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Show Code - WGRD Commercial Hates Spud
For the GRD listeners, everyone knows how FB&HW hates Spud and his right wing douchebaggery. When what he's saying isn't flat out wrong, he doesn't really acknowledge the other side's arguments, and has hung up on me when I proved him wrong.

Today during the Spud commercial where he talks about surrender monkeys while Buffalo Springfield plays in the background (antiwar song.. good choice Spud), the soundclip of a guy saying 'Shut the eff up. Just shut. The eff. Up.' played over the commercial.

At first I thought it was a mistake, but realized that there was no way that was a mistake. I'm glad the Spud hatred isn't just with listeners who have to turn the channel every time music stops for fear of hearing more bullshit spew out of your speakers.

Way to go FB, HW, Zane, Joe or whoever played that soundbyte during Spud's commercial.
Not to get too political, but I sitll don't get how being "pro-war" became a "right-wing/conservative" position.
They don't hate Spud. Eric was just being Eric when he played the sound bite, just like when he played the "You have AIDS" song during the AIDS PSA a while back.
no.... they really do hate spud....... like everyone else
For the record. We do not hate Spud at all. On the contrary... we think he's terrific. bellybittenlunt is correct.

If we hated him, we wouldn't poke fun.

Again, The FBHW Show has no axe to grind with Spud or any GRD airstaff. Dig it.

WOW, managed to bring the armenian out of hiding.
as far as Spud goes, the whole thing was funny, I think Spud acts the way he does on air because it gets attention, I don't think anyone can be that extreme. Even if he is I am sure he at least uses his manners and keeps the political talk on the radio and that's all, because if he didn't I am sure not many people would get along with him.

As far as the guys on the show go with the hating other radio personalities, as they said they get along with most people in radio. Listening to them you can hear them talk about the ones they don't like.
It matters not how straight the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.
[spoiler]Shit, you took away the black bar. Put it the fuck back now![/spoiler]
zane Wrote:For the record. We do not hate Spud at all. On the contrary... we think he's terrific. bellybittenlunt is correct.

If we hated him, we wouldn't poke fun.

Again, The FBHW Show has no axe to grind with Spud or any GRD airstaff. Dig it.


Hate him personally, of course not. All I'm saying is that everyone gets thrown under the bus for some reason or another by FBHW, and I'm just happy that someone gives some of Spud's crap back to him on air.

I mean, I love when they tease JT because everyone knows it's all in fun, and he doesn't really deserve it.

I know Spud acts so extreme to get ratings, but FBHW is the closest thing there is to an opposing opinion on air, and it's good to hear someone give it to him once in awhile.
I thought the same thing about Spud's choice of background music. Buffalo Springfield's "For What It's Worth" a total anti-war song.

Way to think that one through, Spud!
bellybittenlunt Wrote:They don't hate Spud. Eric was just being Eric when he played the sound bite, just like when he played the "You have AIDS" song during the AIDS PSA a while back.

That's still one of my favorite show stories of alltime. I only wish I had heard it live when it happened.
I think it's the best when they play sound bites over commercials. I laugh my balls off.
spud is hot and gr is predominately why not have a right winged dj? most of what he says is pretty on point.
He refuses to ready my entire emails online rebutting his BS. Typically, I turn the radio to KLQ by noon anway. I've always been a big Michael Grey fan.
Philly Mike Wrote:WOW, managed to bring the armenian out of hiding.
as far as Spud goes, the whole thing was funny, I think Spud acts the way he does on air because it gets attention, I don't think anyone can be that extreme. Even if he is I am sure he at least uses his manners and keeps the political talk on the radio and that's all, because if he didn't I am sure not many people would get along with him.

As far as the guys on the show go with the hating other radio personalities, as they said they get along with most people in radio. Listening to them you can hear them talk about the ones they don't like.

my father in law is that extreme...holy crap
"Golf requires goofy pants and a fat ass. You should talk to my neighbor the accountant. Probably a great golfer. Huge ass!"
I agree with spuc about 99% of the time, and love his show. On the other hand I think Michael Grey is a douchebag 99% of the time and can't stand him.
sparkysteve Wrote:I agree with spuc about 99% of the time, and love his show. On the other hand I think Michael Grey is a douchebag 99% of the time and can't stand him.

