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Who will be President?
ahole Wrote:
susan78 Wrote:I so agree fact the whole freakin' country cannot take any more GOP molestation.

You must be mistakening me for some gay-talking liberal. I love being molested by the GOP even more than I love Freedom. That's why I'm totally ok with GWB tearing up the Constitution and sh*tting justice right down my throat. Everything is going so great in this country, I think we should sign the Bushster up for 8 more years. Who's with me?!
Molested by the GOP? Here you've been slamming the evil GOP for shredding your constitutional rights ON THE INTERNET for days, yet you're not in jail. Probably haven't even been visited by government agents, even. Ooohhh, how very opressed you are. Tell you what - when the men in black come to waterboard you, give me a call. I'll go suffer right beside you for my sin of believing those black-hearted bastards. Until then, you really need to drop the drama, Princess.
wienerpoopie Wrote:The real George Bush:

[Image: tali-bush.jpg]

So youre saying George Bush is Gandalf with a trimmed beard and different hat? That's being way too generous on his behalf and I wont stand for it!
Kate Wrote:McCain is another George Bush. With such SUCCESS that Bush has had in office do you REALLY want McCain? No, We want Obama!

dasbow Wrote:
speedbump Wrote:Did you even read the article? Until 2001 they could only be used if there was probable cause of terrorism, and even then compliance was voluntary.
And in 2001, we went to war against terrorists. In a war, you spy on the enemy to figure out what they're up to. Like back in WWII when we broke the Japanese and German codes. You may not want to know what Al Qaeda is up to, but I sure as hell do. When you're going after the drug cartels it's OK to wait until they've made the sale, then arrest them. In a war against terrorists, it's simply not good enough to wait until AFTER they've killed a bunch of people then spring into action.

The Patriot Act doesn't limit NSLs to suspected terrorists.
dasbow Wrote:
ahole Wrote:You must be mistakening me for some gay-talking liberal. I love being molested by the GOP even more than I love Freedom. That's why I'm totally ok with GWB tearing up the Constitution and sh*tting justice right down my throat. Everything is going so great in this country, I think we should sign the Bushster up for 8 more years. Who's with me?!
Molested by the GOP? Here you've been slamming the evil GOP for shredding your constitutional rights ON THE INTERNET for days, yet you're not in jail. Probably haven't even been visited by government agents, even. Ooohhh, how very opressed you are. Tell you what - when the men in black come to waterboard you, give me a call. I'll go suffer right beside you for my sin of believing those black-hearted bastards. Until then, you really need to drop the drama, Princess.

The GOP didn't come up with free speech, Asstard.
speedbump Wrote:
dasbow Wrote:Molested by the GOP? Here you've been slamming the evil GOP for shredding your constitutional rights ON THE INTERNET for days, yet you're not in jail. Probably haven't even been visited by government agents, even. Ooohhh, how very opressed you are. Tell you what - when the men in black come to waterboard you, give me a call. I'll go suffer right beside you for my sin of believing those black-hearted bastards. Until then, you really need to drop the drama, Princess.

The GOP didn't come up with free speech, Asstard.
No, it's one of those Constitutional Rights you idiots keep saying the GOP is 'shredding'. Yet you, and all others like you, have never had those rights infringed on once. You really ought to read what your arguments are before you comment on them.
Our founding fathers also enjoyed the hard work of their slaves, so we should probably be super worried about what you think they may or may not have wanted. I'm not sure why people are still pretending the the current GOP are more fiscally responsible than the Democrats. The democrats want to give tax cuts to those making under $250,000 a year, aka the vast majority of Americans. Bush has given tax cuts to the richest 1% of Americans, while the rest of us have struggled. McCain agrees with these policies, and 99% of America will continue to struggle if he's elected.

