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atheist how many here ?
kaboobie92 Wrote:
toddlerfondler Wrote:A true Christian leader would never take up arms agianst another man.

If this is true, then why would GOD have commanded the Israelites into violence in the Old Testament? I realize that they weren't "christians" but they followed the word of GOD, and if anything were more strict because the great sacrifice had not been made yet. To say that any violence is un-Christian is wrong. Sometimes its necessary, although I do agree that it should only be used when necessary and that the US has become to much of a "world police". Although I am a die hard conservative, I believe that America should keep its nose out of other people's problems and worry about our own country before venturing out into the world. However, in a case like Afghanistan (And you could argue for Iraq), we are protecting our nation, and staying on the offensive to prevent the terrorists from being able to regroup and cause harm on our nation again. But going back to Christianity, you can't dismiss all the events in the Old Testament because they happened before the Crucifixtion (sp?). There are things that changed afterward (i.e. no more sacrifices etc.) but I think we can learn alot from the Old Testament and apply it to how we live now.

There must be some example in the New Testament to support your argument. The only that I can think of is Jesus overturning the tables and what not in the temple. Can you apply that example to your argument or find some other New Testament support? I know there is an endless amount of support in the Old Testament.

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