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U.S. Soliders Do Not (Always) Protect Our Freedom
kaboobie92 Wrote:It isn't. That is what i just said! We acted irrationally out of 9/11. We are in Iraq now, and we need to get the job done. If we pull out, it will cause massive instability in the middle-east. We got ourselves into this mess, and we need to fix it. The war in Iraq is keeping us safe here I believe though. If we wouldn't have acted out against 9/11 what would stop them from doing it again?

The problem I have with those we say we need to "finish the job" is that no one ever can explain HOW this can be accomplished. All I ever get are some vague references to "helping the Iraqi government become more independent." I could really get behind this if someone could tell me SPECIFICALLY what tasks need to be accomplished.

This started out as a $50 billion, 2 month war. I'm sure when Bush, Jr. talked about Iraq, many of us envisioned the quick, efficient, and cheap campaign his father waged back in 1990. Occupation is a different animal though, and even Dick Cheney said it would be a disaster in the mid 1990's. Occupations are never clean and they're never cheap.

As evil as Saddam was, he brought unprecedented order to an otherwise chaotic region. Obviously, the order he imposed on his people was repressive, but now the Iraqis don't even have a functioning society. I feel it's our responsibility to fix the mess we made and give these people their lives back. There would be more support I think if the operation wasn't so horribly mis-managed and corrupted by the people in charge.

If you look at Bush's track-record, he's not competent to be in charge of anything other than a baseball team. Every oil company his father gave him he drove into the ground.

As far as acting out in regards to 9/11, we did. We appropriately ousted the Taliban in Afghanistan for harboring the man responsible for attacking us. Then, before the job was done in Afghanistan, the focus was suddenly shifted to Iraq. Hussein was found within months, but today, almost 7 years after the 9/11 tragedy, the man responsible still roams free. There was no controversy with Afghanistan, we were completely justified there.

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