I never knew a poor person to hire anyone and stimulate the economy. You have to give tax cuts to the rich also because they are the ones who create jobs. We need to tax comapanies who send their jobs out ot the U.S.. Give tax breaks to those who keeps jobs here. I don't want Obama who wants redistribute the wealth in this country. The founding fathers never wanted us to be socialists. They wanted government to be small and not interfere in the lives of its people. I've not made the best choices in my life but at least they are my own choices. Obama will destroy this wonderful country of ours.
oops sorry! that top part came form lovegrenade. The second part is from me. I haven't quite got this whole thing down.
Admin Wrote:You don't want me for President. I'd do things that go against the common will of politicians such as:

Build all the prisons and jails along the Mexican and Canadian Borders to keep immigration in line.

I'd create Social Security accounts where the money is invested at the investor's will rather than being rifled through for politician's pet projects.

I'd scrap the current tax code and enact the Fair Tax.

I'd also eliminate the lifers on the government teat. You get welfare for 6 months. After that work or don't eat.

Lifetime benefits for one term politicians would go the way of the dinosaurs.

NPR and PBS can find their own monetary support.

Not a bad start! Vote Bob Barr in 2008!
dasbow Wrote:
speedbump Wrote:The GOP didn't come up with free speech, Asstard.
No, it's one of those Constitutional Rights you idiots keep saying the GOP is 'shredding'. Yet you, and all others like you, have never had those rights infringed on once. You really ought to read what your arguments are before you comment on them.

So because I've never had those rights infringed upon, I shouldn't worry about those who have? This isn't about personal experience, it's about the government going against it's own constitution. You're the one with the bad arguments, sir.
speedbump Wrote:
dasbow Wrote:No, it's one of those Constitutional Rights you idiots keep saying the GOP is 'shredding'. Yet you, and all others like you, have never had those rights infringed on once. You really ought to read what your arguments are before you comment on them.

So because I've never had those rights infringed upon, I shouldn't worry about those who have? This isn't about personal experience, it's about the government going against it's own constitution. You're the one with the bad arguments, sir.
If you were paying attention you'd know I was saying that people like you all over the country have been ripping the current administration from one end to the other. And none of you has ever had so much as a phone call. Yet you persist in saying that George Bush has created a police state that's shredded the Constitution, violated your rights, spied on you. You'd think a government so intent on quashing dissent would have at least investigated one dissident. One. One lonely little dissenter. Hasn't happened. Won't happen. Rest easy. The knock in the middle of the night isn't coming. But if it will help, remember this: the shiny side faces out.
dasbow Wrote:
speedbump Wrote:So because I've never had those rights infringed upon, I shouldn't worry about those who have? This isn't about personal experience, it's about the government going against it's own constitution. You're the one with the bad arguments, sir.
If you were paying attention you'd know I was saying that people like you all over the country have been ripping the current administration from one end to the other. And none of you has ever had so much as a phone call. Yet you persist in saying that George Bush has created a police state that's shredded the Constitution, violated your rights, spied on you. You'd think a government so intent on quashing dissent would have at least investigated one dissident. One. One lonely little dissenter. Hasn't happened. Won't happen. Rest easy. The knock in the middle of the night isn't coming. But if it will help, remember this: the shiny side faces out.

All I said was he violated the Constitution. None of that other shit you just said.
McCain is the only good candidate. I would never vote for Obama even if someone held a gun to my head and threatened to shoot me.

This is not the time to have a liberal president (Obama) in office. His "big government" ideas don't work. It didn't work in the 60s and 70s and it is not going to work now. Pulling out of Iraq before we finish the job will only result in DISASTER. We did not go to war with Iraq because of oil. We went there because of weapons of mass destruction that Saddamn Hussein was using chemical weapons against Iraqi people. That is genocide! Genocide happened in Nazi Germany, Rwanda, Bosnia, ARMENIA (for Eric Zane...not because of Eric Zane), and is happening in Darfur (which has people bitching about it today and want us to do something about it). The weapons were never found because they were destroyed before we could get to them. Now with Iran screwing with the world, we have to stay there to keep them in check because we don't want some nut job attacking our allies in the Mid East. Bottom Line: stay in Iraq to finish the job. A vote for Obama is a vote for LOSING the war vs. a vote for McCain is a vote for WINNING the war. Take your pick. Win or Lose the war? I'll take win the war. How about you?

