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Huge "pock face" simonson
[Image: 3_bill_simonson.jpg]

Worst person in all of radio. I think if Regent bought a sports station, FB, HW, and EZ could do a 1 hr sports show that'd be better than pock face could ever think about doing.

"I guarantee that fat ass will have a guarantee." Go back to Sparta you loser!
Tackleberry errr Huge-A-Dumbass is a monotoned sports novice who never met a bandwagon he wouldn't jump on. He has very little in the way of real sports knowledge and he hangs up on callers as soon as they start handing him his ass.

I've said it before: if not for that knuckle-dragger kissing Hanlon's ass all the time he'd be on the radio as much as that moron John "The Hoss" Perry.
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
"hoss" is just plain pathetic. I mean he sits in for two hours on a saturday morning breaking down everything that everyone has already delved into 20 times over during the week and acts like we've all been just dying to hear his opinion on it. I almost feel sorry for him, but not really. Although Huge-a can't go 10 seconds without throwin in a plug for some dumb thing he does is equally pathetic and unlistenable.
H*** is painful to listen to.
I worked there for a while running boards on the weekends. Dude would show up and sit in my prod room while i was running a live show and trying to update weather. Dueche bag acts like I'm in his way.. He's a total tool with a boner for himself.
Huge as a total a-hole and needs to get off the radio. He is the reason I have to listen to The Score out of Chicago. At least I can laugh at those losers when they Bitch about their teams losing because they all SUCK!!! (except the cubs)
Howey Feltersnatch Wrote:Huge as a total a-hole and needs to get off the radio. He is the reason I have to listen to The Score out of Chicago. At least I can laugh at those losers when they Bitch about their teams losing because they all SUCK!!! (except the cubs)

I do the same thing. I'll tune in to the Score or AM1000 to listen to Mac, Jurco, and Harry before I ever listen to Huge. It's pathetic that GR can't have a decent afternoon drive sports show. I hear more Detroit sports talk from the Chicago stations than I do out of Huge. Huge is about self-promotion and nothing else. He can't interview without talking all over his guests, he has an extremely limited knowledge of sports, and all he does is come up with a few topics and take calls. That's it. He thinks up one or two questions. Bam. Radio show. Then he fields questions for 3 hours, rarely engaging in any kind of dialogue at all, while at the same time dropping sponsor name after sponsor name in a transparent effort to get paid.

I can't believe this is the best we can do in GR. I swear I can do a better job than Huge. All I have to do is read on-air commercials and take phone calls and I'm right there even with him as far as entertainment value goes.
I think we need to get a day where we all call in and ask him the most profound questions we can think of (that any sports fan would know) and listen to him die on air. We could also alert the guys so they could be a part.
Do what's right....even when no one is looking.
He used to be on ESPN1000 but was fired for getting into a fight at a remote I belive. Mac, Jurko and Harry rip on him still from time to time.
Admin Wrote:Tackleberry errr Huge-A-Dumbass is a monotoned sports novice who never met a bandwagon he wouldn't jump on. He has very little in the way of real sports knowledge and he hangs up on callers as soon as they start handing him his ass.

I've said it before: if not for that knuckle-dragger kissing Hanlon's ass all the time he'd be on the radio as much as that moron John "The Hoss" Perry.
Tackleberry. Beautiful!
We should organize a day where we call and as soon as he puts us on air we'll all say "huge-a-dumbass".

*67 him repeatedly.
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
having worked in the same building as him and having to interact with him, i would agree. the guy is a real a-hole.
Jo Wrote:having worked in the same building as him and having to interact with him, i would agree. the guy is a real a-hole.

Next time you see him, ask him if he would be so kind as to mix in some sports talk every once in awhile.
sure if i catch him when he's not busy stuffing his fat face or picking up hookers i'll for sure tell him that.
Huge "Golf Shoe Face" Simonson

He doesn't deserve an F'n bus!
Quote of the Day:
"I'm here working for the people. I'm causing dissent, stirring the pot, getting people to question the whole rotten system." - George Costanza
OMFG ! ! !

How much fun would it be to have him call in and try to play sportier than though.

