07-22-2008, 11:46 AM
Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:jus' P Wrote:Isn't it funny how it's always the other person(s) fault? I know everybody around here ALWAYS ride their bike's at a safe speed...... Yes, I have had a few accidents, always avoided hitting somebody else though. Almost ate a SUV this morning.
if i'm doing 30 in a 35 and a woman in a car pulls out in front of me and another car heading my directions...i guess it could be my fault...maybe i shouldn't have been riding there
Just messin' dude. With gas what it is there are more bikes than I can remember on the road. People can't drive in general. Me and the Queen drive 40 miles one way every day, mostly inner city. I can't imagine trying to do it on a bike.