The economy is in the toilet, we know that. But what Obama will do is tax the s*** out of us and cause us the give up more of our hard earned money so the government can take more control of us. This makes the American Dream even harder to achieve. Big Government = Big Taxes. Tax cuts need to happen in order to boost the economy which is what McCain will do in addition to winning the war in Iraq.

Healthcare, Hmm. The protestors at a McCain rally were talking about how we need a better healthcare system. Whenever that man stopped screaming, he would put a cigarette in his mouth. I've got the answer to all of those problems. STOP SMOKIN YOU UGLY MINGER! YOU ARE CAUSING YOUR OWN PROBLEMS RIGHT THERE! Really, I am not going to vote for a man (Obama) who says that universal free healthcare is what he is going to put in a system where in reality, the tax payers are going to be the ones funding the healthcare system. I do not want to be the one who is paying for a smokers' treatment for lung cancer when they are causing there own problems. If you want better healthcare, get yourself an education so you can get a better job. To all you smokers and people who use products that harm your body, YOU ARE CAUSING YOUR OWN PROBLEMS! YOU HAVE TO FIX THEM, NOT THE GOVERNMENT!

Really, Barack Obama is all talk. He is saying the obvious to get himself elected. You could look at it as, "OH, an unpopular republican president. I am a democrat and I am going to say the obvious to get votes from the people who hate the president to get the White House all to myself." NAIVE!!!

Obama is naive, PERIOD!!! McCain has been around to see what works and what doesn't. Obama hasn't! Obama is just taking advantage of the time. Obama's foreign policy sucks! Really, there is a thought going around that there is a terrorist attack planed for the US in 2009 in order to test the new president. John McCain would be better to handle the job. The fact that he would negotiate with terrorists is enough proof to see that he is naive!

There is no appeal to Barack Obama. If you look at his name: Barack Hussein Obama. You see two names that have similarities to the two men we went to war with in order to bring them to justice. Osama bin Laden and Saddamn Hussein. Those are mind boggling. That alone can be considered a sign from the Lord that this man is not the right man to be the president of the United States of America.

All of the Obama supporters need a huge dose of reality! Really you guys are completely blind to all of the bull s*** that this man is saying. He doesn't answer questions during debates and spends all of the time he is given to defend himself on his so-called patriotic morals. The first time I heard him speak I said, "F***, I'm going to forget how count to ten because his big government keeps taking my money because of all the taxes, not only that I don't have enough bread crumbs to get home."

I'm voting for McCain. I would be much more relaxed and calm about this election if it was Hilary Clinton vs John McCain. But really, President Obama! We are screwed! Progress in Iraq reversed! Higher Taxes! Government regulations on EVERYTHING! How the hell are we going to live!?!

If you are an Obama supporter and/or thinking about voting for him, you need to be whacked across the head with a 2X4 and then hung by the ankles until all the blood rushes to your head so that your brain works the way it is supposed to. Once that happens you will see that Barack Obama is just a huge PHONEY!
internkylebusch Wrote:There is no appeal to Barack Obama. If you look at his name: Barack Hussein Obama. You see two names that have similarities to the two men we went to war with in order to bring them to justice. Osama bin Laden and Saddamn Hussein. Those are mind boggling. That alone can be considered a sign from the Lord that this man is not the right man to be the president of the United States of America.

This should be next to "ignorance" in the dictionary.
Intern Kyle Busch . . . nicely said.
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
Great job intern Kyle Busch. I definitely couldn't have said it better myself. Obama is so far left, it isn't funny. A Dem like him will destroy the America that I love and that I want my daughter to love as much as I do. If his (Obama's) view of the future was to come true, I wouldn't want to be here anymore. He and his wife have no pride in the nation that our forefathers built. Ben Franklin and George Washington and all the others must be rolling over in their graves to see what our choice is for President. I believe that they would be sadly disappointed.
speedbump Wrote:
internkylebusch Wrote:There is no appeal to Barack Obama. If you look at his name: Barack Hussein Obama. You see two names that have similarities to the two men we went to war with in order to bring them to justice. Osama bin Laden and Saddamn Hussein. Those are mind boggling. That alone can be considered a sign from the Lord that this man is not the right man to be the president of the United States of America.

