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Nickname suggestions for Intern Alex
Zane and Hotwings don't have lisps!!! If you listen to anybody, they are all going to sound like the have a lisp you stupid idiot. That's what happens when you say the letter "S"!

Number one, I'm entitled to voice my observations here as long as I do not break the rules of the forum, which I have not.
Number two, if you listen to Free Beer and Joe, they DO NOT "slightly" lisp their S's but Hot Wings and Zane DO. Usually it's barely noticable, but sometimes it very much is. I never knocked them for it, just stating that I can hear it on occasion.
Number three, just because you're an "Intern" doesn't make you
King Shit of Turd Mountain and give you the right to call anybody a "stupid idiot" when all I was doing was making a comment. Watch your mouth. I did not mean it offensively when I made that statement and I hope most of you who read my post realizes that.
Grow a coupla layers of skin there, buddy. Yer much too thin.

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