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Right now I'm.... (All posts pertaining to new show site)
#1 agreement with all about the unprovoked bitchslapping the forums took the other day. (Glad I'm not the only one!)

A while ago I mentioned I thought the boards and the show were changing, but I mentioned to Queenie today that now I realize the shift on the board was secondary to that on the show. It's just not the same's just like every other show now, and if I miss a day here and there, I don't mind as much.
hotzester agreement with all about the unprovoked bitchslapping the forums took the other day. (Glad I'm not the only one!)

A while ago I mentioned I thought the boards and the show were changing, but I mentioned to Queenie today that now I realize the shift on the board was secondary to that on the show. It's just not the same's just like every other show now, and if I miss a day here and there, I don't mind as much.

Agreed, I podcast for now, but I don't think I will renew. I think it is a combination of having one massive file where I can't skip segments or just not download the ones I don't want and the show changing so much that thare are at the point of being too similar to all those shows they made fun of at this point. Thus I don't really feel that I missed anything if I do miss a segment anymore.
"What you are about to see is top secret. Do not tell my mother."
Conversely, I am missing being able to listen to my podcast. But that's partially because of the show, partially because having something to listen to at work made the day go faster.
It's weird because I've made myself stop listening once I got to work. I still wake up at 5 to start the show, and listen in the car, but at work I try to work instead of doing something that ties me to the desk. The funny thing is, I don't really miss it that much, especially since they replay the best parts early the next day so I can hear them anyway.

I had thought it was just me going through my "I'm totally interested. . . but not so much anymore." things that I tend to cycle through a lot.
"I'm glad to see those 'Worthless Whore' lessons turned out well for you."
zdunklee Wrote:
hotzester agreement with all about the unprovoked bitchslapping the forums took the other day. (Glad I'm not the only one!)

A while ago I mentioned I thought the boards and the show were changing, but I mentioned to Queenie today that now I realize the shift on the board was secondary to that on the show. It's just not the same's just like every other show now, and if I miss a day here and there, I don't mind as much.

Agreed, I podcast for now, but I don't think I will renew. I think it is a combination of having one massive file where I can't skip segments or just not download the ones I don't want and the show changing so much that thare are at the point of being too similar to all those shows they made fun of at this point. Thus I don't really feel that I missed anything if I do miss a segment anymore.
while you guys are entitled to your opinion i have to say i don't see how different things are, I started podcasting and am able to hear the entire day's worth of a show again, out of what i hear the only parts that have changed are the couple of segments where there are games, this totals about 45 minutes of the show. The rest of the time it sounds like the show always has, just 4(now 5) guys getting together every day bullshitting around. As far as the one file thing goes, maybe if we all email and request that it gets put back they may listen. or even better post on the board on thier site they may get the point if there are enough people. I will start the thread if you like, you will see it there if you check.


err looks like queenie beat me to it. get to posting there!!!!
It matters not how straight the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.
[spoiler]Shit, you took away the black bar. Put it the fuck back now![/spoiler]
I can't post there, but I should be able to. Have other podcasters gotten their VIP stuff yet?
Quote:I had thought it was just me going through my "I'm totally interested. . . but not so much anymore." things that I tend to cycle through a lot.


Mike, for me there are more things that have changed. Most of them are subtle, but when you step back and look at them as a collective, that's where the problems begin.

Example: The new intros. Yeah, it's "just" an intro, and I'd be the first to admit that if it were ONLY the intros, that would be pretty petty. But they sound cheesy, commercial, and like every other show on the radio. Remember, what made FBHW so appealing was that they WEREN'T cheesy or like every other show.

Factor in the loss of some of the regular bits, the new (weak) site, the "VIP" concept (which is way too overdone in radio), etc. It's just not the same show, and it's beyond the addition of "Steev" (whom, incidentally, I actually don't mind. It's cool having a fresh perspective weighing in.)

EDIT: Forgot to mention the total 180-degree position they've apparently taken on the boards. They used to mention the boards, give us a playful hard time, and so on. But now that they've got their big-ass fancy boards, they've actually gone on the attack. They used to suggest that it was the "diehards" who made up this community of ours. If that's the case, why impugn these forums and those who post here?
hotzester Wrote:
Quote:I had thought it was just me going through my "I'm totally interested. . . but not so much anymore." things that I tend to cycle through a lot.


