07-11-2008, 01:42 PM
kaboobie92 Wrote:And you shouldnt smack talk rush, b/c he is alot smarter than you think he is.
That's what I thought.
Remember, things are never black and white, like radio talk show hosts would have you believe.
As for the rest, there's no use discussing this further. I ask for statistics regarding income tax onthe rich and you think I'm asking you to post your fathers W2. You are refusing to hear me at this point. It's obvious to me that you come from a privileged family, are enjoying that privilege, and are a Rush listener. You don't want government to take money away from your family, and bristle at a candidate who suggests he might.
For me, even if Obama plans to unfairly overtax the rich, which he's not, I still wouldn't consider that a reason to not vote for him.