07-13-2008, 01:11 PM
Peachs Wrote:Titan ! Wrote:Brother I can barely keep track of my own posts. There aint no way in hell that I can keep track of newbies. F that. In fact... Smite away, if smiting scares new MALE users off, then good riddance ! Just like in 300 when the weak and feble were thrown over the cliff. Just be nice to the new ladies.
And... that is 900 posts bitches ! Woo and Hoo.
yeah, I agree with you for once.. lol I've got so much crazy going on here I can barely keep track of myself.. There's no way I'll be able to keep track of when other ppl join up lol
C'mon, you agreed with me when I said that you were pretty, and had fire in your soul right ?
Wowie Groovie !