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who's the hottest?
ok, I admit that I have a thing for dorky guys, but I can't be the only one. Ladies, gay/bi men, which of them would you say is the cutest/hottest? I vote for hotwings as most physically attractive, but freebeer has the sexiest voice.
HotWings!! Absolutely!! Wink
nashvillekev Wrote:Jenny?

for sure!!
nashvillekev Wrote:Jenny?

Wowie Groovie !
nashvillekev Wrote:Jenny?

I cant vote until I have seen what Wendy looks like
What is wrong with you people thinking hotwings is hot, he is not! He looks like a friggen alien with his huge adams apple and tall skinny body. Freebeer is where it's at, he's the best looking by far. Eric Zane would ok be if he wasn't such a lil fella.
Zane's bulldog Lucy!!
Dude Shadoway makes the ladies quiver!
anyone have pictures of jenny or wendy?
jaimeinnashville Wrote:anyone have picktures of jenny or wendy?

Yeah but there stuck together :'(
Wiener Poopie 2.0! Now fatter and less credible!
Jenny... I do not know what Wendy looks like but she sounds like a skank!
They're just pictures, right?

[Image: wendy.jpg]
Loose Wendy

[Image: jenni.jpg]
Internet Porn Jenni

I say Wendy is way hotter.

Hopefully I won't get in trouble over posting these, though I don't really see how.
OMG LOOSE WENDY! LOOSE WENDY! Jenni who? What were we talking about? It's hot in here.... Anyone have a cigarette? Man...why am I sweating so much? What's this junk all over my hands?
IPJ looks just like I thought she'd look. Like an I.P.Star
jaimeinnashville Wrote:ok, I admit that I have a thing for dorky guys, but I can't be the only one. Ladies, gay/bi men, which of them would you say is the cutest/hottest? I vote for hotwings as most physically attractive, but freebeer has the sexiest voice.

OMG? Dorky guys for real? I'm about as dorky as they come lol. I'm scrawny, glasses, awkward...
My GF thinks Hotwings creepy staring is kinda hot. I'm sure bullfrogs are attracted to his adam's apple.
Loose Wendy and IPJ are both pretty smokin' IMO.
hot wings is the hottest. no doubt.
She looks disgusting. Sorry Undecided
if these photos are legit, wendy is definately cuter than ipg. IPG is definately sexier than loose wendy. wendy is the girl you take home to meet mom, jenni is the one you drive out to the country with and get lost in the arms of for a few days.
What about Joe?
I think fat Joe is the hottest. Just waiting for that yo-yo.
I definitely identify with his personality the most.
Hotwings, he has the best voice and is adorable!
IPJ and Loose Wendy are both great looking
Wiener Poopie 2.0! Now fatter and less credible!
I'd have to say Joe. But I think he was even cuter before he lost so much weight.
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
I think that fake plastic too much makeup look is trashy and gross IMO.
Kate Wrote:I think that fake plastic too much makeup look is trashy and gross IMO.

me too, but loose wendy is smoking hot in the above picture
Wiener Poopie 2.0! Now fatter and less credible!
What?? Nobody thinks Zane is hot?? E Z does it for me........
wienerpoopie Wrote:
Kate Wrote:I think that fake plastic too much makeup look is trashy and gross IMO.

me too, but loose wendy is smoking hot in the above picture
jus' P Wrote:What?? Nobody thinks Zane is hot?? E Z does it for me........

That's just cause his initials are EZ
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
elocin Wrote:What is wrong with you people thinking hotwings is hot, he is not! He looks like a friggen alien with his Huge-a-Dumb-Ass adams apple and tall skinny body. Freebeer is where it's at, he's the best looking by far. Eric Zane would ok be if he wasn't such a lil fella.
I TOTALLY second that thought!!!!!
jus' P Wrote:What?? Nobody thinks Zane is hot?? E Z does it for me........

gay, gay, gay . . . whassup plungerhand??
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
elocin Wrote:What is wrong with you people thinking hotwings is hot, he is not! He looks like a friggen alien with his Huge-a-Dumb-Ass adams apple and tall skinny body. Freebeer is where it's at, he's the best looking by far. Eric Zane would ok be if he wasn't such a lil fella.

little? how big is he? damit im only 5'8"
Wiener Poopie 2.0! Now fatter and less credible!
jaimeinnashville Wrote:ok, I admit that I have a thing for dorky guys, but I can't be the only one. Ladies, gay/bi men, which of them would you say is the cutest/hottest? I vote for hotwings as most physically attractive, but freebeer has the sexiest voice.

Well, they're way up there, and we're way down here. How about me? I'm hot. Smile
I'm not syndicated, but I do have good coverage around this area!

I'd have to vote Hot Wings...but Joe is a close second.
It's a toss up between Freebeer and Joe for me. They both give me tingles in my no-no spot.
Mark the Valet Wrote:They're just pictures, right?

[Image: wendy.jpg]
Loose Wendy

[Image: jenni.jpg]
Internet Porn Jenni

I say Wendy is way hotter.

Hopefully I won't get in trouble over posting these, though I don't really see how.
Mabey sombody has pics of Loose Wendy and Internet Jenny that have more than just their profile. They are both pretty hot but I don't think these pics do them justice
"Sir, You need to get out of your car, there is a train comming."
"Why ummm... uhhh did you ummm... feel the need to errrrr, god why can't I type!!"
I would have to see Wendy in the wood nymph costume. Until that point, Jenny is hands down the hottest.

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