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McCain in 08! Obama Supporters Need Reality Check
McCain is the only good candidate. I would never vote for Obama even if someone held a gun to my head and threatened to shoot me.

This is not the time to have a liberal president (Obama) in office. His "big government" ideas don't work. It didn't work in the 60s and 70s and it is not going to work now. Pulling out of Iraq before we finish the job will only result in DISASTER. We did not go to war with Iraq because of oil. We went there because of weapons of mass destruction that Saddamn Hussein was using chemical weapons against Iraqi people. That is genocide! Genocide happened in Nazi Germany, Rwanda, Bosnia, Armenia , and is happening in Darfur (which has people bitching about it today and want us to do something about it) today. We stopped it from continuing in Iraq so quit whining about it. The weapons were never found because they were destroyed before we could get to them. Now with Iran screwing with the world, we have to stay there to keep them in check because we don't want some nut job attacking our allies in the Mid East. Bottom Line: stay in Iraq to finish the job. A vote for Obama is a vote for LOSING the war vs. a vote for McCain is a vote for WINNING the war. Take your pick. Win or Lose the war? I'll take win the war. How about you?

The economy is in the toilet, we know that. But what Obama will do is tax the s*** out of us and cause us the give up more of our hard earned money so the government can take more control of us. This makes the American Dream even harder to achieve. Big Government = Big Taxes. Tax cuts need to happen in order to boost the economy which is what McCain will do in addition to winning the war in Iraq.

Healthcare, Hmm. The protestors at a McCain rally were talking about how we need a better healthcare system. Whenever that man stopped screaming, he would put a cigarette in his mouth. I've got the answer to all of those problems. STOP SMOKIN YOU UGLY MINGER! YOU ARE CAUSING YOUR OWN PROBLEMS RIGHT THERE! Really, I am not going to vote for a man (Obama) who says that universal free healthcare is what he is going to put in a system where in reality, the tax payers are going to be the ones funding the healthcare system. I do not want to be the one who is paying for a smokers' treatment for lung cancer when they are causing there own problems. If you want better healthcare, get yourself an education so you can get a better job. To all you smokers and people who use products that harm your body, YOU ARE CAUSING YOUR OWN PROBLEMS! YOU HAVE TO FIX THEM, NOT THE GOVERNMENT!

Really, Barack Obama is all talk. He is saying the obvious to get himself elected. You could look at it as, "OH, an unpopular republican president. I am a democrat and I am going to say the obvious to get votes from the people who hate the president to get the White House all to myself." NAIVE!!!

Obama is naive, PERIOD!!! McCain has been around to see what works and what doesn't. Obama hasn't! Obama is just taking advantage of the time. Obama's foreign policy sucks! Really, there is a thought going around that there is a terrorist attack planed for the US in 2009 in order to test the new president. John McCain would be better to handle the job. The fact that he would negotiate with terrorists is enough proof to see that he is naive!

There is no appeal to Barack Obama. If you look at his name: Barack Hussein Obama. You see two names that have similarities to the two men we went to war with in order to bring them to justice. Osama bin Laden and Saddamn Hussein. Those are mind boggling. That alone can be considered a sign from the Lord that this man is not the right man to be the president of the United States of America.

All of the Obama supporters need a huge dose of reality! Really you guys are completely blind to all of the bull s*** that this man is saying. He doesn't answer questions during debates and spends all of the time he is given to defend himself on his so-called patriotic morals. The first time I heard him speak I said, "F***, I'm going to forget how count to ten because his big government keeps taking my money because of all the taxes, not only that I don't have enough bread crumbs to get home."

I'm voting for McCain. I would be much more relaxed and calm about this election if it was Hilary Clinton vs John McCain. But really, President Obama! We are screwed! Progress in Iraq reversed! Higher Taxes! Government regulations on EVERYTHING! How the hell are we going to live!?!

If you are an Obama supporter and/or thinking about voting for him, you need to be whacked across the head with a 2X4 and then hung by the ankles until all the blood rushes to your head so that your brain works the way it is supposed to. Once that happens you will see that Barack Obama is just a huge PHONEY!
internkylebusch Wrote:If you look at his name: Barack Hussein Obama. You see two names that have similarities to the two men we went to war with in order to bring them to justice. Osama bin Laden and Saddamn Hussein. Those are mind boggling. That alone can be considered a sign from the Lord that this man is not the right man to be the president of the United States of America.

You've now posted the same lunacy twice. And in your first two posts, no less. Congrats.
The word is KNAVE!

The republicans have had their chance in the White House. The American people are fed up with the leadership the republicans are offering. We're in two unpopular wars with no end in sight and our surplus turned into a deficit, one that will take a lifetime to pay off because of this.

