07-29-2008, 07:13 AM
Peachs Wrote:first off, you sir, are a flippin idiot. Just how many friends do you have, really...
Do you know any soldiers? Have you talked to any that are in Iraq or have been in Iraq? Do you know what really goes on over there??
Do you even know why we went into Iraq in the first place?? Do you have any idea what Bushs' motives entailed?
We went into Iraq because we THOUGHT we were in imminent danger due to the presence of WMD's. Now, even though there were none, that was the underlying reason. If we didn't act first and investigate after, with WMD threats, the earth would most likely be in a state of obliteration already.
I understand that the "shoot first, ask questions later" stance isn't the best stance to take, but honestly, wouldn't you rather be safe than dead?
The reason we stayed in Iraq was largely due to the fact that President Bush wanted to undermine Saddam's abilities to acquire the means to wage war against the U.S. This would include the opportunity to harbor and support Al-Qaeda forces. Who, as we all know, were behind the 9/11 attacks. Are you going to say that soldiers aren't protecting us by looking for Osama, that we're in Afghainistan for no reason as well?
seriously, I could argue this subject forever, having been enlisted and active duty, I believe that any soldier even the ones pushing paper behind desks, are indeed defending our country.
"Safety" is an illusion. It is a justification for the systematic removal of our freedoms. Our founding fathers understood that, which is why Ben Franklin said "those who would sacrifice essential liberty for a little temporary safety will get neither."
The government cannot make us safe, soldiers cannot make us safe. That is the risk that freedom brings. If you can't deal with it, move somewhere else. You ask would I rather be safe than dead. Even though I can never truly be "safe," the "safety" you're talking about comes at a price: my liberty, and I think I can answer that with the words of Patrick Henry: "Give me liberty or give me death."
"Americans used to roar like lions for liberty; now we bleat like sheep for security."