07-03-2008, 01:18 PM
kaboobie92 Wrote:first of all, Obama has gone back and forth on more issues than i could count on my hands. He is saying things just to get a vote. There have been so many instances where he has lied to the people that it is scary. But of course since most of our media is liberally biased, none of these stories make it to people. For instance, at one of Obama's speeches, he tried to sympathize with World War II vets by telling a story about how his grandfather was an American soldier and helped free the jews from Auschwitcz. The funny thing is that no American troops even entered Auschwitcz, and Obama's Grandfather wasnt in the military. I'd rather not have a lying scumbag running our country. And I know i'm obviously a hardcore conservative but I am willing to Admit that Bush is a horrible president. But McCain is not Bush, and people need to understand that. And as for your bit about the 8 years of tax cuts? Who controls congress right now.. oh thats right, Liberals. So thank your congressmen. Take an economics class and you'll learn about supply and demand. Think hard about it and the conservative theory of cutting taxes might make more sense for you
You want to talk about flip flopping, you should look at McCain's stances when he was running against Bush in 2004(?). I have had econ classes and I read incessantly about politics. I used to be a republican (I even voted for Bush the first time) until I decided to investigate for myself.
I have thought hard about your ideological stance of supply and demand and trickle down economics. They do not fit my value system and they do not contribute to the overall good.
I'm sorry, I believe something different than you. With everything that I have investigated, I have come to my conclusion. I believe in the greater good first, instead of myself first. That is the way it goes. I will not change your mind and you won't change mine.
Now, I've gotten into enough trouble for one day. Good day, sir.
PS Are you willing to compare education levels. Not that I feel it matters, but I take offense to someone telling me to "take a class".