People want change (as much as I hate that phrase).
Just so more people can read it. Done on purpose.
McCain is the right change. Obama is not the change we can believe in. Obama's statement is propoganda
internkylebusch Wrote:Obama's statement is propoganda

Any proof of that? Or is it just your opinion?
His proof is that his name sounds REALLY FAMILIAR to people that we've fought wars with.

and really, what a compelling argument that is. What, is Barrack going to suddenly transform into a demon once he's sworn in and say: "HAHAHA YOU FOOLS *shoots energy bolts from his fingertips* YOU HAVE BROUGHT YOUR OWN DESTRUCTION BY ELECTING ME"

because I totally see that happening.
Fistor Wrote:
internkylebusch Wrote:Obama's statement is propoganda

Any proof of that? Or is it just your opinion?

Watch the news! That's all the proof I need.
internkylebusch Wrote:
Fistor Wrote:Any proof of that? Or is it just your opinion?

Watch the news! That's all the proof I need.

Alrighty then.

What little credibility you had with me has just left the building.
You want me to cite it like in the MLA format! Will that make you happy. Good grief it's all over the place. Here try this :

Go to youtube and look up McCain's speech in front of the green background. Also google "McCain Criticizes Obama" and do some reading.
Quote:This is not the time to have a liberal president (Obama) in office. His "big government" ideas don't work.

Like the republicans arent doing massive big government things as well. If you don't want big government, don't vote either of the two major parties, period.

Quote:Healthcare, Hmm. The protestors at a McCain rally were talking about how we need a better healthcare system. Whenever that man stopped screaming, he would put a cigarette in his mouth. I've got the answer to all of those problems. STOP SMOKIN YOU UGLY MINGER! YOU ARE CAUSING YOUR OWN PROBLEMS RIGHT THERE! Really, I am not going to vote for a man (Obama) who says that universal free healthcare is what he is going to put in a system where in reality, the tax payers are going to be the ones funding the healthcare system. I do not want to be the one who is paying for a smokers' treatment for lung cancer when they are causing there own problems. If you want better healthcare, get yourself an education so you can get a better job. To all you smokers and people who use products that harm your body, YOU ARE CAUSING YOUR OWN PROBLEMS! YOU HAVE TO FIX THEM, NOT THE GOVERNMENT!

Where to begin with this one. I will start with the obvious: What is the difference if i have to give up a portion of my paycheck to get health coverage through my job, pay for my own plan independently, or pay for it towards taxes. Either way I'm paying. I'm a libertarian so i would like a total free market approach, instead of this beurocratic bs we have now, but at least if its government backed it might (although probably not) not be as convoluted of a process. I have horror stories upon horror stories that i will not get into unless really necessary but most people have nothing but overall pain in the ass/bad experiences with the current healthcare system in this country, so something needs to be done. This is one of the rare cases that i differentiate myself from libertarians because i see it as this though: We have public police and fire, why not health.

Here is another scenario to go with your smoking situation. I am a smoker, and lung cancer is one thing, but let's say i break my leg. That is totally unrelated to smoking (even if i was smoking at the time i broke it), so i should be denied health care because im a smoker? that makes sense.

Just to add to it, my current health plan that im stuck with because i cant afford to just go and buy a private one, has a deductible. So even though im "covered", since so far this year i have not met my 2000 dollar deductible (yes i realize i have the worst health coverage in the world), if i broke my leg I would still have to pay out of pocket for x-rays, cast, etc... until the deductible is met, and thats only at certain hospitals. If i went to the hospital that is literally in walking distance from my house, i would have to pay in full either way because its not "in network".

That terrible coverage is still 10 times better than what i had for the last 4 years which was absolutely no coverage, and i'm still paying out of every paycheck for this bullshit coverage. So i repeat, healthcare is beyond screwed up in this country and something needs to be done.

I also edited to add this. Getting an education and another job for better coverage is not really a viable option. I have a bachelors in computer science, which very much like Eric Zane is now causing me to be in debt til im at least 40. That puts me in a situation where i am completely unable to hold out for a job that pays well with better health coverage. I took my previous jobs that had no health care because they were jobs and i needed income so i wouldnt get myself more into debt. To be honest, i probably would have much better health care if i did not get myself an education. At least what ive experienced up to this point in my life is that if you want an education you cant be picky about healthcare, and if you want good healthcare you cant be picky about what field or job youre applying to. I just happened to luck out that i found a job that offered health coverage for a small enough payment that i could still afford to pay off my tens of thousands of dollars of debt without missing payments.