When MG interviews a hot chick he sounds as if he'd drool on them if he could. It's uncomfortable and creepy.
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
For all you hippie d-bags, if you dont like spud, then dont listen to him. I for one think he is awesome, because he has the balls to say what most of us are thinking. Its nice to hear someone on the right side talk on the radio. I am so sick of the radio, tv and celebrities spewing their left wing agenda all over the place.
Radio? Really? It is pretty well known that Radio is dominated by the Right.
Brian Wrote:For all you hippie d-bags, if you dont like spud, then dont listen to him. I for one think he is awesome, because he has the balls to say what most of us are thinking. Its nice to hear someone on the right side talk on the radio. I am so sick of the radio, tv and celebrities spewing their left wing agenda all over the place.

We don't listen to Spud, because he does suck. If I wanted to hear some right wing moron yelling about moronic right wing nonsense, I'd listen to Bill O'Reilly. So instead of listening to Spud, I listen to NPR and get educated on the issues.
ratrad Wrote:Radio? Really? It is pretty well known that Radio is dominated by the Right.

AM radio is for sure.
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
ratrad Wrote:Radio? Really? It is pretty well known that Radio is dominated by the Right.

Not according to Rush Limbaugh, James Dobson, Bill O'Reilly, Glen Beck and all the other right wing radio nutjobs. They try to make it sound like they're the ones being persecuted and left all alone in a Left Wing dominated industry. This guy unfortunately believes them.
I already posted about this.

And the sound clip in the commerical was AWESOME.

Yes, I hate the douchebag Spud too. I am glad he finally deleted me off his myspace.
Give the kid a break - he has been at the station a long time - worked hard - and now has the balls to speak his mind - both him and JT should be given some credit for allowing a show that is more than just time, temp and song intro into or out of each break.
rovinralph Wrote:Give the kid a break - he has been at the station a long time - worked hard - and now has the balls to speak his mind - both him and JT should be given some credit for allowing a show that is more than just time, temp and song intro into or out of each break.

Yeah, I think Spud is definitely right MOST of the time. I may not always see eye to eye with him politically, but a lot of what he has to say really should just be common sense but a lot of people are really stupid.
ahole Wrote:
ratrad Wrote:Radio? Really? It is pretty well known that Radio is dominated by the Right.

Not according to Rush Limbaugh, James Dobson, Bill O'Reilly, Glen Beck and all the other right wing radio nutjobs. They try to make it sound like they're the ones being persecuted and left all alone in a Left Wing dominated industry. This guy unfortunately believes them.
AM Radio is the only medium dominated by conservatives. TV, movies, newspapers, the music industry - all dominated by the left. And now the libs are trying to slip the 'fairness doctrine' into being to counter the one area where conservatives hold sway.
dasbow Wrote:
ahole Wrote:Not according to Rush Limbaugh, James Dobson, Bill O'Reilly, Glen Beck and all the other right wing radio nutjobs. They try to make it sound like they're the ones being persecuted and left all alone in a Left Wing dominated industry. This guy unfortunately believes them.
AM Radio is the only medium dominated by conservatives. TV, movies, newspapers, the music industry - all dominated by the left. And now the libs are trying to slip the 'fairness doctrine' into being to counter the one area where conservatives hold sway.

I guess it depends on how you define "left" or "lib".
ratrad Wrote:
dasbow Wrote:AM Radio is the only medium dominated by conservatives. TV, movies, newspapers, the music industry - all dominated by the left. And now the libs are trying to slip the 'fairness doctrine' into being to counter the one area where conservatives hold sway.

I guess it depends on how you define "left" or "lib".
You must be joking.
No joking. I have a unique perspective. But this is not the thread to discuss this on. The mods are going to send it over to the politics area. Maybe we can have the discussion over there.

For the record, as Eric said, we like Spud. And even I'm about 50/50 on his opinions, I think he's a talented host and has a bright future. If this weren't true, I'd simply remain silent.
freebeer Wrote:For the record, as Eric said, we like Spud. And even I'm about 50/50 on his opinions, I think he's a talented host and has a bright future. If this weren't true, I'd simply remain silent.

