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McCain in 08! Obama Supporters Need Reality Check
For those of you worried about the credibility here. Just do some research. If you actually care about your vote you will do that. This is the only time where you have your say, so make your vote count. I don't need to list any sources. The original post and as you read shows how I interpret Obama's message and that message is not a good one. I see it but everyone does not which confuses me because looking at Obama's past and who he is associated with in addition to what his ideas are makes this decision easy for me. So before you go push the button next to Senator Barack Obama (Democrat-Illinois) you should know what your voting for rather than who! John McCain is the better candidate.

McCain is more realistic to me and he knows what to do to clean up Bush's mess. Obama is an optomistic elitist who does not have the experience needed to understand what really works and what doesn't.

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