Mike, for me there are more things that have changed. Most of them are subtle, but when you step back and look at them as a collective, that's where the problems begin.

Example: The new intros. Yeah, it's "just" an intro, and I'd be the first to admit that if it were ONLY the intros, that would be pretty petty. But they sound cheesy, commercial, and like every other show on the radio. Remember, what made FBHW so appealing was that they WEREN'T cheesy or like every other show.

Factor in the loss of some of the regular bits, the new (weak) site, the "VIP" concept (which is way too overdone in radio), etc. It's just not the same show, and it's beyond the addition of "Steev" (whom, incidentally, I actually don't mind. It's cool having a fresh perspective weighing in.)

like i said you are all entitled to your opinion, I just don't feel the same. could just be i listened to them long enough that I am used to the changes they make. eh, regardless I know i will still listen, but hey i could also just be crazy too ...

Edit regarding your edit...

I dont think they are really poised against us, if that was the case they would not even sign into the board here anymore. I don't think they really have a problem at all with us, that would just be stupid and petty on their parts. They want to push their site because it's theirs and it's official. This one is the unofficial message board, it is reasonable.

edit on top of edit

isn't this a little too off topic here, shouldn't this be brought to the "show gone downhill" thread?
It matters not how straight the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.
[spoiler]Shit, you took away the black bar. Put it the fuck back now![/spoiler]
hotzester Wrote:
Quote:If that's the case, why impugn these forums and those who post here?

They impugn stuff for a living. That is what they do.
"Sir, You need to get out of your car, there is a train comming."
"Why ummm... uhhh did you ummm... feel the need to errrrr, god why can't I type!!"
For the record, I wasn't the OP in this thread.
My biggest complaint about this whole mess is, why haven't any of the guys on the show really acknowledged the old board/new board issue?

It's kind of par for the course for them to just try to ignore the elephant in the room, kind of like they did a few months back when Zane was gone from the show for a few days.

C'mon Guys, do the right thing ?

Either put a link on your new website to this message board, or quite being pussies and give us an explanation why .
Wowie Groovie !
Titan! Wrote:C'mon Guys, do the right thing ?

Either put a link on your new website to this message board, or quite being pussies and give us an explanation why .

Damn straight! Give us an answer! Biff deserves at least that.
What? I didn't do it.

Shall we Jihad the show and call them until they answer the question ?
Wowie Groovie !
I would totally support the Jihad, but I don't want to be charged with having a sense of entitlement.
hotzester Wrote:I would totally support the Jihad, but I don't want to be charged with having a sense of entitlement.

But you started this thread, did you not?

[spoiler]I know you didn't, but I gotta eff with ya!![/spoiler]
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
sense of entitlement my ass, we deserve an answer.
Wowie Groovie !
LOL @ Queenie. Apparently.
I think an answer is in order. A lot of people have poured a lot of time and effort into making this a fun and informative community.
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
admin Wrote:As for the message board and why we have one: It is often a way to drive traffic to a website as you all know. Ultimately, that is one of the goals of having a website. It is not set up to compete with this one, though inherently, on some level it will. I doubt seriously it will somehow destroy this one, as the community is obviously pretty strong on the board, with or without us.

I feel like this response from Free Beer will probably be the most response we get pertaining to the multiple boards. It's slightly vague, but I really think they're just going to devote their efforts going forward to their own website. Zane mentioned something the other day about this message board feeling it has a sense of entitlement, and while I agree, none of us work for the radio station, I also agree with most postings here that this group really is made of of some of the most loyal fans of the show. That should also be acknowledge by the guys.
Sir, they're not going to allow you to...break the law
As I've posted a couple times I'm not able to use my iPod at work any longer, and thus have had to quit podcasting (sort of "lucky" in a strange way that my subscription ran up late last week), so I haven't heard a whole lot of stuff... have the guys been making more negative comments about this place?

I heard the stuff from Monday, but has there been more?
admin Wrote:I think an answer is in order. A lot of people have poured a lot of time and effort into making this a fun and informative community.