Quote:Really, Barack Obama is all talk. He is saying the obvious to get himself elected.

You can say that about any politician more or less. Next please...
Obama says he is the candidate for change. Change is well and good, but you can't have change for the sake of change. Is it change for the good or bad. You need to know that before you just change everything.
hotsauce Wrote:Obama says he is the candidate for change. Change is well and good, but you can't have change for the sake of change. Is it change for the good or bad. You need to know that before you just change everything.

I agree and thats why i say we shake the etch-a-sketch and start over. Erase all laws on the book, start with the constitution and the original bill of rights and get the ball rolling again.
Noone will ever go for that. You have the amendments to contend with. we need to get more people on Supreme court who will read and interpret those crucial documents the way they were supposed to. They just put their political beliefs and say that those documents say one thing when thay say another
hotsauce Wrote:Noone will ever go for that. You have the amendments to contend with. we need to get more people on Supreme court who will read and interpret those crucial documents the way they were supposed to. They just put their political beliefs and say that those documents say one thing when thay say another

It isn't that easy though unfortunately. I work for a regulatory service of sorts that i cant go into any real detail about for legal reasons (its stupid because i could bitch directly about my job all day, but maybe thats why they have it set up like that), and with 1 solitary law, if it was drafted by two people, and you talk to each of them, 9 times out of 10 in my experience they have a totally different intent on its meaning.

Some of the amendments are dumb and can be removed anyway. Like seriously do we need an amendment to enable prohibition, and then another one to disable it? Just effing remove the law, is it that effing hard! Thats the main problem with what our government has become over time, instead of just repealing bad laws, they add more regulations on top of them to undo them, but also add in extra crazy hidden stipulations that puts their foot in the door.

Take net neutrality as an example: for those who arent familiar with this argument, it basically goes like this: Some people want the government to come in and make a law that says that ISPs cant do things like traffic shaping, tiered internet, and any other type of thing they want to do, and as the name says, make the internet completely neutral, BY LAW.

While it sounds all well and good, all this does is takes our current problems with things like Comcast doing traffic shaping, and addresses them, but at the same time puts the governments foot in the door. Just look at the quality of shows on broadcast tv that are FCC regulated and cable. That there itself is reason enough alone to want the government out of it.

What it doesn't do is address the real problem. While comcast's traffic shaping is absurd at best, the main problem is is that there are local ordinances (essentially) in effect that prevent competition from forcing comcast to change their policies. Comcast has gone ahead in my town and bought all of the cable lines and basically is in the back seat with our local government that says "We are the only ones who are allowed to run data over cable lines", so there is no other option if you do not want DSL, which here the only real DSL you can get for pretty much the same reason is verizon, who despicably send logs over to the MPAA and RIAA upon request.

The problem isnt that we need to enforce net neutrality, its that we need government to actually step up and enforce monopolizing laws that have been on the books for ages.

While i don't necessarily agree with monopolization laws being the hardcore libertarian i am, id much rather go that route than just throw more laws on the books and have the government have their foot in the door for regulating the tubes.

Bit of a tangent, but just a thought
Being willing to talk with any country doesn't equate to "negotiating with terrorists."

A war is different from an occupation. We won the traditional military war pretty easily, it's the occupation that's been a failure. We went into the war for false reasons, which you've conveniently said "nuh-uh!" to by claiming that there were indeed WMD's without any evidence to back you up. Occupying Iraq doesn't make us safer.
How does it make sense to fund a costly and pointless occupation, yet call universal healthcare a disaster that will destroy our country?
You have to understand one point. Universal Healthcare would not work in this country. I want to pay for my own healthcare and not somebody else's who can be so careless. Healthcare is a personal issue that should not be controlled by the government. Don't get me wrong, it needs to be regulated. But not completely run by the government which means the tax payers are going to be the ones doing the funding.

On the war, even if we went to war for the wrong reason we have to finish the job. Progress has been made since the troop surge. Barack Obama wants to end all that progress and could cause more conflict. Meaning that Iran might start pointing their weapons at Israel. Remember the Holocaust? Amadinajad,(however it is spelled) the Iranian President, believes it did not take place. He has similar beliefs to Adolf Hitler and wants Israel destroyed. The Holocaust did indeed happen and he wants to destroy Israel because it is a commonly We have to take that seriously. I'm looking at it for world peace for the long term. That region needs to stay stable and having an unstable Mid East equals higher gas prices which drives everything today. It is a huge formula that most don't understand. It all has to blend together. We are fighting for our way of life. I like the way I live and I am going to stand up for it until the day I die and I would be honored to die in combat in Iraq, Afganistan, or anywhere for that matter, for the way we live. If you lived under Saddamn then you would be greatful for what the Americans are doing. And I would pick President Bush over any country that I would have no rights.

