07-11-2008, 08:08 AM
Titan ! Wrote:Let me add to my initial post by saying that I truly do believe America, is and should always be the land of opportunity, if you chose to go through the proper legal process of becoming an American citizen, then good for you, welcome.
If you come here illegally, you deserve a one way bus trip back across whatever border you hopped. If you come back illegally a 2nd time, well then you obviously didn't learn your lesson the first time, and perhaps you need a harsher punishment?
How about this ? Amnesty for all illegal immigrants, if they agree to get sterilized ?
I can't totally agree with that one but I think you are on to something. How about if you choose to be on welfare you have to be sterilized? Or everyone has to have a sterilization that can be reversed if they can pass a basic intelligence test?