07-11-2008, 12:42 PM
kaboobie92 Wrote:Fistor Wrote:bump.
Whether or not Obama will raise or lower taxes, no one will know unless he is elected. He has flip-flopped on so many issues so many times that nobody knows that his stances are anymore. And why tax the rich so much? They work just as hard for their money, and a lot work harder. So you are saying that since my dad is a business owner and works hard, that because he makes over 200k means he should be taxed more than an average person that makes 50k a year? I can see a slight difference, but Obama wants to make a huge tax burden on the rich, and a huge tax cut to the poor. That is not going to help the economy, only redistribute the wealth. We need tax cuts across the board, not just to the rich and middle class. Its not fair to people that work their asses off to take all the money from them and give it to the poor.
Obama plans on taking all the money from the rich and give it to the poor? Really? Please provide a link. I would think he wouldn't get any campaign support whatsoever from rich people if this is the case.
Also show me where this "huge tax burden on the rich" is, in his economic plan.