I want to feel safe. And after listening to Barack Obama focus only on domestic issues and all of the questions about his patriotism and faith. If a candidate has questionable attributes such as that. I don't feel safe. Not too mention, a guy who's only message is to rebuild the economy and nothing else taxing us to a point where our hard earned money will mostly go to the government. During such tough times, raising taxes I don't want a liberal as the leader of the free world and the only remaining superpower.

And just for the record, when I mean "big government" I mean heavy government regulation. Barack Obama is only about government regulation as his safe haven. I know the Republicans have their regualtions, too, but they don't depend on the government so much in order to function in the everyday world.

I would have never voted for Bush ®. I will never vote for Barack Obama (D). And I will never vote based on political party. I will vote for McCain because he's been around the block a few times. Not too mention, he put his country before himself. He is a great candidate, a great leader, and a great man. The only accomplishment that I've seen from Obama is be elected to the Senate and graduating from law school. Beyond that nothing. He's too worried about domestics and not so much on foreign policy which is included in the job of being the president. In one of his speeches he talked about how John McCain should go around the country and see how people are suffering. HE HAS DONE THIS! McCain is the whole package. Obama is only the domestic advisor candidate. He has no idea how to deal with foreign policy and until he learns that I am absolutely never voting for a man who's name is only one letter different then the most wanted man on the planet who is only concern is for domestic issue and not about the big picture.
Saying universal healthcare can't possibly work in this country is a pretty defeatist attitude; you might as well wave the white flag to injury and illness, you dirty surrender monkey. Other countries seem to have pulled it off just fine, after all. Do you not think we're as capable as they are? See: "The United States is the only wealthy, industrialized nation that does not have a universal health care system."

Neither the initial war nor the occupation in Iraq has made the Middle East more stable. If anything, it's had the exact opposite effect. If you really want peace and stability, you're on the wrong side of the issue. There's no reason to feel any safer now than we did before the war. As Obama has pointed out, all the shit in Iraq has just been a distraction. No one's going to argue that Saddam was a swell guy, but at this point Americans are sick of our country trying to be the world's police force. We have our own problems to take care of.
Besides, the average American's safety is threatened far more by health problems which they aren't able to afford treatment for than it is by a terrorist attack.

Obama having to spend so much time on silly questions about his patriotism and faith is the fault of the media. It's not as though he got to choose which questions would be asked of him in the debates. If it were up to him, I'm sure he'd much rather never have to talk about all this faith and patriotism junk. And do you know what else he'd rather not have made into another ridiculous issue? His Effing name, you stupid dipshit.
internkylebusch Wrote:McCain is the only good candidate. I would never vote for Obama even if someone held a gun to my head and threatened to shoot me.

This is not the time to have a liberal president (Obama) in office. His "big government" ideas don't work. It didn't work in the 60s and 70s and it is not going to work now. Pulling out of Iraq before we finish the job will only result in DISASTER. We did not go to war with Iraq because of oil. We went there because of weapons of mass destruction that Saddamn Hussein was using chemical weapons against Iraqi people. That is genocide! Genocide happened in Nazi Germany, Rwanda, Bosnia, Armenia , and is happening in Darfur (which has people bitching about it today and want us to do something about it) today. We stopped it from continuing in Iraq so quit whining about it. The weapons were never found because they were destroyed before we could get to them. Now with Iran screwing with the world, we have to stay there to keep them in check because we don't want some nut job attacking our allies in the Mid East. Bottom Line: stay in Iraq to finish the job. A vote for Obama is a vote for LOSING the war vs. a vote for McCain is a vote for WINNING the war. Take your pick. Win or Lose the war? I'll take win the war. How about you?

The economy is in the toilet, we know that. But what Obama will do is tax the s*** out of us and cause us the give up more of our hard earned money so the government can take more control of us. This makes the American Dream even harder to achieve. Big Government = Big Taxes. Tax cuts need to happen in order to boost the economy which is what McCain will do in addition to winning the war in Iraq.

Healthcare, Hmm. The protestors at a McCain rally were talking about how we need a better healthcare system. Whenever that man stopped screaming, he would put a cigarette in his mouth. I've got the answer to all of those problems. STOP SMOKIN YOU UGLY MINGER! YOU ARE CAUSING YOUR OWN PROBLEMS RIGHT THERE! Really, I am not going to vote for a man (Obama) who says that universal free healthcare is what he is going to put in a system where in reality, the tax payers are going to be the ones funding the healthcare system. I do not want to be the one who is paying for a smokers' treatment for lung cancer when they are causing there own problems. If you want better healthcare, get yourself an education so you can get a better job. To all you smokers and people who use products that harm your body, YOU ARE CAUSING YOUR OWN PROBLEMS! YOU HAVE TO FIX THEM, NOT THE GOVERNMENT!

