

And I don't know about the Indians.
Titan ! Wrote:I got lost somewhere in about episode 8 or so, and just gotta wait for the DVDs, great show though.

You can stream any episode from this season on

cool thing is, there's less commercials.

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