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Irritated Vent...
kaboobie92 Wrote:
dasbow Wrote:It's the same principle. Healthcare, Microsoft, Higher Education. You name it, if the government gets involved in it, costs are going up. And you have to start playing the political game - lobbyists, donations, public relations, politicians on the board. All to protect your interests, and try to make sure regulations don't doom your business.

exactly. And wienerpoopie, if you like Canada so much why don't u move there?

I know you were joking, but if you don't like our current system or where it is going, you are free to leave as well. I love my country, not so much the people or the policies that run it. Therefore, I find it my mission to make the country better, by looking for the best solution for the whole country and not just what is best for me. I don't like to see the poor struggle or the uninsured to go with out health care.

While I don't necessarily need universal health care myself, I will gladly pay (pretty close to the same amount I'm paying for insurance now) to help others. I don't have health issues, but I am still throwing my money away on insurance I don't use, so why not benefit others instead of just making people rich for a service I am not using.

For your info, I am a poor graduate student. I am working two jobs so don't tell me that I should "find a job if I'm so poor", because I have two.

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