07-28-2008, 10:59 AM
Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:I love playing it all . . . well, except bass. On guitar I play Expert on most songs (but I really suck ass at the solo sections), when singing I usually play on Hard or Expert, and drumming it just really depends on the song - on some songs I'm scared to go past Medium if there's too much bass pedal action, but then on other songs I can play Expert (Black Hole Sun, Dani California, and Can't Let Go are my most favorite songs to drum to!)toki Wrote:Yes - LOVE IT!!! It the best video game out there. I love Guitar Hero as well, but nothing is more fun than getting a group of people together and playing in band mode.
What console do you guys plan on? I play on Xbox 360. Do you guys ever download additional content? That's the best part - I love getting new songs!
I'm actually in 2 bands, both on 360...my console is Kathleen Turner Overdrive and my buddies counsole houses 'the Teabags'
my buddy has downloaded a bunch of songs but i dont have highspeed nor a live account. My bud tryed to bring his hd over and the songs didn't work off live....it sucked...we couldn't play the downloaded content...i wish they would release them to a disk like the maps in halo2...sell them in bundles just like a real cd and sell them or $10 or something...that would make me really happy.
you sing, guitar or drum? I can play med on all and hard on some drums and some guitar... i'm usually the singer or drummer
My husband . . . who is a drummer . . . always plays bass or sings. He can't stand playing the little fake drum kit! I, however, love it!
Great band names, btw. I hope to get an Xbox Live Gold account this week so I can play online with other people!