Leave it to free beer to bring the conversation back on topic. Big Grin
ratrad Wrote:
freebeer Wrote:For the record, as Eric said, we like Spud. And even I'm about 50/50 on his opinions, I think he's a talented host and has a bright future. If this weren't true, I'd simply remain silent.

Leave it to free beer to bring the conversation back on topic. Big Grin
Yeah, screw him! Hey look - it's Sgt Dork! Ha-haaa!!!
The politics of it are pretty unimportant. Whether or not Spud is wrong (he usually is) doesn't matter.

If a huge liberal was spreading lies on GRD, I'm sure FB&HW would let him have it as well, and that's how I like it.

If someone is annoying, they deserve to be thrown under the bus. Thank you FB&HW for not being partial.
Spud reminds me of huge ahole simonson. When he doesn't like what a caller has to say he starts talking louder and attacks the caller and hangs up. Kinda like Adam Sandler in The Wedding Singer "Well I have a microphone and you don't so you WILL LISTEN TO EVERYTHING I HAVE TO SAY!!!". If I want facts, I tune to NPR. If I want aholes arguing with each other about global warming and abortion, I'll listen to Spud and the other blowhards.
Hi guys.

Thanks, Eric, for pointing me to this message board.

I love the fact that some of you think that because you disagree with my political opinions, then that means EVERYONE on Earth not only hates my opinions but also hates me as a human being.

I'm actually one of the most laid back people you'll ever meet. I was even a "damn dirty hippy" with quite a pot habit until my last year of college. You might remember something that happened that year involving planes full of innocent people being flown into a couple of buildings. Watching that on TV, and really thinking about what I was seeing and what it meant geopolitically really changed my politics. I know from first-hand experience that A LOT of my fellow liberals became conservatives that day.

This may also surprise you, but I'm shy in person. My radio show is where I vent and say whatever the Eff I want to say, so when I go home I'm usually done "expressing" myself for the day.

WGRD is a very happy family, and we all not only like each other, but we RESPECT each other for what each member of the family brings to the table.

I don't do a morning show. I am, first and foremost, a DJ. However, they pay me a little more than the rest of the DJ's and put me on during the second-most listened to time of day BECAUSE I don't think about whether my opinions are popular, or whether they'll offend some guy named Brice who works the espresso machine and "like totally loves" Obama. If I feel it, and believe it, I say it. And if I stopped talking from my heart about issues I think are important, and tried too hard to please everyone (like, unfortunately, both our presidential candidates do every time they open their mouths), then I'd lose listeners, and WGRD would put someone else on that pissed you off. So instead, I do my show every day for the people that DO like to hear what I have to say. I've been blessed over the last 3 and a half years, and I'm proud to say there are lots of you out there.

Very entertaining board, by the way.

If you have any questions, I'm all ears.
Also, as a DJ, and by definition a music geek, do you honestly think I don't know that "For What It's Worth" by Buffalo Springfield is a hippy anthem?

It's called irony kids.
ewww Spud.
spud Wrote:Hi guys.

Thanks, Eric, for pointing me to this message board.

If you have any questions, I'm all ears.

I have a question. Yesterday when you told me to go F myself, were you being laid back, ironic,or sincere ?
Wowie Groovie !
That was me being a human being and responding to an attack as any human would.

"If you can't take it, don't dish it out", as grandma used to say.

You can be all self-righteous and indignant the day I show up at your apartment and nail a notice to your door telling your neighbors I think your photography sucks.

Until then, you get what you give.
*In response to "exaltor" aka "titan"s question that he's since deleted*

Okay, I'll make a poll. Who's the fattest loser? "exaltor" or "titan"?

Now remember: it's not an attack. It's just a "poll".

C'mon man. Use some logic.

Of course being included in that poll was an insult.

If you all still insist on seeing me as a 2-dimensional voice that comes out of your speakers, rather than a feeling, thinking person, then that's fine. Have fun.

It's kind of weird, though.
spud Wrote:That was me being a human being and responding to an attack as any human would.

"If you can't take it, don't dish it out", as grandma used to say.

You can be all self-righteous and indignant the day I show up at your apartment and nail a notice to your door telling your neighbors I think your photography sucks.

Until then, you get what you give.

And then after telling me to go F myself, you change your email settings so that I can't respond to your comments?

Pretty sad.
Wowie Groovie !

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