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Addiction is not a disease
ratrad Wrote:
providencecrow Wrote:You're forgetting the main point Titan. If you label your addiction of choice as a disease, you no longer are responsible for it and have free range to drink as much as you possibly want, because you cant help it.

I'm very addicted to nicotine, but i don't consider it a disease. If i wanted to stop smoking, i guarantee i could and would. I am not saying it wouldn't suck and be difficult, but it is my responsibility for what i'm doing to my lungs, and its my responsibility to stop whenever i choose to (probably soon though because as much as i enjoy smoking, i have abused my lungs plenty long at this point).

Wait nevermind, i have a disease, so i dont have to worry about it, ill just keep smoking until they come out with a prescription drug i can take to cure myself!

Exactly. That South Park episode was one of the most enlightening things I've seen on the subject.

PS I'm Psychology grad student and there seems to be a turning around on the belief that alcoholism is a disease. Disorder? Yes! Disease? No.

Speaking of...Is it Happy Hour yet???

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