07-09-2008, 09:15 PM
dagwood Wrote:Best Of run sheet for 7/9/08...
5am... Funny Complaint Calls
Joe & The Cow part 1
Joe & The Cow part 2
6am... Milton w/ Larry Holmes
1st Ever 15 second Fight
FB...Son on and so forth...
7am... World's Fastest Clapper
Yo Gabba Gabba
8am... KB w/ Eli Gold
Frank Small Talk Swears
Zane vs. Shaq
9am... Joe's "Talk to the Tape"
The Joe Theisman Debacle
Zane's Wife & Anatomy
got the list for the 10th? i'll be up at 5 to hear all of it so if you can get it dagwood i'll be here or at yahoo where i was talkin to ya about the 'funny names phoned'