I think I just found my new crusade.
Wowie Groovie !
haha huge is the biggest egotistical a-hole on the GR sports scene. The dude doesnt know crap about sports...has to yell or call on Muller for info...and when somebody calls up the show he cuts them off to talk about his 10 promotions for the week and his 15 advertisements.

The whole damm show is one big his ridiculus bean garter ream autovalue rv roadshow fence consultants and up the ass of coach IZZO show!!

I flicked off the "huge rv" once. Dunno if he was in it...

Remember his local TV show? Jesus...
I think yesterday's use of the word "Golf shoe face," was epic.

I'd like it if there could be a veiled reference to huge/kev once a day.

side note... for those on the bench listeners who get in on the "fast forward trivia segment," someone got in as "Hot Carl" today. It was hilarious hearing bakita keeps having to reference "hot carl." I wish i had a stream of that somewhere...
Lately it's been golf talk, as Huge does his brilliant on-site golf scramble telecasts. Riveting. Riveting stuff. I so care what Tom Izzo and Peter Seccia have to say about their golf games. Also, love the uber-annoying echo that happens whenever Huge takes a call. It just adds so nicely to the overall ambience of that shit-bag show.
Fistor Wrote:Lately it's been golf talk, as Huge-a-Dumb-Ass does his brilliant on-site golf scramble telecasts. Riveting. Riveting stuff. I so care what Tom Izzo and Peter Seccia have to say about their golf games. Also, love the uber-annoying echo that happens whenever Huge-a-Dumb-Ass takes a call. It just adds so nicely to the overall ambience of that shit-bag show.

You know for hating his show so much, you seem to know an awful lot about it
Wowie Groovie !
Titan ! Wrote:
Fistor Wrote:Lately it's been golf talk, as Huge-a-Dumb-Ass-a-Dumb-Ass does his brilliant on-site golf scramble telecasts. Riveting. Riveting stuff. I so care what Tom Izzo and Peter Seccia have to say about their golf games. Also, love the uber-annoying echo that happens whenever Huge-a-Dumb-Ass-a-Dumb-Ass takes a call. It just adds so nicely to the overall ambience of that shit-bag show.

You know for hating his show so much, you seem to know an awful lot about it

My new years resolution was to stop listening.

Definately addition by subtraction.
Titan ! Wrote:
Fistor Wrote:Lately it's been golf talk, as Huge-a-Dumb-Ass-a-Dumb-Ass does his brilliant on-site golf scramble telecasts. Riveting. Riveting stuff. I so care what Tom Izzo and Peter Seccia have to say about their golf games. Also, love the uber-annoying echo that happens whenever Huge-a-Dumb-Ass-a-Dumb-Ass takes a call. It just adds so nicely to the overall ambience of that shit-bag show.

You know for hating his show so much, you seem to know an awful lot about it

This response was expected.

I used to listen to his show during my 45 minute drive home. I once sat through a goodly portion of one of these incredibly interesting golf broadcasts because I was futilely hoping to hear a local sports guy actually talk about the Lions, or the Tigers, or the Pistons, or, pray tell, even the Red Wings. Of course, this never happened. Just not enough time to get to actual sports in between sponsor drops and commercials.

Since then, I only flip over to his show when the Chicago stations are on commercial, just to see if Mike Fowler is on or if Sam Webb is subbing for Huge. A couple seconds is all it takes to get enraged. That's enough time for Huge to mention he's on location at such and such golf course, that he'll be talking to Tom Izzo or Peter Seccia in a bit, and that he'll be appearing here, and there, and here, and there, and here, and there. Also, feel free to write to the [sponsor name] inbox or call on the [sponsor name] phone line.

That's when I turn the radio off. I'd rather listen to my tires on the road.
Recently I was at a movie theater and they had a huge deal at the concession stand. Talk about making a person want to lose their appetite.
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
houseboat Wrote:
Titan ! Wrote:You know for hating his show so much, you seem to know an awful lot about it

My new years resolution was to stop listening.

Definately addition by subtraction.

Agreed. But it still pisses me off to no end that we can't get a sports talk guy who talks about sports in GR during the afternoon drive. I would much rather listen to Makita in the afternoons.

