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If your life was a movie...
Fistor Wrote:Seriously, I think that's a bit effed up.

i'm kind of taking offense. she's a regular little girl: plays with dolls, likes the beach, likes being center of attention, squeezes the cat's tail no matter how many times you tell her not to, and likes kids movies just as much as adult ones.
i don't want to turn it into another way off topic argument, but you can at least see why i want to defend them, right? after comments like that?

Fistor Wrote:Also, a 5 year old that knows from "hotness"? What the eff?

she used the word "cute." i turned it into "hot" to bloat my own head. quotes are used for a reason.

Titan ! Wrote:Kid's these days, they grow up fast and hard.

tell me about it. she starts kindergarten in august. i hardly ever get to see them, but she's always changed whenever i do. kinda sad, i wish i got to hang with them more.

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