This should be next to "ignorance" in the dictionary.
I'm almost surprised he didn't cite Obama's tendency to use the "terrorist fist jab" and openly accuse him of being a secret Muslim. What an example of bullshit conservative fear tactics at work.
hmm half my paycheck going to the government....let me think ...mmhmm....... F' Obama

McCain '08
internkylebusch Wrote:McCain is the only good candidate. I would never vote for Obama even if someone held a gun to my head and threatened to shoot me.

This is not the time to have a liberal president (Obama) in office. His "big government" ideas don't work. It didn't work in the 60s and 70s and it is not going to work now. Pulling out of Iraq before we finish the job will only result in DISASTER. We did not go to war with Iraq because of oil. We went there because of weapons of mass destruction that Saddamn Hussein was using chemical weapons against Iraqi people. That is genocide! Genocide happened in Nazi Germany, Rwanda, Bosnia, ARMENIA (for Eric Zane...not because of Eric Zane), and is happening in Darfur (which has people bitching about it today and want us to do something about it). The weapons were never found because they were destroyed before we could get to them. Now with Iran screwing with the world, we have to stay there to keep them in check because we don't want some nut job attacking our allies in the Mid East. Bottom Line: stay in Iraq to finish the job. A vote for Obama is a vote for LOSING the war vs. a vote for McCain is a vote for WINNING the war. Take your pick. Win or Lose the war? I'll take win the war. How about you?

The economy is in the toilet, we know that. But what Obama will do is tax the s*** out of us and cause us the give up more of our hard earned money so the government can take more control of us. This makes the American Dream even harder to achieve. Big Government = Big Taxes. Tax cuts need to happen in order to boost the economy which is what McCain will do in addition to winning the war in Iraq.

Healthcare, Hmm. The protestors at a McCain rally were talking about how we need a better healthcare system. Whenever that man stopped screaming, he would put a cigarette in his mouth. I've got the answer to all of those problems. STOP SMOKIN YOU UGLY MINGER! YOU ARE CAUSING YOUR OWN PROBLEMS RIGHT THERE! Really, I am not going to vote for a man (Obama) who says that universal free healthcare is what he is going to put in a system where in reality, the tax payers are going to be the ones funding the healthcare system. I do not want to be the one who is paying for a smokers' treatment for lung cancer when they are causing there own problems. If you want better healthcare, get yourself an education so you can get a better job. To all you smokers and people who use products that harm your body, YOU ARE CAUSING YOUR OWN PROBLEMS! YOU HAVE TO FIX THEM, NOT THE GOVERNMENT!

Really, Barack Obama is all talk. He is saying the obvious to get himself elected. You could look at it as, "OH, an unpopular republican president. I am a democrat and I am going to say the obvious to get votes from the people who hate the president to get the White House all to myself." NAIVE!!!

Obama is naive, PERIOD!!! McCain has been around to see what works and what doesn't. Obama hasn't! Obama is just taking advantage of the time. Obama's foreign policy sucks! Really, there is a thought going around that there is a terrorist attack planed for the US in 2009 in order to test the new president. John McCain would be better to handle the job. The fact that he would negotiate with terrorists is enough proof to see that he is naive!

There is no appeal to Barack Obama. If you look at his name: Barack Hussein Obama. You see two names that have similarities to the two men we went to war with in order to bring them to justice. Osama bin Laden and Saddamn Hussein. Those are mind boggling. That alone can be considered a sign from the Lord that this man is not the right man to be the president of the United States of America.

