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Who will be President?
You can come up with negative anecdotes about any health care system. That movie SiCKO is full of them. What about the guy who had to choose which finger to save because he couldn't afford the $30,000 it would have cost to save both? What about the woman who's husband died while fighting her insurance company because they didn't want to pay for the treatment he needed? What about the insurance companies who pay their claims people bonuses for denying coverage?

So you're either waiting to see a free doctor or you're waiting for your insurance company to find excuses to deny the coverage it agreed to give you. Neither system sounds all that great to me.

Statistically, Universal healthcare does work. If it didn't work, why does every industrialized nation except us do it? Why is it as non-controversial as the post office? The fact is, we have the money to do it. We just spend it all on the millitary so we can go kill brown people across the world.

The military is one of the most bloated, wasteful government budget expenditures there is. The money we pour into our army doesn't go to troops, it doesn't go to equipment, no it goes to pay overpriced contractor mercenaries like Blackwater. These contractors represent the United States but have absolutely no oversight and no regulation. The vast majority of those atrocities being committed in Iraq are being done by Blackwater and people like them. ANY private army in the United States is unacceptable. Corporate armies fight for corporate interests, not the people. Their loyalty is not to country, but the dollar. Blackwater has repeatedly attacked US soldiers in Iraq. They should have been classified as enemy combatants and thrown into Guantanamo months ago. But old Eric Prince is in big with the Republicans, so justice isn't done.

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