Really, Barack Obama is all talk. He is saying the obvious to get himself elected. You could look at it as, "OH, an unpopular republican president. I am a democrat and I am going to say the obvious to get votes from the people who hate the president to get the White House all to myself." NAIVE!!!

Obama is naive, PERIOD!!! McCain has been around to see what works and what doesn't. Obama hasn't! Obama is just taking advantage of the time. Obama's foreign policy sucks! Really, there is a thought going around that there is a terrorist attack planed for the US in 2009 in order to test the new president. John McCain would be better to handle the job. The fact that he would negotiate with terrorists is enough proof to see that he is naive!

There is no appeal to Barack Obama. If you look at his name: Barack Hussein Obama. You see two names that have similarities to the two men we went to war with in order to bring them to justice. Osama bin Laden and Saddamn Hussein. Those are mind boggling. That alone can be considered a sign from the Lord that this man is not the right man to be the president of the United States of America.

All of the Obama supporters need a Huge-a-Dumb-Ass dose of reality! Really you guys are completely blind to all of the bull s*** that this man is saying. He doesn't answer questions during debates and spends all of the time he is given to defend himself on his so-called patriotic morals. The first time I heard him speak I said, "eff, I'm going to forget how count to ten because his big government keeps taking my money because of all the taxes, not only that I don't have enough bread crumbs to get home."

I'm voting for McCain. I would be much more relaxed and calm about this election if it was Hilary Clinton vs John McCain. But really, President Obama! We are screwed! Progress in Iraq reversed! Higher Taxes! Government regulations on EVERYTHING! How the hell are we going to live!?!

If you are an Obama supporter and/or thinking about voting for him, you need to be whacked across the head with a 2X4 and then hung by the ankles until all the blood rushes to your head so that your brain works the way it is supposed to. Once that happens you will see that Barack Obama is just a Huge-a-Dumb-Ass PHONEY!

finally someone in this forum said it. To all you nieve liberals that are going to vote for Obama, you are going to eff our country over. Why when so many people are in economic hardship should they pay more in taxes? This is stupid. And to take all the money from the hardworking people and give it to the poor? If need be get 2 jobs. The American dream is working you own way, not complaining about your situation and expecting the government to bail you out.
kaboobie92 Wrote:finally someone in this forum said it. To all you nieve liberals that are going to vote for Obama, you are going to eff our country over. Why when so many people are in economic hardship should they pay more in taxes? This is stupid. And to take all the money from the hardworking people and give it to the poor? If need be get 2 jobs. The American dream is working you own way, not complaining about your situation and expecting the government to bail you out.

Please show me some sort of evidence that says Obama plans to overtax the working class and give the surplus to the poor people who refuse to get jobs. Preferably from an unbiased source.

I consider this country pretty Effed over as it is, thanks mostly to our current president. I'm very concerned about perpetual war in the Middle East, and since warring continues partly because of our very presence there, this is exactly what is going to happen unless we pull out. McCain is just fine with a perpetual war, and Obama has a plan to withdraw. I side with Obama on that one. The staggering amount of money we've spent there is beyond trying to grasp. The price of oil continues to rise as we beg at the feet of OPEC while they laugh at us. We need to get the Eff out of the Middle East and let them deal with themselves. Wars have been going on there since before we ever became a nation, and they'll continue. Our presence only intensifies the situation and gets our men and women killed.
Fistor Wrote:
kaboobie92 Wrote:finally someone in this forum said it. To all you nieve liberals that are going to vote for Obama, you are going to eff our country over. Why when so many people are in economic hardship should they pay more in taxes? This is stupid. And to take all the money from the hardworking people and give it to the poor? If need be get 2 jobs. The American dream is working you own way, not complaining about your situation and expecting the government to bail you out.

Please show me some sort of evidence that says Obama plans to overtax the working class and give the surplus to the poor people who refuse to get jobs. Preferably from an unbiased source.

I consider this country pretty effed over as it is, thanks mostly to our current president. I'm very concerned about perpetual war in the Middle East, and since warring continues partly because of our very presence there, this is exactly what is going to happen unless we pull out. McCain is just fine with a perpetual war, and Obama has a plan to withdraw. I side with Obama on that one. The staggering amount of money we've spent there is beyond trying to grasp. The price of oil continues to rise as we beg at the feet of OPEC while they laugh at us. We need to get the eff out of the Middle East and let them deal with themselves. Wars have been going on there since before we ever became a nation, and they'll continue. Our presence only intensifies the situation and gets our men and women killed.

