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Female Infidelity
I am definitely with you on this one Allyson!! I don't even look at other men . . except in movies. But I seriously love my husband and will always be faithful. I have even been in a really bad relationship and never cheated. I've been cheated on and I can tell you first hand that when I caught them, it was the worst feeling I have ever had. I would NEVER do that to anybody and if you have any inkling of a heart, you wouldn't either. But I didn't let it keep me down and I don't think that all men are cheaters either. I think that most people that cheat on their spouses don't have any self-esteem . . . or morals . . . or self-respect . . . or character . . . and they shouldn't be allowed to exist. If you want to be with someone else, have the balls to tell who you are with before you go out and eff around.
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!

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