Whenever Sam Webb subs for Huge, I listen. He's great. he was on yesterday. Unfortunately, he has to stick to Huge's format of asking one question and fielding phone calls for the entire show. I'd like to hear his show without being shackled by Huge's complete lack of format.
Fistor Wrote:
houseboat Wrote:My new years resolution was to stop listening.

Definately addition by subtraction.

Agreed. But it still pisses me off to no end that we can't get a sports talk guy who talks about sports in GR during the afternoon drive. I would much rather listen to Makita in the afternoons.

Whenever Sam Webb subs for Huge-a-Dumb-Ass, I listen. He's great. he was on yesterday. Unfortunately, he has to stick to Huge-a-Dumb-Ass's format of asking one question and fielding phone calls for the entire show. I'd like to hear his show without being shackled by Huge-a-Dumb-Ass's complete lack of format.

Calls calls calls! Nobody takes more calls! is code for "Nobody does less work, nobody does less show prep."

The worst part about the phone calls, is they're all the same. Some W.T. moron in the middle of bum-f-ville calling to say they agree with him.

Quit listening, maybe Citadel will fire him.
When is he on ? What station. I seriously want to call him and see if I can get him to challenge El Matador.
Wowie Groovie !
He's on WBBL AM 1340 weekdays from 3-7pm

Another idiot on at that time broadcasts on AM 640.
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
Admin Wrote:He's on WBBL AM 1340 weekdays from 3-7pm

Another idiot on at that time broadcasts on AM 640.

AM Awww Frick. I don't even think I have a radio with an AM dial. WTF.
Wowie Groovie !
#30 (Huge Show) (TB Show)
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
Titan ! Wrote:When is he on ? What station. I seriously want to call him and see if I can get him to challenge El Matador.

He hates FBHW. When people call and reference the show, he ignores it now.

You can really spin him out if you're talking normal, and then just drop a huge F bomb in the middle of your opinion.
I feel dirty whenever I order a Huge Beer at a Whitecaps game.
Unfortunately I listened to Huge-a-Dumb-Ass most of last summer on my long rides home from work. Being a newb to sports talk radio I didn't really know any better, so I guess that's my excuse. The more I listened to "real" sports talk; Collin Cowherd and even Rome I can't stand Mike and Mike, the more I began to hate him. For some reason this hatred became the reason I continued to listen.

However the last straw for me was the show where Huge-a-Dumb-Ass had some board of big-wigs from New York listening to his show for possible syndication. I can't remember if I made it through the entire show or not, but all I remember his him going on and on and on and on and on and on and on about him and his show and why he's great then muller made some minor mistake, can't remember specifics, and then he went on and on and on and on and on and on and on about how unprofessional he was and how he is going to ruin his shot. I'll watch Opra anyday over listening to that Huge-a-Dumb-Ass.

I think I get some kind of sick comfort in having found people that share the same distaste for him as I have.

Oh and I also find it pathetic how he whines about how terrible of a childhood he had and how his dad is a loser blah blah blah wahwahwah. Not to mention how he goes off on rants about family values and how he is such a family man yet there's all these rumors about him bar hopping after everyone of his shows.
pizzaface Wrote:Unfortunately I listened to Huge-a-Dumb-Ass-a-Dumb-Ass most of last summer on my long rides home from work. Being a newb to sports talk radio I didn't really know any better, so I guess that's my excuse. The more I listened to "real" sports talk; Collin Cowherd and even Rome I can't stand Mike and Mike, the more I began to hate him. For some reason this hatred became the reason I continued to listen.

However the last straw for me was the show where Huge-a-Dumb-Ass-a-Dumb-Ass had some board of big-wigs from New York listening to his show for possible syndication. I can't remember if I made it through the entire show or not, but all I remember his him going on and on and on and on and on and on and on about him and his show and why he's great then muller made some minor mistake, can't remember specifics, and then he went on and on and on and on and on and on and on about how unprofessional he was and how he is going to ruin his shot. I'll watch Opra anyday over listening to that Huge-a-Dumb-Ass-a-Dumb-Ass.