Have you not listened to Obama's speeches? Taking money from the rich and giving it to the poor is exactly what he plans to do, you obviously know nothing about his campaign, you are voting for him purely because he brings "change". Well if "change" is taking the money from the upper and middle classes then eff him. We middle and upper class people work hard to support our living and shouldnt have to give it to poor people that could make more money if they really had a desire to. Im sick of everybody expeecting the government to wipe their asses. Oh and us pulling out of the middle east wont make tensions any worse since they want us dead anyways. And i'd like to see how Obama would respond to a terrorist attack, maybe a little slap on the wrist and a "no no" while McCain would actually do something to prevent another one from happening as Bush has
kaboobie92 Wrote:Have you not listened to Obama's speeches? Taking money from the rich and giving it to the poor is exactly what he plans to do,

You didn't say that. You said he plans to "take all the money from the hard working people and give it to the poor".

Are you now revising that statement?

Do you disagree with the rich being fairly taxed?

kaboobie92 Wrote:Well if "change" is taking the money from the upper and middle classes then eff him. We middle and upper class people work hard to support our living and shouldnt have to give it to poor people that could make more money if they really had a desire to. Im sick of everybody expeecting the government to wipe their asses.

So, everyone who is poor is that way because of their own choosing. They're all lazy and looking for a handout. Is that pretty much it?

kaboobie92 Wrote:Oh and us pulling out of the middle east wont make tensions any worse since they want us dead anyways. And i'd like to see how Obama would respond to a terrorist attack, maybe a little slap on the wrist and a "no no" while McCain would actually do something to prevent another one from happening as Bush has

So you believe Obama has no diplomacy plans in place at all?

Maybe you haven't seen the news, but our men and women are being attacked every single day, yet Bush does nothing. And McCain would do nothing to protect them except send more and more men and women over there to get killed.

Oh, sorry, it only counts when we get attacked on our own soil. My bad.
Fistor Wrote:
kaboobie92 Wrote:Have you not listened to Obama's speeches? Taking money from the rich and giving it to the poor is exactly what he plans to do,

You didn't say that. You said he plans to "take all the money from the hard working people and give it to the poor".

Are you now revising that statement?

Do you disagree with the rich being fairly taxed?

So, everyone who is poor is that way because of their own choosing. They're all lazy and looking for a handout. Is that pretty much it?

kaboobie92 Wrote:Oh and us pulling out of the middle east wont make tensions any worse since they want us dead anyways. And i'd like to see how Obama would respond to a terrorist attack, maybe a little slap on the wrist and a "no no" while McCain would actually do something to prevent another one from happening as Bush has

So you believe Obama has no diplomacy plans in place at all?

Maybe you haven't seen the news, but our men and women are being attacked every single day, yet Bush does nothing. And McCain would do nothing to protect them except send more and more men and women over there to get killed.

Oh, sorry, it only counts when we get attacked on our own soil. My bad.

you are so ignorant it is ridiculous, you can pick at everything i say because you mind is so closed that you cant begin to see what i'm saying. I am not saying that everyone that is poor is that way by choice. There are a lot of people, even that i know that do need help. However, alot of them could do things (i.e. a second job, etc.) to help themselves into a better situation. What i am saying is that it is unfair to tax the rich more than the poor because they make more money. So because they work harder/ went to school means they should pay more to the government? it dosent make any sense. The only people it makes sense to are the poor and the lower middle class because they will receive all of the benefit from this. And as for iraq? WMD's are irrelevant. The fact is that hussein was killing tons of innocent people and an intervention was necessary. There was proof that nuclear technology was being developed. Oh and Obama's diplomacy would be to sit down with the terrorists and ask them to stop. Good plan considering they hate everything about Americans.
<quote>you are so ignorant it is ridiculous, you can pick at everything i say because you mind is so closed that you cant begin to see what i'm saying.</quote>

Works both ways there kaboobie.
so can any liberal in this forum tell me how your economic policies work? For some reason I have a hard time understanding the concept.... probabally because it is idiotic
kaboobie92 Wrote:so can any liberal in this forum tell me how your economic policies work? For some reason I have a hard time understanding the concept.... probabally because it is idiotic

So can any liberal conservative tell me how your economic policies work? For some reason I have a hard time understanding the concept.... probably because it is idiotic.