Okay, that settles it. What time do I need to call in order to get in on ICWTTA? Give me the CST . . . please and thank you.
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
Around 5 in the a.m. CST, I believe.
I think it is the first or second segment of the 6am hr here, so about 5:00 or 5:15am CST or so prolly.
"What you are about to see is top secret. Do not tell my mother."
Oh do it Queenie!! The guys definitely recognize your fandom and I think you can make an impact. Sorry, don't have the right CST times for you, I'm a Boston podcaster.
Sir, they're not going to allow you to...break the law
If anyone can get the guys to answer this issue it's The Queen.

Get Em Queenie. ! ! !
Wowie Groovie !
Right now i'm . . . setting my alarm clock for 4:45 am CST. Unfortunately for me, I really don't have to set it. It's an automatic "wide awake" time for me. Damn those Ambien for not working longer!!
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
Quote:If anyone can get the guys to answer this issue it's The Queen.

Clearly because she's the only one of the eight of us here who isn't retarded.
hotzester Wrote:
Quote:If anyone can get the guys to answer this issue it's The Queen.

Clearly because she's the only one of the eight of us here who isn't retarded.

LMAO!!! No, dude. I'm totally retarded. Just ask Plungee. He'll tell you straight up! (or maybe that's him, I totally forget who is who!! Wink)
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
So some of you say you don't think you have a sense of entitlement....and now you're going to call the show and try to get an answer? That sounds like you think you DO have some sense of entitlement, since it sounds like some of you think the show has some obligation to answer. Maybe you realize they don't, but I'm not so sure. I tried to word this as nicely as possible, but we will see how it goes.

Queenie Wrote:
hotzester Wrote:
Quote:If anyone can get the guys to answer this issue it's The Queen.

Clearly because she's the only one of the eight of us here who isn't retarded.

LMAO!!! No, dude. I'm totally retarded. Just ask Plungee. He'll tell you straight up! (or maybe that's him, I totally forget who is who!! Wink)

LMAO!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
stopsign Wrote:So some of you say you don't think you have a sense of entitlement....and now you're going to call the show and try to get an answer? That sounds like you think you DO have some sense of entitlement, since it sounds like some of you think the show has some obligation to answer. Maybe you realize they don't, but I'm not so sure. I tried to word this as nicely as possible, but we will see how it goes.


I don't think it is a sense of entitlement to want an answer for why they would shun the hard work of biff and others who put this forum together. Especially after the sudden turn of them no longer really mentioning it anymore.
"What you are about to see is top secret. Do not tell my mother."
mainerliser Wrote:
Queenie Wrote:
hotzester Wrote:
Quote:If anyone can get the guys to answer this issue it's The Queen.

Clearly because she's the only one of the eight of us here who isn't retarded.

LMAO!!! No, dude. I'm totally retarded. Just ask Plungee. He'll tell you straight up! (or maybe that's him, I totally forget who is who!! Wink)

LMAO!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
I resemble that remark....
zdunklee Wrote:
stopsign Wrote:So some of you say you don't think you have a sense of entitlement....and now you're going to call the show and try to get an answer? That sounds like you think you DO have some sense of entitlement, since it sounds like some of you think the show has some obligation to answer. Maybe you realize they don't, but I'm not so sure. I tried to word this as nicely as possible, but we will see how it goes.


I don't think it is a sense of entitlement to want an answer for why they would shun the hard work of biff and others who put this forum together. Especially after the sudden turn of them no longer really mentioning it anymore.
dude you should just do as I did and put stop on your foe list, it keeps from dealing with having to read someone always contradicting everything in any post. This is all you will see from it and no other types of posts. The only reason i see this post is because you quoted it. This whole thing of "I'm going to try to get people going and ask for attention because acting like a dick is the only way i get attention" is getting old.
It matters not how straight the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.
[spoiler]Shit, you took away the black bar. Put it the fuck back now![/spoiler]
This is useless since he can't read it, but I'll power on.

Zdunklee answered my post like a normal person. He didn't get pissed because I thought I would get flamed. In my post I don't think anything was particularly inflammatory, but I just knew it was a touchy subject so I tried to word it as un-confrontational (is that a word?) as possible.

What does Philly Mike do? He freaks out acting like I was trying to light the world on fire. I'm not trying to get sympathy, but this Philly Mike guy jumped on me pretty fast and hard ( Wink ) and I don't think he really gave me a fair shot. Some of my posts have been much more confrontational, I'll admit that. Let us not forget that Philly Mike has had his fair share of confrontational situations where everyone else just told him to shut the fuck up (.999..=1 thread anyone?), but no one threw a fit and ignored him for it.
Titan! Wrote:My biggest complaint about this whole mess is, why haven't any of the guys on the show really acknowledged the old board/new board issue?

