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Should Immigrants Learn English ?
jus' P Wrote:
38DoubleDelicious Wrote:I do by choice speak English. I used my horrible horrible Spanish when I went to Mexico for spring break one year. When I was in college I worked part time at Walmart as a cashier, you wouldn't believe the Mexicans that came through there with food stamps and such. I remember cashing their payroll checks from the chicken plant we have up here, $400.00 and week and $600.00 worth of food stamps. Neither one had the same name on it, when questioned my manager told me just to cash it, cause it was just easier than trying to question them about it.

While I'm on the rant, am I the only one who notices the Mexican kids (even babies no more than 2 or 3) running wild unsupervised in Walmart and such? Are they not afraid of their children being abducted?

They F-in live there on Saturdays!!!! I won't go to ours on Sat for anything!!!(except to fight)

I know our economy depends upon their labor(thanks 6th generation lazy white trash), but at least be legal and pay your own way!

Hey Earl, whatchoo doon ?

Nuttin much, you?

Yeah nuttin.

Wanna go ta Wal Mart and fight ?


I hope you had as much fun reading that as I did writing it.
Wowie Groovie !

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