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Zeeland, Hudsonville
potthole Wrote:
drdirtybandage Wrote:I think Jenison was chill compared to Hudsonville. When I moved out to Michigan from the Air Force, my wife showed me the 13 churches that range from chicago drive all the way up Baldwin ave. Anyways, I remember having people over constantly at our apt. in Jenison and people had no problems....Hudsonville was a different story....weird...just pass the baseball fields, the neighborhood was different on the hudsonville side......

You had issues on that side of Hudsonville? I grew up on that side of town, and never had people give me crap for doing stuff on a Sunday. As for my friends who lived down on the southern side of the city...

Oh, I wouldn't call it issues but man it was insanely quiet around in Arbor Heights. The only thing that probably caused a bigger ruckus over the weekend was watching the soccer games in my backyard every saturday morning. After that, dead silence except when I had people over to play cards...

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