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the best & worst of where you live
jus' P Wrote:
flyersfantn Wrote:I'm not from here, just living here temporarily, so I dont consider myself a "southern" person. and to say everyone is either half this or the other half is that was just an exaggeration on my part to make a point. The whole "southern-hospitality" thing is a myth. its no different than anywhere else. but I have run into some REALLY effin stupid people down here. so much so that its been really suprising to me.

I am a transplant myself, but have lived in the Nash area for the last 18 years. There still is some southern hospitality, but it's not in Nashville. Metro is full of immigrants( both legal and illegal), white trash and gansta wannabees. Brentwood and the other Hills are mostly white collars from OTHER states. The rich white Nashvillian's are elitest and stick to themselves ( good 'ol boys' club).... and I'm not a member....

agreed. Parts of nashville have gone right down the shitter. gangs are starting to branch out to m-boro (another s-hole) and even Franklin (a relatively nice place).

also, thats a good point that I've run into as well. If you arent from here, you arent part of the group. not that I mind really. Nashville's a decent city and all but I'll be glad when I leave here and head back up to southeastern PA.

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