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Should Immigrants Learn English ?
hotsauce Wrote:It must be a real slap in the face of all the people that come here through the legal and right way to become citizens of our great nation. They are proud to be called Americans and worked hard to learn our language. I have an Aunt who is from France. She came here after World War II. Don't call her French... She is an American and extremely proud to be an American. I understand if you are proud of your heritage, but you came here for some reason. We are melting pot, you are supposed to become a part of us. We are not supposed to become like you. If you want people like you, then stay in your own country Don't come here and try to make us like you. I'm an American and I am DAMN PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN. If you you don't want to speak English. GO HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ik ben een Nederlandse Amerikaan. Ik geloof niet dat een smeltende pot is zodat iedereen meer kan worden zoals u hoewel. Mijn begrip van een smeltende pot is dat alles in de smeltende potveranderingen en ik hoop dat wij kunnen iedereen iets van eachother leren en iedereen verandert voor het betere. Ik weet niet waar uw voorouders imigrated van, maar ik kan niet helpen, maar kan me verwonderen over indien de eerste generatie in de USA Engels sprak.

I am a Dutch American. I don't believe that a melting pot is so that everyone can become more like you though. My understanding of a melting pot is that everything in the melting pot changes and I hope that we can all learn something from eachother and all change for the better. I don't know where your ancestors imigrated from but I can't help but wonder if the first generation in the USA spoke English.

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