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McCain in 08! Obama Supporters Need Reality Check
kaboobie92 Wrote:
providencecrow Wrote:Name the last republican president we had that shrunk the government?

Don't worry, i'll wait.

Name the last republican president that made the government larger? And name a democratic president that hasn't enlargened it.

My point is that it doesn't matter, if you want smaller government you CANNOT vote either republican OR democrat. They both want large government.

Name the last republican president that made the government larger: George W. Bush.

Name the last republican president that made the government larger that isnt still currently in office: George H.W. Bush

Name the last republican president that made the government larger that isnt a Bush?: Ronald Reagan

Admin Wrote:And for the record, technically Reagan didn't willingly grow the government but did so to appease the Democratic controlled Congress so that his tax cuts would go through.

No matter what the reason is, he still did it. Personally I would rather forget a tax cut and have our government substantially shrunk, at my own expense mind you. Once we have made all the cutbacks we need, then naturally taxes can be lowered because we need to spend less. Logic is great isnt it?

speedbump Wrote:Bill Clinton left office with the highest approval rating of any president since World War II, of 65%. Why were people so happy with such an awful president?

2 reasons in my opinion: the first is that hes terribly charismatic, and you can't take that away from the guy. The second would be he is basically the best of the totally garbage bunch that have been running this country. To make an analogy: Charles Manson was no Hitler.

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