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McCain in 08! Obama Supporters Need Reality Check
kaboobie92 Wrote:$40 Billion? uh yes. Last time I checked that is a large sum of money, but what do I know anyways.

Did I say that wasn't a large sum of money? I asked what the percentages are. And, by the way, $40 billion is a drop in the bucket compared to a multi-trilllion dollar debt.

kaboobie92 Wrote:I've compared the taxes my dad pays to the taxes of some of my friends' parents and it is a lot higher.

Yeah, how about some actual stats, instead of comparing your dad's tax return to your friend's dads?

kaboobie92 Wrote:And even the playing field? Its not fair to put heavier taxes on the rich because they make more.

The rich should feel the same tax burden we all feel. They should not be priveleged. They should pay the same percentage we all pay. That's evening the playing field. McCain's plan is to make sure the rich get tax cuts while the rest of us pay more. THAT is not fair.

kaboobie92 Wrote:I can see if it is an even percentage of your income across the board,

Yes, this is what I'd saying. Do the rich currently pay the same percentage as the middle class? The answer is no. They enjoy a nice juicy tax break courtesy of George Dubya Bush.

kaboobie92 Wrote:I can see if it is an even percentage of your income across the board, but when Obama wants a higher percentage for the rich, and lower for each class that is wrong. This is SOCIALISM.

Really? What is it called when the rich get tax breaks, and the rest bear the brunt? Oligarchy? Because that's what we have now. You have no idea if Obama's plan is to make the percentages of tax even across the board (thereby raising taxes for the rich, who are paying little now) or not, you just assume he's trying to screw over a certain class of people. Most likely because that's what Rush told you to believe.

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