I think I get some kind of sick comfort in having found people that share the same distaste for him as I have.

Oh and I also find it pathetic how he whines about how terrible of a childhood he had and how his dad is a loser blah blah blah wahwahwah. Not to mention how he goes off on rants about family values and how he is such a family man yet there's all these rumors about him bar hopping after everyone of his shows.

Welcome brother. You're not alone.

It completely baffles me that he is popular. I'd guess that it's because people in West Michigan just don't know any better. We, by and large, have no idea what a good sports show actually sounds like, so we just put up with Simonson.
This thread should make a few of you smile.

Make sure to read the comments as well, since Billy Boy gets on there and tries to defend himself.

If you don't believe it's him, just notice the lack of capitalization and single-line sentences. It's a dead giveaway.

Hanlon's time is ticking at Citadel, and when he's gone, Bill is out the door for sure. Maybe Free Beer can pull double-duty or something.
I saw him on the highway yesterday. What an ugly mother effer. He even drives like he is something special.....right.
two words about huge:

Fistor Wrote:Lately it's been golf talk, as Huge does his brilliant on-site golf scramble telecasts. Riveting. Riveting stuff. I so care what Tom Izzo and Peter Seccia have to say about their golf games. Also, love the uber-annoying echo that happens whenever Huge takes a call. It just adds so nicely to the overall ambience of that shit-bag show.


Today, Huge is on location at a golf outing, with special guests Tom Izzo and Peter Seccia!!!

The main topic of discussion? Not the Tigers woeful bullpen, not the lack of acquisitions so far in the offseason for the Pistons, not the upcoming Lions season.....IT'S THEIR SUPER SPICY GOLF GAMES!!!!

Huge did conduct a riveting token sports interview with his playing partner, Tom Izzo, about the upcoming Michigan State basketball season, which was as scintillating as you can imagine. Because everyone's talking about college basketball now.

Well done, Huge. Can't wait until tomorrow, where you'll be on location at a golf outing with special guests Peter Seccia and Tom Izzo!

Also, just curious, how big of an envelope does one need to mail in an entire career?
Fistor Wrote:
Fistor Wrote:Lately it's been golf talk, as Huge does his brilliant on-site golf scramble telecasts. Riveting. Riveting stuff. I so care what Tom Izzo and Peter Seccia have to say about their golf games. Also, love the uber-annoying echo that happens whenever Huge takes a call. It just adds so nicely to the overall ambience of that shit-bag show.


Today, Huge is on location at a golf outing, with special guests Tom Izzo and Peter Seccia!!!

The main topic of discussion? Not the Tigers woeful bullpen, not the lack of acquisitions so far in the offseason for the Pistons, not the upcoming Lions season.....IT'S THEIR SUPER SPICY GOLF GAMES!!!!

Huge did conduct a riveting token sports interview with his playing partner, Tom Izzo, about the upcoming Michigan State basketball season, which was as scintillating as you can imagine. Because everyone's talking about college basketball now.

Well done, Huge. Can't wait until tomorrow, where you'll be on location at a golf outing with special guests Peter Seccia and Tom Izzo!

Also, just curious, how big of an envelope does one need to mail in an entire career?
I know that when I used to listen to him that was the thing that got me pissed the most. No Red Wings or Pistons playoff talk, just how great he played that morning. That and his wife's fake cans. I'd be interested to know how Huge-a-Dumb-Ass scores a par 3. 1st tee shot in the woods, hit another. 2nd tee shot lands on adjescent fairway, screams at Mueller for breathing during his backswing. 3rd tee shot land 5 yards in front of women's tee. Mueller uses his 8 iron and drops one on the green. Huge-a-Dumb-Ass threatens to fire him if he keeps that shit up. H-a-D-A leaves a path of destruction and divots to the green that rivals his sad excuse for a face. He 4 putts in. Mueller fearing for his job 3 putts and the score according to Huge is H-a-D-A -1, Mueller +1.
And Fistor, you can't call what he has a "career". More like an overextended ass kiss to sponsors and Matt Hanlon.
for the record, his wife is not attractive. I have seen her before

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