All of the Obama supporters need a Huge dose of reality! Really you guys are completely blind to all of the bull s*** that this man is saying. He doesn't answer questions during debates and spends all of the time he is given to defend himself on his so-called patriotic morals. The first time I heard him speak I said, "eff, I'm going to forget how count to ten because his big government keeps taking my money because of all the taxes, not only that I don't have enough bread crumbs to get home."

I'm voting for McCain. I would be much more relaxed and calm about this election if it was Hilary Clinton vs John McCain. But really, President Obama! We are screwed! Progress in Iraq reversed! Higher Taxes! Government regulations on EVERYTHING! How the hell are we going to live!?!

If you are an Obama supporter and/or thinking about voting for him, you need to be whacked across the head with a 2X4 and then hung by the ankles until all the blood rushes to your head so that your brain works the way it is supposed to. Once that happens you will see that Barack Obama is just a Huge PHONEY!

F' Me IKB.....well said
Bush didn't lie. They found 'yellow cake" in Iraq.
hotsauce Wrote:Bush didn't lie. They found 'yellow cake" in Iraq.

Uranium is not a WMD.
hotsauce Wrote:Bush didn't lie. They found 'yellow cake" in Iraq.

I would gladly vote for any candidate that actually did give every citizen some yellow cake. Then at least we'd have a candidate that is kind of working for us instead of completely against us as people which has been the trend for some time.

And besides, yellow cake is friggin delicious 8-)
Fistor Wrote:
hotsauce Wrote:Bush didn't lie. They found 'yellow cake" in Iraq.

Uranium is not a WMD.

no but it is necessary to produce nuclear weapons. Iraq had a nuclear program, and had the definite potential to create wmd's.
mooseknuckle Wrote:hmm half my paycheck going to the government....let me think ...mmhmm....... F' Obama

McCain '08

Amen, Ive tried to explain this to every liberal but they just don't get it
kaboobie92 Wrote:
mooseknuckle Wrote:hmm half my paycheck going to the government....let me think ...mmhmm....... F' Obama

McCain '08

Amen, Ive tried to explain this to every liberal but they just don't get it

Did you know most Canadians pay around 50% income tax (about the same as us) yet they have universal health care?
Wiener Poopie 2.0! Now fatter and less credible!
kaboobie92 Wrote:
Fistor Wrote:Uranium is not a WMD.

no but it is necessary to produce nuclear weapons. Iraq had a nuclear program, and had the definite potential to create wmd's.

Why does the U.S. push to eliminate WMD in other countries but stockpile its own?
Wiener Poopie 2.0! Now fatter and less credible!
wienerpoopie Wrote:
kaboobie92 Wrote:no but it is necessary to produce nuclear weapons. Iraq had a nuclear program, and had the definite potential to create wmd's.

Why does the U.S. push to eliminate WMD in other countries but stockpile its own?

Are those countries that the U.S. is interested in limiting WMD democracies or dictatorships?
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
Admin Wrote:
wienerpoopie Wrote:Why does the U.S. push to eliminate WMD in other countries but stockpile its own?

Are those countries that the U.S. is interested in limiting WMD democracies or dictatorships?

The unofficial goal is all, excluding allies
Wiener Poopie 2.0! Now fatter and less credible!
wienerpoopie Wrote:
kaboobie92 Wrote:Amen, Ive tried to explain this to every liberal but they just don't get it

Did you know most Canadians pay around 50% income tax (about the same as us) yet they have universal health care?

do they have a corrupt and extorted welfare system?...I really don't know
"Golf requires goofy pants and a fat ass. You should talk to my neighbor the accountant. Probably a great golfer. Huge ass!"
kaboobie92 Wrote:
Fistor Wrote:Uranium is not a WMD.

no but it is necessary to produce nuclear weapons. Iraq had a nuclear program, and had the definite potential to create wmd's.

"The potential to create nuclear weapons" does not = WMDs.
wienerpoopie Wrote:
Admin Wrote:Are those countries that the U.S. is interested in limiting WMD democracies or dictatorships?

