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The Lefty's could be moving to Bob & Tom
Mad Dog Wrote:It's ok, It makes me happy. No matter what you say Saddam's still gone forever, just like this fat ass sitting on death row will be if they ever get around to off-ing him. Besides I would think that you have a lesser opinion of Hot Wings because of Todays rant. After all Red Beard IS a human being!

Why would I be pissed because of his rant? I thought it was one of his better ones, actually. I agreed with every word.

Oh wait, I'm against the war, so I must be a tree-hugging lefty liberal. I keep forgetting that.

That must be what you're trying to do here, with this horrible attempt at a comparison. Labeling people. I understand that in your mind, there is no gray area, but believe it or not, some people actually do possess the ability to ascribe to stuff that "righties" believe in and some stuff that "lefties" believe in at the same time. I know, weird right? I guess you would call those people "free thinkers". People who don't fit the mold that guys like Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh try so hard to create every day. I'll stop now, because I'm pretty sure that's a difficult concept for you to wrap your head around.

Funny though, I got called a Bushbot and a lefty in the same day.

I'm also happy that Saddam is dead. What I'm unhappy about is the 4,000+ Americans who've died over there. Who cares, though, right? Saddam was a big meany who thumbed his nose at us.

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