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Who will be President?
Admin Wrote:You don't want me for President. I'd do things that go against the common will of politicians such as:

Build all the prisons and jails along the Mexican and Canadian Borders to keep immigration in line.

I'd create Social Security accounts where the money is invested at the investor's will rather than being rifled through for politician's pet projects.

I'd scrap the current tax code and enact the Fair Tax.

I'd also eliminate the lifers on the government teat. You get welfare for 6 months. After that work or don't eat.

Lifetime benefits for one term politicians would go the way of the dinosaurs.

NPR and PBS can find their own monetary support.

That's right, finding a job is always SOOOO easy. People that don't have jobs, well, they're just lazy and don't want to work.


Unemployment in Michigan runs out after six months. I actually was unemployed for six months at one time. Tried and tried to find a job, any job, but it didn't happen. All the jobs out there I was either underqualified or overqualified for. Unemployment ran out and thankfully I got called back from my lay-off.

Contrary to the belief of you poor-hating conservative jackholes, being on unemployment is NOT fun. It SUCKS, and it's even worse when day in and day out you come home without a job, worrying how the rent is going to be paid and how food is going to be on the table. I don't think very many people on welfare will tell you they LIKE being on welfare and really don't want to work.

The problem is when you have 3,000 $15-$18/hr jobs sent to Mexico replaced with a few hundred $5-$8/hr jobs, there's going to be a deficit. No one is going to work for less than what they're making on unemployment, and even if they didn't have unemployment, $8 an hour is not enough to feed and raise a family, especially not when you're used to double that.

I am seriously getting sick and tired of this Effing Republican fairy tale that it's EASY to get a job in this country, that it's EASY to make money. NO IT EffING ISN'T.

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