The unofficial goal is all, excluding allies

Are you sure about that?
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:
wienerpoopie Wrote:Did you know most Canadians pay around 50% income tax (about the same as us) yet they have universal health care?

do they have a corrupt and extorted welfare system?...I really don't know

They have ZERO homeless, and their doctors are paid on performance so the better the doctor the more he or she makes.
Wiener Poopie 2.0! Now fatter and less credible!
Admin Wrote:
wienerpoopie Wrote:The unofficial goal is all, excluding allies

Are you sure about that?

Im Wiener Effin Poopie, yes im sure
Wiener Poopie 2.0! Now fatter and less credible!
wienerpoopie Wrote:
Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:do they have a corrupt and extorted welfare system?...I really don't know

They have ZERO homeless, and their doctors are paid on performance so the better the doctor the more he or she makes.

but i'm talking about welfare....and lazy people that could work but just won't...or that lie about being injured during war to get benefits....asshats...i'm talking about asshats
"Golf requires goofy pants and a fat ass. You should talk to my neighbor the accountant. Probably a great golfer. Huge ass!"
Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:
wienerpoopie Wrote:They have ZERO homeless, and their doctors are paid on performance so the better the doctor the more he or she makes.

but i'm talking about welfare....and lazy people that could work but just won't...or that lie about being injured during war to get benefits....asshats...i'm talking about asshats

Everyone has asshats, but not sure about their welfare program
Wiener Poopie 2.0! Now fatter and less credible!
kaboobie92 Wrote:
mooseknuckle Wrote:hmm half my paycheck going to the government....let me think ...mmhmm....... F' Obama

McCain '08

Amen, Ive tried to explain this to every liberal but they just don't get it

Before spreading the propoganda, did you bother to check to see if it was actually true first?
Yes, didn't you read that article that I posted Fistor? Obama is raising taxes for everyone but the poorest who will recieve a tax cut. So obviously if you arent poor then you will have a lot more of your paycheck going to the government. I for one don't want to wipe peoples asses. People should support themselves and be in significant need AND not be able to work. If you are able bodied and can find a job (you can always find a temp job) you should not recieve government aid. It means you are lazy. I know it can be hard to find a job, but go to Manpower or something and find a temp job, instead of relying on the government to bail you out.
kaboobie92 Wrote:Yes, didn't you read that article that I posted Fistor? Obama is raising taxes for everyone but the poorest who will recieve a tax cut. So obviously if you arent poor then you will have a lot more of your paycheck going to the government. I for one don't want to wipe peoples asses. People should support themselves and be in significant need AND not be able to work. If you are able bodied and can find a job (you can always find a temp job) you should not recieve government aid. It means you are lazy. I know it can be hard to find a job, but go to Manpower or something and find a temp job, instead of relying on the government to bail you out.

And all poor people aren't lazy. If you haven't noticed, it's becoming extremely expensive just to get around these days. Probably not so for the children of wealthy business owners, though, such as yourself.

Are we going to have this same run around over and over with all your different board manifestations, kaboobie?
kaboobie92 Wrote:Yes, didn't you read that article that I posted Fistor? Obama is raising taxes for everyone but the poorest who will recieve a tax cut. So obviously if you arent poor then you will have a lot more of your paycheck going to the government. I for one don't want to wipe peoples asses. People should support themselves and be in significant need AND not be able to work. If you are able bodied and can find a job (you can always find a temp job) you should not recieve government aid. It means you are lazy. I know it can be hard to find a job, but go to Manpower or something and find a temp job, instead of relying on the government to bail you out.

Comparing Obama and McCain on Taxes

Posted by Steve Benen, The Carpetbagger Report at 3:55 PM on June 12, 2008.

Media efforts to minimize the differences notwithstanding, Barack Obama and John McCain couldn
Remember when I posted that article a couple weeks ago and he completely ignored it?

I sure hope Elrushbo has to walk a mile in someone's shoes someday, but I'm guessing mommy and daddy won't let that happen.

............Yes, I am gunning for you now.

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