That is pretty much my only issue. I think the new site is fine. It has more bells and whistles now. They will grow with the site.
pants on the ground! pants on the ground!
stopsign Wrote:This is useless since he can't read it, but I'll power on.

Zdunklee answered my post like a normal person. He didn't get pissed because I thought I would get flamed. In my post I don't think anything was particularly inflammatory, but I just knew it was a touchy subject so I tried to word it as un-confrontational (is that a word?) as possible.

What does Philly Mike do? He freaks out acting like I was trying to light the world on fire. I'm not trying to get sympathy, but this Philly Mike guy jumped on me pretty fast and hard ( Wink ) and I don't think he really gave me a fair shot. Some of my posts have been much more confrontational, I'll admit that. Let us not forget that Philly Mike has had his fair share of confrontational situations where everyone else just told him to shut the Eff up (.999..=1 thread anyone?), but no one threw a fit and ignored him for it.

Nahhh, he just got pissed and quit the message board for a little while is all.
"Sir, You need to get out of your car, there is a train comming."
"Why ummm... uhhh did you ummm... feel the need to errrrr, god why can't I type!!"
Mad Dog Wrote:
stopsign Wrote:This is useless since he can't read it, but I'll power on.

Zdunklee answered my post like a normal person. He didn't get pissed because I thought I would get flamed. In my post I don't think anything was particularly inflammatory, but I just knew it was a touchy subject so I tried to word it as un-confrontational (is that a word?) as possible.

What does Philly Mike do? He freaks out acting like I was trying to light the world on fire. I'm not trying to get sympathy, but this Philly Mike guy jumped on me pretty fast and hard ( Wink ) and I don't think he really gave me a fair shot. Some of my posts have been much more confrontational, I'll admit that. Let us not forget that Philly Mike has had his fair share of confrontational situations where everyone else just told him to shut the Eff up (.999..=1 thread anyone?), but no one threw a fit and ignored him for it.

Nahhh, he just got pissed and quit the message board for a little while is all.
wow... really, so that's what was said.
hmmm well first off dog i quit after a different argument Tongue

secondly i wasnt acting like you were trying to set the world on fire, but every thread i start going through and i see a post from you it is contradicting everything and deciding to complain about what everyone was saying just because... and if you actually did look you would notice it was really only 2 different situations in which that happened and that's it. now if you would stop acting like a fucking prick maybe i would have some respect for you, but seeing as you are a complete asshole i don't see that happening any time soon.
It matters not how straight the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.
[spoiler]Shit, you took away the black bar. Put it the fuck back now![/spoiler]
It's ok Philly, your back now, Thats all that counts.
"Sir, You need to get out of your car, there is a train comming."
"Why ummm... uhhh did you ummm... feel the need to errrrr, god why can't I type!!"
Mad Dog Wrote:It's ok Philly, your back now, Thats all that counts.
It's no big deal to me, the past is the past. If someone wishes to hold it against me let them. but just the fact that they are trying to start by bringing up the shit just goes to show how much of an ass they are.

anyway, back on topic. It seems they put the link of the board in the cool links so that's good. I have been listening to the podcasts now and am able to listen to the whole show once again, they pretty much follow the same formula they always have. Start off with a little BS talk to each other, talk about blank, tease segments that they will not get to for like the next 3 days but they dont mean to, sprinkle in a few bad games just for the hell of it, and more BS talk. Throughout the mix they end up making fun of some listeners, interns, and each other. I really dont see anything drastically changed except for the intros which just seem purposefully cheesy.
It matters not how straight the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.
[spoiler]Shit, you took away the black bar. Put it the fuck back now![/spoiler]
whats all the hub bub buds? been out of the loop for a while... is the problem with the new V.I.P. board vs this one? i really don't get having to pay for pod casts to be a member with the "V.I.P."...i don't pod cast or need to, so its no interest for me i guess... also it seems most everyone still poastes here, so why do i want to pay to join the other one?

is part of the problem that they dropped this board and started their own without any acknowledgment of this one that started everything?
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