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the best & worst of where you live
wienerpoopie Wrote:
Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:Van Buren county

Best: We grow all sorts of fruits, vegis, animals ext. I can get farm fresh food without driving more than 30 miles

Worst: I have to drive 40 miles of interstate to get to a grocery store

Is food all you consider about were you live?

Van Buren County Good: Rural, mostly friendly people, between Chicago and Detroit, also between Lake Michigan and Kalamazoo.

Van Buren County Bad: Rural means a lot of driving to get to stores and other necessities.



Bad: minimal 30min commute to strip club (unless you feel like seeing meth boobs)
"Golf requires goofy pants and a fat ass. You should talk to my neighbor the accountant. Probably a great golfer. Huge ass!"

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