See? Both ways.
For those of you worried about the credibility here. Just do some research. If you actually care about your vote you will do that. This is the only time where you have your say, so make your vote count. I don't need to list any sources. The original post and as you read shows how I interpret Obama's message and that message is not a good one. I see it but everyone does not which confuses me because looking at Obama's past and who he is associated with in addition to what his ideas are makes this decision easy for me. So before you go push the button next to Senator Barack Obama (Democrat-Illinois) you should know what your voting for rather than who! John McCain is the better candidate.

McCain is more realistic to me and he knows what to do to clean up Bush's mess. Obama is an optomistic elitist who does not have the experience needed to understand what really works and what doesn't.
ratrad Wrote:
kaboobie92 Wrote:so can any liberal in this forum tell me how your economic policies work? For some reason I have a hard time understanding the concept.... probabally because it is idiotic

So can any liberal conservative tell me how your economic policies work? For some reason I have a hard time understanding the concept.... probably because it is idiotic.

See? Both ways.

The difference is that i can actually explain it, and it makes sense.. Why dont you give it a try?
kaboobie92 Wrote:
ratrad Wrote:So can any liberal conservative tell me how your economic policies work? For some reason I have a hard time understanding the concept.... probably because it is idiotic.

See? Both ways.

The difference is that i can actually explain it, and it makes sense.. Why dont you give it a try?

It makes sense to you, you need to understand that people have different values and priorities.

Anyway, I'm not exactly sure what you are looking for as far as "how the economic policy works", so if you could explain the conservative side, I will respond with what I feel you are looking for (not going to match the "liberal" or "democrat" view since I don't completely agree with all of them).
internkylebusch Wrote:For those of you worried about the credibility here. Just do some research. If you actually care about your vote you will do that. This is the only time where you have your say, so make your vote count. I don't need to list any sources. The original post and as you read shows how I interpret Obama's message and that message is not a good one. I see it but everyone does not which confuses me because looking at Obama's past and who he is associated with in addition to what his ideas are makes this decision easy for me. So before you go push the button next to Senator Barack Obama (Democrat-Illinois) you should know what your voting for rather than who! John McCain is the better candidate.

McCain is more realistic to me and he knows what to do to clean up Bush's mess. Obama is an optomistic elitist who does not have the experience needed to understand what really works and what doesn't.

I hear a lot of opinion in here, but no real evidence. I can almost guarantee that I have done more research than you, just based on your posts (i.e. Don't vote for Obama, because his name sounds like our enemy). To tell you the truth, I am not a big Obama fan, but I will take him over McCain.

The reason you don't want to give your sources of research is because you know they are biased........and probably named Rush or Bill or Sean.
ratrad Wrote:
kaboobie92 Wrote:The difference is that i can actually explain it, and it makes sense.. Why dont you give it a try?

It makes sense to you, you need to understand that people have different values and priorities.

Anyway, I'm not exactly sure what you are looking for as far as "how the economic policy works", so if you could explain the conservative side, I will respond with what I feel you are looking for (not going to match the "liberal" or "democrat" view since I don't completely agree with all of them).

By economic policies i mostly mean taxation.. How do you expect to stimulate the economy by raising taxes? It dosent matter if you raise taxes for the rich or for the poor, when you raise them people spend less money. When people spend less money, it hurts industry causing people to loose jobs, hence our current economic status. Us conservatives believe in tax cuts, because the less people give to the government the more they have to spend. When they spend more, they buy more products- making companies busier, hiring more people etc. I dont understand how liberals can justify tax raises? its just plain stupid. The only way we can get our economy back is to lower the taxes and eff-face obama wont do that.
Ok, but can you tell me how that has worked out in the past 8 years?
Hopefully be able to log on again later and throw my opinion out there in full. My boss is lurking.
ratrad Wrote:Hopefully be able to log on again later and throw my opinion out there in full. My boss is lurking.

Shhh, you didnt see me here. Here is an interesting article.

Comparing Obama and McCain on Taxes

Posted by Steve Benen, The Carpetbagger Report at 3:55 PM on June 12, 2008.

