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Road Rage
Ok, not quite as bad, but just earlier I had 2 cases where I really wish they would revoke liscenses on the basis of stupidity...

While driving home from work, going 60 in the right lane (someone just behind me in the left) an elderly couple decided to utilize the "michigan turn"...fine if they were turning at the upcoming light...but they weren't, and they cut directly in front of me while traveling about 40....after slamming on my brakes to avoid hitting them, I moved into the other lane at the first chance and passed them (I actually said effing something....NOT happy). Continued my drive, through white-out condition rain on the highway (SUCKS!) I was nearly home, turning onto my street, only to have to slam on my brakes once again to avoid t-boning a car pulling out from a business parking lot.....IDIOTS!!!!!!! AHHHH!!!
Do what's right....even when no one is looking.

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