Media efforts to minimize the differences notwithstanding, Barack Obama and John McCain couldn
first of all, Obama has gone back and forth on more issues than i could count on my hands. He is saying things just to get a vote. There have been so many instances where he has lied to the people that it is scary. But of course since most of our media is liberally biased, none of these stories make it to people. For instance, at one of Obama's speeches, he tried to sympathize with World War II vets by telling a story about how his grandfather was an American soldier and helped free the jews from Auschwitcz. The funny thing is that no American troops even entered Auschwitcz, and Obama's Grandfather wasnt in the military. I'd rather not have a lying scumbag running our country. And I know i'm obviously a hardcore conservative but I am willing to Admit that Bush is a horrible president. But McCain is not Bush, and people need to understand that. And as for your bit about the 8 years of tax cuts? Who controls congress right now.. oh thats right, Liberals. So thank your congressmen. Take an economics class and you'll learn about supply and demand. Think hard about it and the conservative theory of cutting taxes might make more sense for you
kaboobie92 Wrote:first of all, Obama has gone back and forth on more issues than i could count on my hands. He is saying things just to get a vote. There have been so many instances where he has lied to the people that it is scary. But of course since most of our media is liberally biased, none of these stories make it to people. For instance, at one of Obama's speeches, he tried to sympathize with World War II vets by telling a story about how his grandfather was an American soldier and helped free the jews from Auschwitcz. The funny thing is that no American troops even entered Auschwitcz, and Obama's Grandfather wasnt in the military. I'd rather not have a lying scumbag running our country. And I know i'm obviously a hardcore conservative but I am willing to Admit that Bush is a horrible president. But McCain is not Bush, and people need to understand that. And as for your bit about the 8 years of tax cuts? Who controls congress right now.. oh thats right, Liberals. So thank your congressmen. Take an economics class and you'll learn about supply and demand. Think hard about it and the conservative theory of cutting taxes might make more sense for you

You want to talk about flip flopping, you should look at McCain's stances when he was running against Bush in 2004(?). I have had econ classes and I read incessantly about politics. I used to be a republican (I even voted for Bush the first time) until I decided to investigate for myself.

I have thought hard about your ideological stance of supply and demand and trickle down economics. They do not fit my value system and they do not contribute to the overall good.

I'm sorry, I believe something different than you. With everything that I have investigated, I have come to my conclusion. I believe in the greater good first, instead of myself first. That is the way it goes. I will not change your mind and you won't change mine.

Now, I've gotten into enough trouble for one day. Good day, sir.

PS Are you willing to compare education levels. Not that I feel it matters, but I take offense to someone telling me to "take a class".
im not trying to attack you personally. I'm just trying to get to the depth of your thought process because you come off as being intelligent, and I honestly cannot see how people can vote liberal, but that is my opinion. And I'd love to compare education levels once i've graduated, but since i'm still a student that dosent really apply. Not to say you in particular, but being in college, I've found that most students are voting for Obama because of his "change" and literally none of them know what that change is. If you are going to vote for someone at least know what they are about. If you have differing opinions good for you, but at least vote with some knowledge. I'm afraid that too many people are going to vote this election without knowing who or what they are voting for.
kaboobie92 Wrote:im not trying to attack you personally. I'm just trying to get to the depth of your thought process because you come off as being intelligent, and I honestly cannot see how people can vote liberal, but that is my opinion. And I'd love to compare education levels once i've graduated, but since i'm still a student that dosent really apply. Not to say you in particular, but being in college, I've found that most students are voting for Obama because of his "change" and literally none of them know what that change is. If you are going to vote for someone at least know what they are about. If you have differing opinions good for you, but at least vote with some knowledge. I'm afraid that too many people are going to vote this election without knowing who or what they are voting for.

Absolutely. Way too many people vote for the wrong reasons. I can tell you where I stand on most issues. To save the time and trouble (which I'm already in), I can tell you that I am very liberal and am very knowledgeable. Funny how so many people feel that liberals are unintelligent, but the vast majority of people with a PhD level education are ultra liberal and they are viewed as the most highly educated people in our country and history.

PS-I am not attacking your education either. You just need to realize that people value different things and that usually will determine who they support. It doesn't always make them stupid, just different. If everyone thought the same, there would be no Free Beer and Hotwings.
kaboobie, any reaction to the article ratrad posted? You were absolutely clear before in your stance that Obama plans to raise taxes, but according to that article, he will actually lower taxes for the middle class and redistribute it to the lower class, whereas McCain plans to redistribute his (lesser) tax cuts for the middle class to the richest 0.1%.

Any comment on that? I thought it was a bit funny how you dropped the issue entirely and launched into something Obama may or may not've said in a speech.
Fistor Wrote:kaboobie, any reaction to the article ratrad posted? You were absolutely clear before in your stance that Obama plans to raise taxes, but according to that article, he will actually lower taxes for the middle class and redistribute it to the lower class, whereas McCain plans to redistribute his (lesser) tax cuts for the middle class to the richest 0.1%.

Any comment on that? I thought it was a bit funny how you dropped the issue entirely and launched into something Obama may or may not've said in a speech.

Most people don't realize you need to be at least a millionaire (maybe even more) for the Republican economy to benefit them.

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